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Revising and editing TTs

Throughout the course, we have considered translation sometimes as a process, and sometimes as a product. The assessment of existing TTs has been an important feature in practicals. In this chapter, we turn our attention to the final stage of translation as a process, where the proposed TT is actually examined as a product.

Any form of post-translation process is an operation carried out in writing on a pre-existent text. Revision is concerned with ensuring accuracy by eliminating errors and inconsistencies. Errors of accuracy can be relatively minor, such as spelling mistakes or punctuation, but they can also include ungrammatical or misleading constructions. And it is not only the language of the TT which may be wrong or unsuitable: the concepts themselves may have been distorted in transmission. The TT is the sum not only of a translator's ability in the two linguistic systems concerned, but also of knowledge of the subject matter in question. So, for example, a translator may be equipped linguistically to tackle a text on computer software, but not have the expertise necessary to make the right terminological and practical decisions, thereby undermining the TT's authoritativeness.

In this chapter we shall refer to revision where the task concerns checking a TT against the ST for accuracy, and to editing where the TT requires `polishing' after the revision process. The two overlap to some extent, especially where TT peculiarities are not so much errors as features of style and/or register.

As a preliminary exercise, it will be useful to assess the quality of the following three TTs and point out where the faults lie. They are all taken from the same collection of articles. It is obvious from the varied quality of the translations in this volume that several different people were commissioned to translate it.

ST 1

TT 1

5Disfunzioni odierne. Napoli è, a giudizio unanime, una città invivibile. I problemi posti dalla odierna condizione metropolitana

Today's misfunctionings. Naples living standard is unanimously considered extremely poor. The problems posed by the present







ST 1



TT 1







hanno determinato il collasso della

metropolitan way of life caused the

città. La patologia derivante da una





`concentrazione senza sviluppo' si



a `concentration

manifesta in un diffuso fenomeno

without any improvement', shows

di `calcuttizzazione' della struttura

a'Calcutta-like' urban structure.

urbana. Gli effetti macroscopici di






tale degenerazione sono:- paralisi

degeneration are:- The City traffic

del traffico: vi sono solo 3 strade di

paralysis: there are only three roads

attraversamento est-ovest della città

available crossing the lower town

bassa (via Partenope, tunnel della

from east to west (Via Partenope,

Vittoria, via Chiaia); questa è

the Vittoria tunnel, via Chiaia);

collegata alla città alta mediante 3

three roads connecting the lower




part with the upper part.




























(Loris Rossi 1987:175)

ST 2



TT 2







5 Densità. Non


determinata da

Density. It is not determined by

figure astratte di progettazione, ma

abstract planning figures but by the

dalla qualità di vita raggiunta

quality of life achieved through an




urban concept.





urbanistica. Economia. Una densità

Economics. Higher density reduces

più alta riduce i costi del progetto di

the project's cost of land, public

un suolo, dei servizi pubblici. Spazi

utilities and services.




aperti. Montecalvario è uno spazio

Open spaces. Montecalvario is the

aperto, grande, verso il quale ogni

large open space toward which

cosa concorre. Piccoli spazi aperti





definiti dalla geometria dei palazzi

spaces defined by the building's

sono raggruppati lungo i viali





pedonali lontano dal traffico. I

pedestrian malls away from traffic.

percorsi, lungo e sotto gli aggetti dei

The malls, along or under

palazzi, forniscono una protezione





contro le intemperie per la

weather protected circulation across

circolazione attraverso il luogo.

the site.


























(Catalano 1987:107)







TT 3



La collina ed il mare. L'area

The Hill and the Sea. The area we are

interessata è la fascia che va dal

concerned with is a


of land

Vomero (via Cilea) fin giù al mare.

which descends from the


5 Il tema è quindi la collina ed il

Vomero (Via Cilea) right down as

mare, i due poli entro cui si muove

far as the sea. Thus the theme is the

la vicenda della città. È prevista su

hill and the sea. The nervecentre of

via Cilea una piazza su cui si

the city's life is here, in the area

innesta 1'asse visivo e pedonale che

lying between these two focal

continua con Calata San Francesco;




si recupera così un tessuto di

A square is planned on Via Cilea,

recente formazione, privo di qualità

on to which a visual and pedestrian



axis will be grafted, continuing

L'asse geometrico dritto verso

down Calata San Francesco. In this

Capri attua quella osmosi visiva che

way a fabric of recent formation

è il primo contatto con la

and lacking in urban quality will be

formidabile presenza paesistica del




golfo, le cui acque sono intrise di

The geometrical





continues on to Capri, performs that



visual osmosis which is the first



point of contact with the formidable



presence of landscape in the bay,



whose waters are saturated with

















(Dalisi 1987:117)

TT 1 looks like the work of a non-native speaker of English. There is poor lexis and syntax (`misfunctionings', `the city traffic paralysis', `caused the city collapse', `Naples living standard'). Restructuring the text has distorted the ST meaningÐit is not so much that the `living standard' of Naples is `extremely poor' as that Naples is an impossible place to live in. In the rendering of `strade di attraversamento', `available' is an arbitrary addition.

