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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Six


Употребление местоимения any и no

в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях














not any, no





There are


Are there any

There are not any

books on the table.

books on the table?

books on the table.

На столе


Есть ли на столе

There are no books

несколько книг.

какие нибудь

on the table.




На столе нет (ни




каких) книг.





2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. There is not any bread on the plate. 2. There are not any children in the garden. 3. There is not any factory in this street. 4. Is there any monument in your city? 5. Is there any clean water in the cup? 6. There is not any dog in the garden. 7. I haven’t got any pen.

3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:

1. There is some water here. 2. There are some high blocks in the street. 3. There are some new words in the text. 4. There are some comfortable flats in this block. 5. I have got some white bread.

Обратите внимание на сокращенные формы с оборотом there is/are:

There’s a tree in front of the house. There isn’t a monument in that street. There’s no chalk here.

There aren’t any trees in front of the house. Aren’t there any apple trees in front of the house?

Вводный курс


4. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу:

T.: Have you got any English books at home?

St.: Yes, I have got some English books at home. (Yes, I’ve got some.) No, I haven’t got any English books at home. (No, I haven’t got any.)

1. Are there any buses in the street now? 2. Are there any trees in front of your house? 3. Are there any students in this classroom? 4. Are there any shops in this street? 5. Is there any white bread on the plate? 6. Is there any ink in your pen? 7. Have you got any friends here? 8. Have you got any classes today? 9. Is there any milk in the bottle?

Step 31

Объектный падеж личных местоимений (§ 30)

Именительный падеж

Объектный падеж






мне, меня



ему, его



ей, её



ему, ей; его, её



нам, нас



вам, вас



им, их




5. Прочтите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык:

1. Give me some English book. 2. Give us some clean water. 3. Don’t show him your project. 4. Show them your plan. 5. Tell us about your life. 6. Tell him the answer to the question. 7. Tell us about this kind of energy. 8. Send her a letter. 9. Tell us your name. 10. I have two children. I am fond of playing with them. 11. Tom is busy with us.

6. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном па деже:

1. Read these books at home. 2. Don’t show your sister his letters. 3. Give this boy some red apples. 4. Tell your teacher about your life. 5. Tell your friends about the plant. 6. Read

Lesson Six


the new words, please. 7. Begin reading the text. 8. Put your bag here. 9. Give the child some milk. 10. I am fond of playing tennis.

7. Составьте предложения по образцу, переведя на английский язык личные местоимения в объектном падеже.

Tell us about your life and work.




the letter.



some English story (book).






the picture of a street (flat).



some bread and milk (clean water).




the end of the film (book).





your friend’s name.





their graduation projects.








8. Повторите все формы личных и притяжательных местоимений и переведи те следующие предложения на английский язык:

(Не забудьте: to be fond of ...ing I am fond of sending them my stories.)

а) 1. Аня не любит писать им письма. 2. Мы любим говорить с ними по английски. 3. Они любят работать с вами. 4. Мы любим читать ваши книги. 5. Их отец занят нашим новым проектом. 6. Он любит показывать мне свои картины. 7. У меня есть маленький котенок, я люблю играть с ним. 8. На ши книги в шкафу, ваши — тоже там. Возьмите и положите их на полку. 9. Их дом на улице Н., наш — на улице А. 10. Не давайте ему молока. 11. Я не люблю спрашивать их об этом. 12. Он любит читать нам свои новые рассказы. 13. Не посы лайте ей это письмо.

б) Русское притяжательное местоимение «свой» переводится на английский язык притяжательным местоимением в зави симости от лица, к которому оно относится: I my; you your;

1. I am busy with my work. — Я занят своей работой. 2. Вы заняты своими детьми. 3. Он занят своим новым проектом. 4. Она занята своим дипломным проектом. 5. Мы заняты сво им английским. 6. Они заняты своей домашней работой.

Вводный курс


Запомните: some of us — некоторые из нас one of them — один из них which of you — кто из вас

9. Переведите на русский язык:

1.Which of your family is fond of speaking on the telephone?

2.Those workers are young; some of them are students. 3. Which of you is married? 4. There are some English books in my bag. One of them is an English textbook. 5. Which of you is free today? 6. Not all the students are present in class today, some of them are absent. 7. All of us are glad to see you and to hear the news.

Step 32

Прямое и косвенное дополнения (§ 31)







your pen.





































































































your pen to me.












































































your designs.
























































































your designs to me.

