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8.77 Mб



Figure 10.12 Probability of bit error in Gaussian (random) noise. Nyquist bandwidth, binary polar transmission. The reader should note that this is for a baseband signal.

predictions. It may be noted from this curve that the probability of occurrence of noise peaks that have amplitudes 12.5 dB above the rms level is 1 in 105 or about 14 dB for 1 in 106.10,11 Hence, if we wish to ensure an error rate of 105 in a particular system using binary polar modulation, the rms noise should be at least 12.5 dB below the signal level (Ref. 8, p. 114). This simple analysis is only valid for the type of modulation used (i.e., binary polar baseband modulation), assuming that no other factors are degrading the operation of the system and that a cosine-shaped receiving filter is used. If we were to interject distortion such as EDD into the system, we could translate the degradation into an equivalent signal-to-noise ratio improvement necessary to restore the desired error rate. For example, if the delay distortion were the equivalent of one pulse width, the signal-to-noise ratio improvement required for the same error rate would be about 5 dB, or the required signal-to-noise ratio would now be 17.5 dB.

Unlike random noise, which is measured by its rms value when we measure level, impulse noise is measured by the number of “hits” or “spikes” per interval of time above a certain threshold. In other words, it is a measurement of the recurrence rate of noise peaks over a specified level. The word “rate” should not mislead the reader. The recurrence is not uniform per unit time, as the word “rate” may indicate, but we can consider a sampling and convert it to an average.

Remember that random noise has a Gaussian distribution and will produce noise peaks at 12.5 dB above the rms value 0.001% of the time on a data bit stream for an equivalent error rate of 1 × 105. The 12.5 dB above rms random noise floor should establish the impulse noise threshold for measurement purposes. We should assume that a well-designed data-transmission system traversing the telephone network, the signal- to-noise ratio of the data signal will be well in excess of 12.5 dB. Thus impulse noise may well be the major contributor to the degradation of the error rate.

10The abbreviation rms stands for root-mean square, the square root of the average (mean) of the square(s) of the values (of level in this case).

11These dB values are for a “Nyquist bandwidth” accommodating 2 bits per Hz; for a bit-rate bandwidth, 1 bit/ Hz, the values would be 9.5 dB and 12.5 dB, respectively.


10.9.4 Channel Capacity

A leased or switched voice channel represents a financial investment. Therefore one goal of the system engineer is to derive as much benefit as possible from the money invested. For the case of digital transmission, this is done by maximizing the information transfer across the system. This section discusses how much information in bits can be transmitted, relating information to bandwidth, signal-to-noise ratio, and error rate. These matters are discussed empirically in Section 10.9.5.

First, looking at very basic information theory, Shannon stated in his classic paper (Ref. 10) that if input information rate to a band-limited channel is less than C (bps), a code exists for which the error rate approaches zero as the message length becomes infinite. Conversely, if the input rate exceeds C, the error rate cannot be reduced below some finite positive number.

The usual voice channel is approximated by a Gaussian band-limited channel (GBLC) with additive Gaussian noise.12 For such a channel, consider a signal wave of mean power of S watts applied at the input of an ideal low-pass filter that has a bandwidth of W (Hz) and contains an internal source of mean Gaussian noise with a mean power of N watts uniformly distributed over the passband. The capacity in bits per second is given by

C c W log2 1 + NS .

Applying Shannon’s “capacity” formula to an ordinary voice channel (GBLC) of bandwidth (W ) 3000 Hz and a signal-to-noise S/ N ratio of 1023 (about 30 dB), the capacity of the channel is 30,000 bps. (Remember that bits per second and bauds are interchangeable in binary systems.) Neither S/ N nor W is an unreasonable value. Seldom, however, can we achieve a modulation rate greater than 3000 bauds. The big question in advanced design is how to increase the data rate and keep the error rate reasonable.

One important item not accounted for in Shannon’s formula is intersymbol interference. A major problem of a pulse in a band-limited channel is that the pulse tends not to die out immediately, and a subsequent pulse is interfered with by “tails” from the preceding pulse, as illustrated in Figure 10.13.

