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Уч. англ.яз Бурова

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Lesson Three


8. Прочтите новые слова и выражения урока:

to be absent´ отсутстовать all все

architect [ ´ kitəkt] архитектор artist´ художник

at около, у to be быть

to begin [bi gin]´ начинать bottle´ бутылка

brother [ br´ ðə] брат brown [braυn] коричневый but но

ceiling [ s´ liŋ] потолок

in class на уроке, в аудитории classroom´ аудитория

doctor´ врач

e conomist´ экономист

engineer [ en i niə]´ инженер


English´ английский factory´ фабрика family [ f´ mili] семья father [ f´ ðə] отец friend [frend] друг

glad: to be glad радоваться at home дома

how как; How are you? — Как вы поживаете?/Как вы себя чув ствуете? I’m fine. — Хорошо.

to be ill болеть ink чернила institute´ институт large большой milk молоко

mother [ m´ ðə]

name имя, фамилия; What is your name? Как ваша фамилия?

now теперь, сейчас number´ (сокр. No) номер office [ ɒfis]´ учреждение page страница

paper´ бумага

to be present´ присутствовать quite совсем; My father is quite ill. to read читать

reading´ чтение sister´ сестра

sorry: to be sorry извиняться, со жалеть

to spell называть слово по буквам student´ студент

teacher´ учитель, преподаватель textbook´ учебник

to thank благодарить very [ veri]´ очень

to be well хорошо себя чувство вать

who кто word слово

worker´ рабочий

to write [rait] писать young [j ŋ] молодой

What are you? Кто вы? (вопрос о профессии)

Who are you? = What is your name?

Вводный курс


Грамматика и лексика

Step 12

Количественные числительные от 1 до 10


— one [w n]


— six


— two [t ]


— seven [ sevn]´


— three


— eight [eit]


— four [f ]


— nine


— five

10 — ten

1.Сосчитайте от 1 до 10 и в обратном порядке.


а) One and two is three.


+ 2 = 3

Three and five is eight. 3 + 5

= 8

Seven and three is ten.


+ 3

= 10

б) 5 + 4 = 9 6 + 1 = 7

3 + 7 = 10

8 + 2 = 10 3 + 5 = 8

6 + 3 = 9

в) thee´ rooms,´ eight books, four plates, one map, one window, two ties, six chairs, seven bags

г) 1. This room is number two (No 2). That room is number three.

2.My flat is number four. 3. Is your flat number six? No, it isn’t; it’s number five. 4. Where are classrooms number five, six and seven? 5. On what page is Text Three?

3.Переведите на английский язык:

два фильма, три книги, одна тетрадь, четыре окна, десять ламп, пять карт, шесть столов, семь яблок, восемь досок, де вять портфелей, комната № 3

Lesson Three


Step 13

Притяжательные местоимения (§ 16)

my — мой, моя, моё his — его

her — ее

its — его, ее (относится к неодушевленным предметам) our [aυə] — наш, наша, наше

your [j ] — ваш, ваша, ваше their [ðeə] — их

4. Прочтите и переведите на русский язык:

my flat,´ your bag,´ his film,´ her pencil,´ our room,´ theirbookcase,´ their cups´

1. Our room´ is large. 2. Their bookcase is in the room. 3. Her pencil is good. 4. His tie is nice. 5. Your bag is old. 6. My notebook is clean. 7. The room is large. Its windows are clean. 8. Her text is easy. 9. Our flat is number seven. 10. Their city is very old.


What is her name?

Her name´

is Be lova.

What is his name?

His name is Orlov.

What are their names?

Their names are Belova and




What is your name?

My name is ...




5. Переведите на английский язык:

их город, наша комната, его чашка, ее тарелки, ваш хлеб, мой портфель, наши яблоки, их книги, ее полка, его книжный шкаф, моя квартира. Моя фамилия Смирнов. Ее фамилия Петрова.

Вводный курс


Step 14

Глагол to be. Личные местоимения (§§ 4, 17)


Спряжение глагола to be









I am

We are




He/She is





It is

They are













I am a student.


We are students.


He is a student.


You are students.


She is a student.


They are students.





I am not´ a worker.

We are not´ work









He is not a worker.


You are not workers.



She is not a worker.

They are not workers.








6. Измените форму глагола to be по лицам в следующих предложениях:

I am a doctor. I am not an engineer.

7. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

а) 1. I am a student. 2. You are a teacher. 3. She is an engineer. 4. Your brother is a doctor. 5. We are young workers. 6. They are friends. 7. His father is an architect.

б) What are you?

I am a student.

What is she?

She is an engineer.

What are they?

They are workers.