Если прямое дополнение выражено местоимением, то возмо жен только один вариант — косвенное дополнение с предло гом to стоит в конце предложения:



to me.




to me.








10. Измените место косвенного дополнения там, где это возможно, внеся со ответствующие изменения в предложения:

1. Send the letter to your parents. 2. Give him this Russian magazine. 3. Show the children some pictures. 4. Read her the letter. 5. Show the teacher your project. 6. Give it to me. 7. Give me some water, please. 8. Tell me your name. 9. Show us your dog.

Lesson Six


11. Составьте два варианта предложений, поменяв местами прямое и косвен ное дополнения (где возможно) и переведя на английский язык глагол, а также существительное или местоимение двух левых колонок:



some clean water.



some thin paper.



some bread.



a bottle of milk.



good pens.



it (the book).



them (the pens).



your design.



those pictures.



the plan of our work.



them (our notebooks).


своему отцу

it (the map).




12. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Расскажите нам о конце фильма. 2. Прочтите им конец письма. 3. Расскажите детям о своей жизни и работе. 4. Пока жите нам свой дипломный проект. 5. Покажите ей ее письмо. 6. Прочтите ему этот рассказ (story).

Step 33

Аналитическая форма повелительного наклонения. Глагол let (§ 32)

Let us (let’s) read this text!

Давайте читать этот текст!



Let her read this text.

Пусть она читает этот текст.

Let him read this text.

Пусть он читает этот текст.

Let them read this text.

Пусть они читают этот текст.



Let me read this text.

Разрешите мне прочитать


этот текст.



13. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Let’s hurry home. 2. Let’s tell them this story. 3. Let her tell us about her work. 4. Let him go and open the window. There is

Вводный курс


little air here. 5. Let me show you some nice pictures. 6. Let’s do exercise 2 on page 30. 7. Let them speak English. 8. Let me open the bottle of milk.

14. Составьте предложения, переведя на английский язык глаголы и место имения левой колонки:



speak to our managing director.



tell the architect about our new project.



begin the work.



show our designs to the dean.



ask him some questions.


do this exercise now.

Пусть он

thank the workers for their help.



put the box on the chair.



sit down here.



review the new words.


send the letter to her parents.

Разрешите мне



show our plan to the economist.




Запомните следующие предложения:

Listen to me attentively.

Ask questions about the text.

Answer my questions.

Are there any other ques tions?

Repeat your question. Review the worlds of Lesson Four.

Слушайте меня внима тельно.

Задайте вопросы к тексту.

Ответьте на мои вопросы. Есть еще вопросы?

Повторите свой вопрос. Повторите слова четверто го урока.

15. Прочтите новые слова урока:

about о, об • Tell us about your city.

to answer отвечать • to answer a question (letter) armchair кресло • a comfortable armchair

to ask спрашивать • Don’t ask me about it. at около, у • There is an armchair at the wall.


внимательно • Look at this picture attentively.


ванная комната • There is no bathroom in their flat.

Lesson Six




by предлог, указывающий на авторство • a picture by a young artist

central heating центральное отопление

cold холодный • a cold day

to come

[k m] приходить • Come here, please.

convenience [kən v´ njəns] удобство • We have all modern conveniences in

our flat.

corner угол • There is a chair in this corner.

dear [diə] дорогой • my dear friend

dining room столовая • Our dining room is always full of people.

to do делать • to do homework


электрический • electric energy

electricity [ ilek trisiti]´ электричество



за исключением • We have all modern conveniences except a tele



[ eksəsaiz]´ упражнение • Do this exercise at home.


[ fɒrin]´ иностранный • There are a lot of foreign students at our


furniture [ f´ :ni ə] мебель • Our furniture is of modern design.

gas газ


a great many = many много • There are a great many people in the street. hot горячий • hot milk




письмо • Answer your parents’ letter today.


свет • There is little light in the room because the windows are not

large and clean.

to listen (to) слушать • Listen to me attentively, please.

low низкий • a low ceiling


[ m gə z´ n] журнал • a thick foreign magazine





newspaper газета • today’s newspaper; Read this newspaper.


[ ´ ðə] другой • Give me some other magazine, please.