10.9.5 Modem Selection Considerations

The critical parameters that affect data transmission have been discussed; these are amplitude-frequency response (sometimes called “amplitude distortion”), envelope delay distortion, and noise. Now we relate these parameters to the design of data

Figure 10.13 Pulse response through a Gaussian band-limited channel (GBLC). Gaussian refers to a channel limited by random noise.

12Thermal noise.



modems to establish some general limits or “boundaries” for equipment of this type. The discussion that follows purposely avoids HF radio considerations.

As stated earlier in the discussion of envelope delay distortion, it is desirable to keep the transmitted pulse (bit) length equal to or greater than the residual differential EDD. Since about 1.0 ms is assumed to be reasonable residual delay after equalization (conditioning), the pulse length should be no less than approximately 1 ms. This corresponds to a modulation rate of 1000 pulses per second (binary). In the interest of standardization [CCITT Rec. V.22 (Ref. 11)], this figure is modified to 1200 bps.

The next consideration is the usable bandwidth required for the transmission of 1200 bps. The figure is approximately 1800 Hz using modulation such as FSK (frequency shift keying) or PSK (phase shift keying). Since delay distortion of a typical voice channel is at its minimum between 1700 Hz and 1900 Hz, the required band, when centered around these points, extends from 800 Hz to 2600 Hz or 1000 Hz to 2800 Hz. Remember, the delay should not exceed duration of a bit (baud). At 1200 bps, the duration of a bit is 0.833 milliseconds. Turning to Figure 10.10, the delay distortion requirement is met over the range of 800 Hz to 2800 Hz.

Bandwidth limits modulation rate. However, the modulation rate in bauds and the data rate in bits per second need not necessarily be the same. This is a very important concept. The “baud rate” is the measure of transitions per second. We then must turn to bit packing much as we did in Section 9.3. There we briefly discussed PSK and especially quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK). Let us review it here.

The tone frequency for this example is 1800 Hz. The phase of that tone can be retarded. For binary phase shift keying, we assign binary 0 to 08 (no phase retardation) and binary 1 to 1808 (retardation), as illustrated in Figure 10.14.

Suppose we divide the circle in Figure 10.14 into quadrants with the unretarded phase at 08 as before (unretarded), then with 908, 1808, and 2708 of retardation. Let us assign two binary digits (bits) to each of the four phase possibilities. These could be as follows:















we could call it a 4-ary scheme. More commonly it is called quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK). This scheme is illustrated in Figure 10.15.

Figure 10.14 A spatial representation of a data tone with BPSK modulation. Commonly a circle is used when we discuss phase modulation representing the phase retardation relationship up to 3608.


Figure 10.15 A spatial representation of a data tone with QPSK modulation.

Nearly all data modems operating at 2400 bps use QPSK modulation. The phases do not have to start at 08. The only requirement is that each contiguous phase be separated from its neighbor by 908 in the case of QPSK.

Of course we can carry the idea still further by breaking the circle up into 458 phase segments. There are now eight phase segments, each segment representing a distinct grouping of three bits. This is shown in Figure 10.16. It is called 8-ary PSK (i.e., M 8).

Severalc important points arise here which must be made clear. First, this is how we can achieve a data-transmission system where the data rate exceeds the bandwidth. We stated that the data rate on a voice channel could not exceed 3100 bps, assigning 1 bit per hertz of bandwidth. We mentioned in passing that this held for the binary condition only. Theoretically, for QPSK, we can achieve 2 bits per hertz of bandwidth, but practically it is more like 1.2 bits per hertz. With 8-ary PSK the theoretical bit packing is 3 bits per hertz.

Bandwidth is a function of transitions per second. Transitions per second are commonly referred to as bauds. Only in the binary domain are bauds and bits per second synonymous. With QPSK operation, the baud rate is half the bit rate. For example, with a 2400-bps modem, the baud rate is 1200 bauds. The bandwidth required for a certain data transmission system is dependent on the baud rate or the number of transitions per second. For example, for BPSK a transition carries just one bit of information; for QPSK a transition carries two bits of information, and for 8-ary PSK a transition carries three bits of information. The CCITT 4800-bps modem uses 8-ary PSK and its modulation rate is then 1600 baud.

Higher data rate modems utilize a hybrid modulation scheme, combining phase mod-

Figure 10.16 A spatial representation of 8-ary PSK.