What is your brother?

He is a teacher.

8. Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be:

1. I ... a student. 2. He ... a young architect. 3. Her brother ...

a good engineer. 4. His sister ... a young teacher. 5. They ... old workers. 6. We ... good students. 7. Her father ... an artist.

1Личное местоимение you употребляется также для обозначения 2 го л. ед. ч. (ты)

Lesson Three


9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What are you? 2. What is your mother? 3. What is your father? 4. What are your brothers? 5. What is his sister?

10. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

а) 1. What are you? I am a student. I am young. I am well. I am at the Institute now. 2. What is your friend? My friend is a student too, but he is not quite well. He is ill. He is at home now. 3. What is your father? He is an engineer. He is old. He is at home now. 4. What is your mother? My mother is an economist. She is at the office. 5. We are students. We are at the Institute now. We are in class. Ten students are present. Two students are absent. 6. These are young workers. They are our friends. They are at the factory.

б) 1. Where are you now? — I am at the Institute. 2. Where is your friend? — He is at home. He is ill. 3. Where is your mother? — She is at the office. 4. Where are the workers? — They are at the factory.

в) 1. How are you, Tom? — Thank you, I am fine. (I am) glad to hear it. 2. Is your friend well? — No, he is not. He is ill. (I am) sorry to hear it. 3. How is your mother? — Thank you, she is quite well. 4. How is your family? — Thanks, they are fine.

11. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. Helen is not in class. She ... . 2. My mother is not old. She ... .

3. Our friend is not ill. He ... . 4. The workers are not at home. They ... . 5. Tom is not absent. He ... . 6. How are you? Thank you, I ... . 7. How is your father? Thank you, he ... . I ... glad to hear it. 8. Sorry, but my friend ... absent today. He ... .

12. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по образцу (подлежащее ответа должно быть выражено личным местоимением):

Where are the students? — They are at the Institute.

1. Where is your mother? 2. Where is your brother? 3. What is your friend? 4. What is your father? 5. What are you? 6. Where are the students? 7. On what page is Text One?

Вводный курс


13. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Она не студентка. Она врач. 2. Мы в институте, а они до ма. 3. Где моя книга? — Она на столе. 4. Ее отец инженер. Сейчас он на фабрике. 5. Мои друзья молодые художники. 6. Ее брат архитектор. 7. Где ваш брат? 8. Кто ваша сестра (по профессии)? 9. Как она себя чувствует? 10. Как вы себя чувствуете? — Спасибо, я вполне здоров. — Рад слышать это. 11. Сожалею, но Нина больна.

14. Скажите все, что вы можете, о себе, о вашем друге, о членах вашей семьи.

Step 15

Глагол to be. Вопросительная форма. Общие, альтернативные и специальные вопросы. Вопросы

к подлежащему. Вопросительные слова who, which (of). (§§ 5, 12, 17, 18)

Общие вопросы

Are´ you a worker? — Yes, I am. No, I am not. Is´ he a teacher? — Yes, he is. No, he is not.

Are´ they students? — Yes, they are. No, they are not.

Альтернативные вопросы

Are´ you an artist? or an engi neer? — I am an engi neer.

´ ´

Специальные вопросы

Where´ are the students? — They are at the Institute. Who´ is at the Institute? — The students are.

15. Ответьте на вопросы (подлежащее должно быть выражено личным место имением):

Is´ your friend young? Yes, he is. ( Yes, he’s young.)No, he is not. ( No, he’s not young.)

1. Is your brother an engineer? 2. Is your mother very old? 3. Are these students young? 4. Is your friend a doctor? 5. Is

Lesson Three


your father at home now? 6. Is your sister an artist? 7. Are you quite well? 8. Are you at the factory now? 9. Ann is quite well. Are you glad to hear it?

16. Ответьте на альтернативные вопросы:

1. Is your brother a worker or an architect? 2. Is Boris in class or at home? 3. Are you an artist or a student? 4. Is your mother young or old? 5. Is your friend a good or a bad student? 6. Is Lesson One on page 8 or 10? 7. Is your friend present or absent? 8. Is your mother well or ill?

Вопросы к подлежащему

My friend´ Peter is.

Who´ is absent? Boris´ and Peter are.

All´ students´ are present.

17. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Who is at the Institute now? 2. Who is absent? 3. Who is present? 4. Who is at the factory? 5. Who is a student? 6. Who is your English teacher? 7. Who is ill? 8. Who is at home?

Обратите внимание на полные и сокращенные формы глагола to be:


Full form

Short form





I am

I’m [aim]


He is

he’s [h z] [hiz]


She is

she’s [ʃ z] [ʃiz]


It is

it’s [its]


We are

we’re [wiə(r)]


You are

you’re [jυə(r)]


They are

they’re [ðeiə(r)] [ðeə(r)]

John’s ill.