ST 2 is possibly more challenging than ST 1. The TT is certainly no better than TT 1. In addition to problems of lexis (`astratte figure', `concorre'), the poor translation of `costi del progetto di un suolo' shows that the translator does not understand this concept. The wrong use of the apostrophe in `building's' downgrades this TT even further.

Reading TT 3 is something of a relief. The ST contains certain idiosyncrasies, which could cause interpretation problems. There is an example in `i due poli


entro cui si muove la vicenda della città'. Here the translator has restructured the phrase by splitting it into two sentences, but cohesion perhaps suffers from this inversion of the `due poli' and `vicenda' units. While `the formidable presence of landscape in the bay' does suggest the renowned (if stereotyped) view of the Bay of Naples evoked by `formidabile presenza paesistica del golfo', it has far less impact than the ST expression. As this translator is given to restructuring the ST, any revision of the article as a whole will have to involve careful evaluation of the accuracy and appropriateness of departures from ST structures.

Unusual translations may also be thrown up in technical translation, as for example in the following excerpt from a trade brochure:


5L'estrusione a freddo dell'alluminio ha trovato un'importante applicazione nei particolari per filtri carburante (nafta e benzina). L'alluminio è preferito al ferro zincato per il suo

10 migliore comportamento nelle prove in atmosfera salina. I pezzi da noi realizzati fino ad oggi sono le vaschette ed i tubetti interni. [¼] Sempre per l'alimentazione carbu


The cold extrusion of the aluminium has found an important application in the parts for fuel filters (Diesel oil and petrol). The aluminium is preferred to the

galvanized iron for his better behaviour for the tests in the saline atmosphere. The pieces we have realized till now are the cans and the inside tubes. [¼] Always for

15rante produciamo oggi carcasse per the fuel's feeding we are now pompe di diverso tipo. Dove manufacturing frames for pumps of particolari esigenze di durezza e various type. Where particular


lo richiedono,








di inserti

resistance request it, we have

in acciaio.










the application of steel inserts.


A peculiarity of this TT is that some appropriate technical terms have been used, but are stitched into a practically meaningless fabric.

In the literary field, a survey of published translations of Italian classics shows that not all translators are of the stature of a William Weaver. Here is an example:


5Ma sul punto di uscire, abbracciò con lo sguardo la chiesa intera con le sue file di colonne, il suo soffitto a cassettoni, il suo pavimento deserto, il suo altare e gli


Just as he was on the point of going out, however, he cast a glance round the church, with its rows of pillars, its coffered ceiling, its deserted floor, its great altar,


10sembrò di dare addio per sempre all'immagine antica e sopravvissuta di un mondo come lo desiderava e sapeva che non era più possibile che fosse. Una specie di miraggio

alla rovescia, ritto in un passato

irrevocabile, dal quale i suoi passi lo allontanavano sempre più. (Moravia 1981:111)

(Moravia 1952:114)

and it seemed to him that he was saying farewell for ever to an ancient survival of a world such as he longed for and such as he knew could never exist again. It was a kind of mirage in reverse, based on an irrevocable past from which his steps carried him further and further away.

Using `however' instead of `but' slows the sentence down needlessly. The addition of `great' to `altar' is redundant, or at least inappropriateÐone normally refers to an altar as `high', if this quality is specified or implied. More importantly, `immagine' has not been rendered, so that Moravia's picture is simplified and weakened. The mirage simile is also weak in the TT, as `reverse' does not capture `alla rovescia'; worse still is the anodyne `based' for `ritto'.

Of course, it is one thing to criticize a translation, but another thing entirely to revise and edit it. How does one go about such a complex task? The revision and editing process comprises several activities, which broadly speaking fall into two stages. The first is checking the TT for adherence to the ST in terms of accuracy: the reviser focuses on errors, omissions, additions, names and titles, figures and tables, etc. The second stage focuses on the end-user of the TT, and attempts to achieve the `optimum orientation of the translated text to the requirements of the target readership' (Graham 1983:104).

At the revision or checking stage, greater emphasis is usually placed on accuracy than on terminology. The objectivity of the reviser should ensure that any ambiguities or unclear phrasing are dealt with before passing on to the editing stage. There are no hard and fast rules for editing, though critical factors are certainly appearance, appeal, impact, harmony, taste, register and style. If revision is concerned with the `bare bones' of the TT, the editing process will perform `remedial surgery' (Graham 1983:103), which should consist of `upgrading the terminology, clarifying obscurities, reinforcing the impact, honing the emotive appeal to suit the target reader'. A final `cosmetic' stage should be to ensure that the appearance and layout of the TT respect the requirements as stated by the client.

A knotty issue is style, as style and language-use obviously vary from one translator to another. Care must be taken that changes are only made to items which are in some way incorrect or unsuitable, not those which are merely phrased differently from the way the translator/reviser would phrase them. For example, there is an enormous difference in legal English between `will' and `shall' used in the third person, particularly in the context of contracts and agreements, but in the first person these forms are interchangeable. In a text

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