Table 10.3 Phase Encoding for the CCITT Rec. V.29














Q 2

Q 3


Phase Change (8)






























































ulation and amplitude modulation. One typical modem in this category is based on CCITT Rec. V.29 (Ref. 12) and operates at 9600 bps and its baud rate is 2400 baud. Its theoretical bit packing capability is 4 bits per Hz of bandwidth. Each transition carries 4 bits of information. The first three bits derive from 8-ary PSK and the fourth bit derives from using two equivalent amplitude levels. Table 10.3 gives the phase encoding for the V.29 modem and Table 10.4 shows its amplitude–phase relationships. The four bits are denominated Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. Figure 10.17 shows the signal space diagram of the V.29 modem. There are 16 points in the diagram representing the 16 quadbit possibilities.

Other modems of the CCITT V.-series are designed to operate at 14,400 bps, 28,800 bps, and 33.6 kbps over the standard voice channel. A proprietary modem of North American manufacture can operate up to 56 kbps on the standard voice channel. In all cases at these data rates the waveforms become extremely complex.

10.9.6 Equalization

Of the critical circuit parameters mentioned in Section 10.9.3, two that have severely deleterious effects on data transmission can be reduced to tolerable limits by equalization. These two are amplitude–frequency response (amplitude distortion) and EDD (delay distortion).

The most common method of performing equalization is the use of several networks in tandem. Such networks tend to flatten response and, in the case of amplitude response, add attenuation increasingly toward channel center and less toward its edges. The overall effect is one of making the amplitude response flatter. The delay equalizer operates in a similar manner. Delay increases toward channel edges parabolically from the center. To compensate, delay is added in the center much like an inverted parabola, with less and less delay added as the band edge is approached. Thus the delay response is

Table 10.4 Amplitude–Phase Relationships for the

CCITT Rec. V.29 Modem



Relative Signal

Absolute Phase (8)


Element Amplitude

0, 90, 180, 270








45, 135, 225, 315

















Figure 10.17 Signal space diagram for the CCITT Rec. V.29 modem when operating at 9600 bps (Ref. 12).

flattened at some small cost to absolute delay, which has no effect in most data systems. However, care must be taken with the effect of a delay equalizer on an amplitude equalizer and, conversely, of an amplitude equalizer on the delay equalizer. Their design and adjustment must be such that the flattening of the channel for one parameter does not entirely distort the channel for the other.

Automatic equalization for both amplitude and delay are effective, particularly for switched data systems. Such devices are self-adaptive and require a short adaptation period after switching, on the order of <1 s (Ref. 13). This can be carried out during synchronization. Not only is the modem clock being “averaged” for the new circuit on transmission of a synchronous idle signal, but the self-adaptive equalizers adjust for optimum equalization as well. The major drawback of adaptive equalizers is cost.

Figure 10.18 shows typical envelope delay response of a voice channel along with the opposite response of a delay equalizer to flatten the envelope delay characteristics of the voice channel.

10.9.7 Data Transmission on the Digital Network

Many data users only have analog access to the digital network. In other words, their connectivity to the network is via a subscriber loop to the local serving exchange. It is commonly at this point where the analog channel enters a PCM channel bank and the signal is converted to the standard digital signal. This class of data users will utilize conventional data modems, as described in Section 10.9.5.

Other data users will be within some reasonable distance (some hundreds of feet) from a digital network terminal. This may be a PABX so equipped, providing access to a DS0 or E0 line (Chapter 6), where the line rate is 64 kbps, the standard digital voice channel. In some instances in North America the digital line will only provide 56 kbps.