над • over the table; over the sofa


[ kwes´ ən] вопрос • an easy question; to ask a question

radio set

[ reidiəυ´ set]´ радиоприемник • What kind of radio set have you




to repeat

повторить, сказать еще раз • Repeat your question, please.

to review

повторять, делать обзор • Review the words of Lesson Ten.

round круглый • There is a round table in the middle of the room.

to send

посылать • Send this letter today.

to show

показывать • Show me your notebook.


диван, софа • a low sofa


квадратный • a square room


кабинет • My father’s study has two windows.


такой • such as такой как • Tom is such a good boy. There are many

things in my bag, such as notebooks, books, a magazine and some pens.


телефон • What is your telephone number?

Вводный курс


TV set

телевизор • Have you got a TV set at home?


вода • cold (hot) water; running water водопровод

window sill

подоконник • Many people have flowers on the window sills.

Put this bottle on the window sill. Aren’t they nice? Разве они не хорошие? pictures зд. фотографии

16. Прочтите и переведите текст.

My Flat

Teacher: Let’s begin our lesson. Nick Sedov, come to the black board and answer my questions. Have you a flat?

N.: Yes, I have.

T.: Have you any pictures of your flat? N.: Yes, I have some.

T.: Give them to me, please. N.: Here you are.

T.: Thank you. The pictures are very good. Let me show them to the students. Dear students, look at the pictures. Aren’t they nice? Now let Nick tell us about his new flat. Let’s listen to him attentively. Please begin, Nick. Speak English!

N.: I have a large flat in a new block of flats. There are twelve floors in it. Our block has all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, running water (hot and cold), and a telephone. Our flat is very comfortable. There are four rooms in it: a dinning room, a bedroom, a study and a children’s room. We have also a kitchen and a bathroom. I am fond of my flat.

Look at this picture. It is a picture of our dining room. Our dining room is a large square room. In the middle of it there is a big round table and some chairs. Over the round table, in the middle of the ceiling there is an electric lamp. In the corner there is a low table with a TV set on it. There is a bookshelf on the wall. There is no radio set in the dining room, it is in the study. The furniture in our dining room is brown. The walls are blue. There are some pictures on the walls. They are pictures by old and modern Russian and foreign artists. There are some flowers on the window sills.

Now I’ll tell you about our study. At the window there is a big desk. There are various things on it, such as a telephone, a lamp,

Lesson Six


some clean paper, some pens and pencils. In the corner there is a sofa and a low table for newspapers and magazines. I have a lot of Russian and foreign books, newspapers and magazines. They are in the bookcase and on the bookshelves. The bookshelves on the wall over the sofa are also full of magazines.

The furniture in the study is brown too. It is of modern design. There is a lot of light and air in the room because the windows are large and the ceiling is high. There are no flowers on the window sills in the study.

I have not any pictures of our bedroom and children’s room. Those rooms are small and there is not much furniture in them. Teacher: Dear friends, have you any questions?

Student D: Yes, I have got a question. Have you got a family, Nick?

Nick: No, I haven’t. I am not married. This is my parents’ flat. Student A: What are your parents, Nick?

Nick: My father is a managing director, and my mother is an economist.

Teacher: Are there any more questions? Student D: No, there are not.

Teacher: Thank you, Nick. Sit down, please.

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T.: Tom Brown, have you got a flat? Tom: Yes, I have got a two room flat. T.: Is it comfortable?

Tom: Yes, it’s small, but very comfortable.

T.: Are there any modern conveniences in your flat?

Tom: Yes, there are all modern conveniences, except a telephone. T.: Is your flat in a new or in an old building?

Tom: It’s in a new high block. There are sixteen floors in it. The block is of modern design.

T.: What colour is it? Tom: It’s grey.

T.: Where is your block? Tom: It’s in N. street.

T.: What’s the number of your flat? Tom: Forty seven.

T.: Is there a garden in front of your block of flats?

Tom: No, there isn’t. There are always a lot of cars, buses and a great many people in our street because it is in the centre of the city.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

a foreign artist, a square blackboard, a low ceiling, over the table, over the sofa, at the window, a modern factory, a round box, comfortable furniture, in the corner, various things, clean water, modern conveniences, central heating, running water, except this flat, full of light, electric energy, on the window sill, a great many people, the building of an office, a comfortable armchair, cold and hot water, cold air.

2. Переведите на английский язык:

каждая квартира, перед окном, старый художник, квадрат ная комната, круглый стол, такие как, в углу, много различ ных вещей, водопровод, центральное отопление, у окна, в се