My mother’s at home.


They’re students.


Вводный курс


Два варианта сокращенной отрицательной формы с гл. to be:

1. That boy isn’t my son.

He isn’t my son.

That boy’s not my son.

He’s not my son.

2.That lady’s not my sister. She’s not my sister. That lady isn’t my sister. She isn’t my sister.

Два варианта вопросительно отрицательной формы с гл. to be, перевод которых на русский язык обычно начинается со слова «разве»:

1.Isn’t that lady your sister? Isn’t she ... ?

2.Is that lady not your sister? Is she not ... ?

Запомните следующие предложения в повелительном накло нении:

Spell the word “factory”.

— Назовите по буквам слово



Write this word on the — Напишите это слово на дос



Open your books at page 10.

— Откройте книги на десятой



Read Text Five on page 10. — Читайте пятый текст на де сятой странице.

Begin reading Lesson Two. — Начните читать второй урок.

18. Прочтите и переведите следующие тексты на тему “Our Institute”:

Text A

This is our Institute. Our Institute is large. This is our class room. Our classroom is a large, nice room. This is a table. Those are six chairs. The table and the chairs are brown. The floor in our classroom is brown too. That is a ceiling. It is white. Those are four lamps. The lamps are on the ceiling.

These are students. They are in the classroom. These are their English textbooks and notebooks. Their textbooks and note books are on the table and in their bags.

This is paper. The paper is white and thin. It is clean. The paper is on the shelf. That is ink. It is red. The ink is in the bottle. The bottle is on the shelf too.

Lesson Three


What book is this? It’s our English textbook. It is not thick, it is thin. This is Lesson One. It is on page four. That is Lesson Five. It is on page eight. Is Text One on page four or six? It’s on page four. Is Text One easy? Yes, it is. On what page is Lesson Three? It’s on page six.

Text B

We are students. We are at the Institute. We are in class now. This is our English teacher. She is in class too. Ten students are present. Two students are absent. They are not quite well. My friend Peter is absent too. He is ill. He is at home.

Text C

My name is Peter Smirnov. I am young. I am at home now. I am ill. This is my family — my mother, my sister and my brother. My father is not at home. He is at the factory. My father is an engineer. He is old. My mother is old too. She is an economist. She is not at the office. She is at home. My sister is a doctor. Her name is Helen. My brother is a worker. His name is John. This is my friend Nick. Nick is an architect. He is a young but good architect. This is our flat. It is little, but it is very nice. Our flat is No 7.

Text D

Is your family large or small? — It is very small. Is your father an artist or an engineer? — He is an engineer. Where is he now? — He is at his factory. What is your sister? — She is a doctor. What is her name? — Her name is Helen Smirnova. Is she young or old? — She is young. Is this your or her flat? — It is our flat.

Where are the students? — They are in class. Are all the students present? — No, they are not. Ten students are present, two students are absent. Who is absent? — Smirnov and Volkov are. How are they? — They are not quite well, they are at home now. — Sorry to hear it. How are you? — Thanks, I am fine. Are you an artist? — No, I am not. I am a student. What kind of student are you? — I am a good student. Is your friend a good student too? — Yes, he is. He is a very good student. — Glad to hear it.

Вводный курс


Text E

1.Open your textbooks at page nine and read the new text!

2.Read Lesson Three at home, please. 3. Begin reading the new words. 4. Begin reading Text Eight, please. 5. Spell the word “engineer”, please. 6. Write those new words in your notebooks.

7.This is milk. It is in the cup. 8. That is ink. It is in the bottle. Take it, please.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1.Is your Institute large or small? 2. Are the tables and the chairs in your classroom brown? 3. Where are the lamps? 4. What colour is the ceiling? 5. Are the windows large? 6. Are they clean? 7. Are you a student? 8. Are these students too? 9. Are the students in class now? 10. Is your family small? 11. Is your father very old? 12. What is your sister? 13. Where is your English textbook? 14. Is your mother at home now? 15. Who is a doctor?

2.Вставьте артикли, где необходимо:

1.These are ... students. ... students are at ... Institute now.

2.We are ... architects. 3. ... floor in our classroom is brown.

4.Where is ... textbook? — It is in ... bag. 5. ... His flat is small, but it is ... good. 6. What ... colour is ... your bag? — It is ...

green. 7. What kind of ... paper is this? — It’s ... thin paper.

8.Lesson One is on ... page 3. 9. It’s ... fine day. 10. These ...

films are very nice.