The digital network transmission rates are incompatible with standard transmission rates in the data environment. Standard data rates based on CCITT Recs. V.5 and V.6 (Refs. 15 and 16) as well as EIA-269 (Ref. 17). These data rates are 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14,400, 19,200, 28,800, and 33,600 bps. They are not evenly divisible into 64,000 bps, the standard digital voice channel. Two methods are described in the fol-



Delay ( s)

Typical channel


Equalized delay

delay characteristic

Equalizer delay








Frequency (Hz)

Figure 10.18 A delay (phase) equalizer tends to flatten the delay characteristic of a voice channel. (From Ref. 14. Copyright BTL. Reprinted with permission.)

lowing to interface these standard data rates with the 56/ 64 small kbps digital channel. The first is AT&T’s Digital Data System (DDS) and the second is based on CCITT Rec. V.110 (Ref. 18). AT&T Digital Data System (DDS). The AT&T digital data system (DDS) provides duplex point-to-point and multipoint private line digital data transmission at a number of synchronous data rates. This system is based on the standard 1.544-Mbps DS1 PCM line rate, where individual bit streams have data rates that are submultiples of that line rate (i.e., based on 64 kbps). However, pulse slots are reversed for identification in the demultiplexing of individual user bit streams as well as for certain status and control signals and to ensure that sufficient line pulses are transmitted for receive clock recovery and pulse regeneration. The maximum data rate available to a subscriber to the system is 56 kbps, some 87.5% of the 64-kbps theoretical maximum.

The 1.544-Mbps line signal as applied to DDS service consists of 24 sequential 8-bit words (i.e., channel time slots) plus one additional framing bit. This entire sequence is repeated 8000 times per second. Note that again we have (192 + 1)8000 c 1.544 Mbps, where the value 192 is 8 × 24 (see Chapter 6). Thus the line rate of a DDS facility is compatible with the DS1 (T1) PCM line rate and offers the advantage of allowing a mix of voice (PCM) and data where the full dedication of a DS1 facility to data transmission would be inefficient in most cases.

AT&T calls the basic 8-bit word a byte. One bit of each 8-bit word is reserved for network control and for stuffing to meet nominal line bit rate requirements. This control bit is called a C-bit. With the C-bit removed we see where the standard channel bit rate is derived, namely, 56 kbps or 8000 × 7. Four subrate or submultiple data rates are also available: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2 kbps. However, when these rates are implemented, an additional bit must be robbed from the basic byte to establish flag patterns to route


Figure 10.19 Subhierarchy of DDS signals. Note: Inverse processing must be provided for the opposite direction of transmission. Four-wire transmission is used throughout. (From Ref. 19. Copyright American Telephone and Telegraph Company.)

each substrate channel to its proper demultiplexer port. This allows only 48 kbps out of the original 64 kbps for the transmission of user data. The 48 kbps composite total may be divided into five 9.6-kbps channels, ten 4.8-kbps or twenty 2.4-kbps channels, or two 19.2-kbps channels plus a 9.6-kbps channel. The subhierarchy of DDS signals is illustrated in Figure 10.19. Transmitting Data on the Digital Network Based on CCITT Rec. V.110.

This CCITT recommendation covers data rate adaption for standard rates up through 19.2 kbps by means of a two-stage process. It also includes adaptation for 48 kbps and 56 kbps to the 64 kbps E0 or clear DS0 channel.13

In the two-step case, the first conversion is to take the incoming data rate and convert it to an appropriate intermediate rate expressed by 2k × 8 kbps, where k c 0, 1, or 2. The second conversion takes the intermediate rate and converts it to 64 kbps.

Simple division of 64,000 bps by standard data rates shows that as a minimum, a lot of bit stuffing would be required. These would essentially be wasted bits. CCITT makes use of these bits to provide framing overhead, status information, and control information. A frame (step 1 conversion) consists of 10 octets (10 × 8 c 80 bits). Six octets carry user data, the first octet is all 0s for frame alignment, and bit 1 of the remaining 9 octets is set to 1. There are 15 overhead bits. Nine different frames accommodate the various data rates, and each frame has 80 bits (10 octets). The recommendation also covers conversion of start–stop data rates including 50, 75, 110, 150, 300 bps, and the standard rates up through 19.2 kbps (Ref. 18).


To get the most out of a network, certain operational rules, procedures, and interfaces have to be established. A data network is a big investment, and our desire is to get

13Clear DS0 channel is a DS0 channel with the signaling bits disabled.



the best return on that investment. One way to optimize return on a data network is by the selection of operational protocols. We must argue that there are multiple tradeoffs involved, all interacting one with another. Among these are data needs to be satisfied, network topology and architecture, selection of transmission media, switching and network management hardware and software, and operational protocols. In this section we will focus on the protocols.

