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Marc G. Jeschke - Burn Care and Treatment A Practical Guide - 2013.pdf
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M.G. Jeschke





Time to Excision




























μmol Phe/min/100 cc leg
















μmol Phe/min/100 cc leg
















































































Ambient Temperature






































Metabolic Rate
















Peak Torque (NM)






































Temperature (°C)




Effect of Diet on Net Protein Balance

During Acute Hospitalization

High Fat

High Carbohydrate

Effect of Exercise on LBM, Strength, and Power Over Time


No Exercise

Admit Discharge 6 mons 9 mons 12 mons 18 mons 24 mons

Time Postburn

Fig. 7.2 Non-pharmacologic interventions to alleviate hypermetabolism. From Williams FN JACS 2009 April 208(4):489–502

7.3.2Pharmacologic Modalities Recombinant Human Growth Hormone

Daily intramuscular administration of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) at doses of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg as a daily injection during acute burn care has alleviated inflammatory and stress responses [95, 96], increased insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) [97], increased muscle protein kinetics and maintained muscular growth [98, 99], decreased donor site healing time and quality of wound healing [90], improved resting energy expenditure, and decreased cardiac output [100]. However, in a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial involving 247 patients and 285 critically ill non-burned patients Takala and others found that high doses of rhGH (0.10 ± 0.02 mg/kg BW) were associated with increased morbidity and mortality [101]. Others demonstrated growth hormone treatment to be associated with hyperglycemia and insulin resistance [102, 103]. However, neither short nor long-term administration of rhGH was associated with an increase in mortality in severely burned children [9, 104]. Insulin-Like Growth Factor

Because IGF-I mediates the effects of GH, the infusion of equimolar doses of recombinant human IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 as a complex called IGF-I/BP-3 to burned patients improved protein metabolism in catabolic pediatric subjects and adults with significantly less hypoglycemia than rhGH itself [105]. IGF-I/BP-3 attenuates muscle catabolism and improves gut mucosal integrity, improves immune function, attenuate acute phase responses, increased serum concentrations of constitutive proteins, and decreased inflammatory responses [105–108]. However, unpublished data showed that the complex of IGF-I/BP-3 increased neuropathies in severely burned

Table 7.2 Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs): vitamin and trace elements requirements


Vit A (IU)

Vit D (IU)

Vit E (IU)

Vit C (mg)

Vit K (mcg)

Folate (mcg)

Cu (mg)

Fe (mg)

Se (mcg)

Zn (mg)

0–13 years












































³ 13 years (includes adults)











































Sources: Dietary reference intakes for calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin D, and fluoride (1977); dietary reference intakes for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and choline (1988); dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and carotenoids (2000); and dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc (2001). These reports may be accessed at http://www.nap.edu

Reference Daily Intake (RDI) refers to the daily intake level that a healthy person should achieve. Conversion based on 1 mcg of vit A = 3.33 IU of vit A, 1 mcg of calciferol = 40 IU of vit D, and 1 mg of a-tocopherol = 1.5 IU of vit E

aAdministered Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Burn-Post Response Hypermetabolic and Nutrition 7



M.G. Jeschke



patients and is therefore on hold for clinical use at this moment. Various studies by other investigators indicate the use of IGF-1 alone is not effective in critically ill patients without burns. Oxandrolone

Treatment with anabolic agents such as oxandrolone, a testosterone analog which possesses only 5 % of its virilizing androgenic effects, improves muscle protein catabolism via an increase in protein synthesis [109], reduce weight loss, and increases donor site wound healing [68]. In a prospective randomized study, Wolf and colleagues demonstrated that administration of 10 mg of oxandrolone BiD decreased hospital stay and affected morbidity and mortality [110]. In a large prospective, double-blinded, randomized single-center study, oxandrolone given at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg BiD shortened length of acute hospital stay, maintained LBM and improved body composition and hepatic protein synthesis [111]. The effects were independent of age [112, 113]. Long-term treatment with oxandrolone decreased elevated hypermetabolism and significantly increases body mass over time; lean body mass at 6, 9, and 12 months after burn; and bone mineral content by 12 months after injury versus unburned controls [114, 115]. Patients treated with oxandrolone show few complications, but it should be noted that oxandrolone can increase hepatic enzymes indicating liver damage, especially during acute hospitalization. We recommend checking liver enzymes and markers regularly and in case of hepatic enzyme elevation to stop oxandrolone immediately. In addition, there are reports of oxandrolone causing increased pulmonary fibrosis. If there is any suspicion of pulmonary problems, oxandrolone needs to be stopped.