In the IEEE dictionary (Ref. 1), one definition of a protocol is: “a set of rules that govern functional units to achieve communication.” We would add interfaces to the definition to make it more all-encompassing. In this section we will trace some of the evolution of protocols up through the International Standards Organization (ISO), OSI and its seven layers. Emphasis will be placed on the first three layers because they are more directly involved in communication.

In this section we will familiarize the reader with basic protocol functions. This is followed by a discussion of the Open System Interconnection (OSI), which has facilitated a large family of protocols. A brief discussion of HDLC (high-level data-link control) is provided. This particular protocol was selected because it spawned so many other link layer protocols. Some specific higher layer protocols are described in Chapter 11.

10.10.1 Basic Protocol Functions

There are a number of basic protocol functions. Typical among these are:

Segmentation and reassembly (SAR);


Connection control;

Ordered delivery;

Flow control; and

Error control.

A short description of each follows.

Segmentation and reassembly. Segmentation refers to breaking up the data message or file into blocks, packets, or frames with some bounded size. Which term we use depends on the semantics of the system. There is a new data segment called a cell, used in asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and other digital systems. Reassembly is the reverse of segmentation, because it involves putting the blocks, frames, or packets back into their original order. The device that carries out segmentation and reassembly in a packet network is called a PAD (packet assembler–disassembler).

Encapsulation. Encapsulation is the adding of header and control information in front of the text or info field and parity information, which is generally carried behind the text or info fields.

Connection control. There are three stages of connection control:

1. Connection establishment;

2. Data transfer; and

3. Connection termination.

Some of the more sophisticated protocols also provide connection interrupt and recovery capabilities to cope with errors and other sorts of interruptions.


Ordered delivery. Packets, frames, or blocks are often assigned sequence numbers to ensure ordered delivery of the data at the destination. In a large network with many nodes and possible routes to a destination, especially when operated in a packet mode, the packets can arrive at the destination out of order. With a unique segment (packet) numbering plan using a simple numbering sequence, it is a rather simple task for a long data file to be reassembled at the destination it its original order.

Flow control. Flow control refers to the management of the data flow from source to destination such that buffer memories do not overflow, but maintain full capacity of all facility components involved in the data transfer. Flow control must operate at several peer layers of protocols, as will be discussed later.

Error control. Error control is a technique that permits recovery of lost or errored packets (frames, blocks). There are four possible functions involved in error control:

1. Numbering of packets (frames, blocks) (e.g., missing packet);

2. Incomplete octets (a bit sequence does not carry the proper number of bits, in this case 8 bits);

3. Error detection. Usually includes error correction. (See Section 10.5.3); and

4. Acknowledgment of one, several, or a predetermined string of packets (blocks, frames). Acknowledgment may be carried out by returning to the source (or node) the send sequence number as a receive sequence number.

10.10.2 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Rationale and Overview of OSI

Data communication systems can be very diverse and complex. These systems involve elaborate software that must run on equipment having ever-increasing processing requirements. Under these conditions, it is desirable to ensure maximum independence among the various software and hardware elements of a system for two reasons:

To facilitate intercommunication among disparate elements; and

To eliminate the “ripple effect” when there is a modification to one software element that may affect all elements.

The ISO set about to make this data intercommunication problem more manageable. It developed its famous OSI reference model (Ref. 20). Instead of trying to solve the global dilemma, it decomposed the problem into more manageable parts. This provided standard-setting agencies with an architecture that defines communication tasks. The OSI model provides the basis for connecting open systems for distributed applications processing. The term open denotes the ability of any two systems conforming to the reference model and associated standards to interconnect. OSI thus provides a common groundwork for the development of families of standards permitting data assets to communicate.

ISO broke data communications down into seven areas or layers, arranged vertically starting at the bottom with layer 1, the input/ output ports of a data device. The OSI reference model is shown in Figure 10.20. It takes at least two to communicate. Thus we consider the model in twos, one entity to the left in the figure and one peer entity to the right. ISO and the ITU-T organization use the term peers. Peers are corresponding entities on either side of Figure 10.20. A peer on one side of the system (system A) communicates with its peer on the other side (system B) by means of a common proto-

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