The dose for adults is 0.1 mg/kg BiD, elderly 0.05 mg/kg BiD. Propranolol

Beta-adrenergic blockade with propranolol represents probably the most efficacious anti-catabolic therapy in the treatment of burns. Acute administration of propranolol exerts anti-inflammatory and antistress effects. Propranolol reduces skeletal muscle wasting and increases lean body mass post-burn [116, 117] and improves glucose metabolism by reducing insulin resistance. Long-term use of propranolol during acute care in burn patients, at a dose titrated to reduce heart rate by 15–20 %, was noted to diminish cardiac work [118]. It also reduced fatty infiltration of the liver, which typically occurs in these patients as the result of enhanced peripheral lipolysis and altered substrate handling. Reduction of hepatic fat results from decreased peripheral lipolysis and reduced palmitate delivery and uptake by the liver [38, 119].

The dose for children is 1 mg/kg given q6 h.

The dose for adults is 10 mg TiD and increases if needed to decrease heart rate to <100 BpM. Insulin

Insulin is a fascinating hormone because of its multifactorial effects. Besides its ability to alter glucose metabolism, insulin has effects on fat and amino acid metabolism and is anabolic.

7 Nutrition and Hypermetabolic Response Post-Burn




Stress-induced diabetes with hyperglycemia and insulin resistance during acute hospitalization is a hallmark of severely burned patients and a common pathophysiological phenomenon [3]. During the early phases post-burn, hyperglycemia occurs as a result of an increased rate of glucose appearance along with an impaired tissue extraction of glucose, leading to an increase of glucose and lactate [28, 39]. This pathophysiological post-burn response is similar to the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes, differing only in its acute onset and severity. Stress-induced hyperglycemia is associated with adverse clinical outcomes after severe burn [31, 32]. Burned patients with poor glucose control have a significantly higher incidence of bacteremia/fungemia and mortality compared to burn patients who have adequate glucose control [31, 32]. We also found that hyperglycemia exaggerates protein degradation, enhancing the catabolic response [31, 32]. Stress-induced diabetes with its insulin resistance and hyperglycemia can be overcome by exogenous insulin administration, which normalizes glucose levels and improves muscle protein synthesis, accelerates donor site healing time, and attenuates lean body mass loss and the acute phase response [12, 120–126]. These data indicate that hyperglycemia associated with insulin resistance represents a significant clinical problem in burn patients and that insulin administration improves morbidity and mortality.

Intensive insulin administration in severely burned patients is associated with beneficial clinical outcomes [12, 41, 120–126]. Intensive insulin therapy to maintain tight euglycemic control, however, represents a difficult clinical effort which has been associated with hypoglycemic episodes. Therefore, the use of a continuous hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp throughout ICU stay has been questioned in multiple multicenter trials throughout the world and has resulted in a dramatic increase in serious hypoglycemic episodes [127]. In a recent multicenter trial in Europe (Efficacy of Volume Substitution and Insulin Therapy in Severe Sepsis (VISEP)), the effect of insulin administration on morbidity and mortality in patients with severe infections and sepsis was investigated [128]. The authors found that insulin administration did not affect mortality, but the rate of severe hypoglycemia was four-fold higher in the intensive therapy group when compared to the conventional therapy group [128]. Maintaining a continuous hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp in burn patients is particularly difficult because these patients are being continuously fed large caloric loads through enteral feeding tubes in an attempt to maintain euglycemia. As burn patients require weekly operations and daily dressing changes, the enteral nutrition occasionally has to be stopped, which lead to disruption of gastrointestinal motility and the risk of hypoglycemia.

We conducted a study to determine the ideal glucose target in severely burned children. We found that 130 mg/dl is the best glucose target, because of glucose levels below 150–160 mg/dl but avoiding detrimental hypoglycemia. Therefore, we recommend at the current time to implement glucose control to a target of 130 mg/dl using insulin. Metformin

Metformin (Glucophage), a biguanide, has recently been suggested as an alternative means to correct hyperglycemia in severely injured patients [129]. By inhibiting

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