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1 курс / English For Philology Students

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The third year students are to choose a particular scientific field to specialize in. They are attached to the respective chair to work on an individual subject under the direction of a supervisor.

The graduates of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism teach Russian and Literature at educational institutions of different level, such as schools, colleges, institutes, universities etc. They may also work for newspapers, magazines, radio, television, advertising agencies etc. So, the Faculty of Philology and Journalism gives good opportunities to apply for an interesting job after graduation from the University.

15.Divide into groups of 2 or 3, choose one of the topics below and make a presentation on it.

a)Dean’s office (staff, location, functions and responsibilities, etc.);

b)a Chair (staff, location, brief history, trends of research, subjects taught, awards and prizes, etc.).

16.Read the advertisements of two universities, divide them into logical parts and entitle them. Then make an advertisement of Kemerovo State University according to your outline.

Believe It You Can Achieve It

Welcome to Your Future

University College Birmingham (previously known as Birmingham College of Food, Tourism & Creative Studies) is a provider of specialist courses at both degree and postgraduate level. Our History can be traced back over 100 years. The College is focused on the Tourism, Hospitality, Sport, Education, and Culinary Arts Management sectors.

As specialists our faculties, equipment, staffing and reputation are second to none. One measure of the quality of our programmes is our status as an accredited college of the University of Birmingham – which awards all our degree and postgraduate degree programmes.

A perfect student city, Birmingham by day is bustling with shops, cafes, and attractions. By night, the atmosphere buzzes, in its so many bars and restaurants. It‟s a city with a diverse collection of cultures and


religions representing every corner of the world and a truly cosmopolitan environment in which to live and study.

We welcome applications from international students and we currently have 900 students from 65 countries studying at the College.

If your first language is not English, we can provide intensive English language programmes which prepare students for studying at Higher Education. In addition we also provide Language Support (free of charge) to ensure that you achieve the standard of English required by your programme. It is arranged to suit your individual needs, ranging from academic writing and study skills to an assignment and dissertation checking service.

Our student halls of residence are excellent, providing a high quality, safe, affordable and happy environment for both academic and social life. Both halls of residence are within 10 minutes walk from the College and the city‟s main entertainment and shopping quarter.

Accommodation is self catering and ranges from 70 – 83 pounds per week.

We have a long established relationships with Bellnor Ltd, they can be contacted on:

Tel: +7 (812) 312-96-84, +7 (904) 637-36-36 E-mail: info@bellnor.ru

If you would like further information please visit our website at www.ucb.ac.uk and www.bellnor.ru, www.bellnor.eu.

Both… and… - как… так и …;

Second to none – на первом месте;

Study High World Technologies in Russia

St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics – A leader in the field of Computer Science and Optical technology with over a hundred years of experience.

St. Petersburg University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics is one of the leading universities in the country thanks to the selection of courses on offer and the training given to young gifted pro-


grammers. In 1996 a team from our university became the first in Russia to win an award for programming. In 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2007 we won the gold medal in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, ACM-ICPC organized by the Association for Computing Machinery, and sponsored by IBM. In 2004 a team from our university became the world champions in programming.

You probably decided some time ago that you‟re worth the best education you can lay your hands on; in which case, you‟re probably planning to go and study at the St. Petersburg State University ITMO. If so, you‟ll need to know a little about our pre-university preparation courses, and the Unified State Exam system.

You should note though, that they aren‟t just any old preparatory courses – they‟re set up and run based on the license and registration charter issued to ITMO by the Ministry Of Education of the Russian Federation.

Conversational Formulas


Could you/ would you…? – Не могли бы Вы …?

Excuse me, may I speak to you? – Простите, можно к Вам обратить-


Excuse me, could you tell me …? – Простите, не скажите ли Вы мне


I wonder if he/ she could/ would …? – Интересно, не мог (ла) бы он

(она) …?

Possible replies

Yes?/ Well? – Да? Что?

Certainly/ Sure/ Yes, of course – Конечно. With pleasure – С удовольствием.

All right – Хорошо.

I‟m afraid, I can‟t – Боюсь, что не могу. I‟m sorry, I can‟t – Сожалею, не могу.

17. Interview your partner and find out:


a)about his/ her school education;

b)about his/ her university experience.

18.Make a Role Play.

Role 1 – “You are a reporter. You are to write an article about the Faculty of Philology and Journalism. You have a meeting with the students and graduates of the faculty”.

Role 2 – “You are a first-year student. You want to tell the reporter about your studies at the faculty”.

Role 3 - “You are a third-year student. You want to tell the reporter about your research work”.

Role 4 – “You are a University graduate. You work at school (or University). You want to tell the reporter about your work”.

19. Give a talk on the topic “Kemerovo State University. The Faculty of Philology and Journalism”.

Word Formation

The most common suffixes to form the verbs from nouns and adjectives are:

-ize to cause to be (more) …; to become (a) …; to put into the stated place;

-ify (-fy) – to make or become …; to fill with …;

20. Make the derivatives from the following words. Translate them into Russian.

Class, just, intense, code, false, fort, real, simple, standard, modern, popular.



Progressive Tenses

21. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1.Margaret is reading a newspaper now. 2. Her research work is being discussed at the moment. 3. He will be preparing for the seminar on folklore at 3 tomorrow. 4. A scientific article is being written by him at the moment. 5. She will be interviewed at 5 tomorrow. 6. Is he still being asked by the teacher? 7. What is he being asked about? 8. Was her research being discussed when you came? 9. I believe you were not being given a lecture at 8 yesterday. 10. They will be discussing methods of teaching from two to four tomorrow. 11. At 3 o‟clock we‟ll be writing a semester test. Don‟t call me, please. 12. Will you be studying if I come at 6 p.m.?

22. Choose the proper tense form. Consult the Grammar Support if necessary.

1. She speaks/is speaking five languages. 2. Look at that man. He wears/is wearing such a funny hat. 3. Don't take that book back to the library. I am reading/ read it. 4. They have/are having two daughters and two sons. 5. Do you understand/are you understanding Spanish? 6. We think/are thinking opera is boring. 7. Be quiet! I am watching/watch my favourite program. 8. We don't enjoy/aren't enjoying this party at all. The music is too loud. But we are enjoying/enjoy going to big parties. 9. Alec and Mary are Scottish. They come/are coming from Glasgow. They'll be here very soon. They come/are coming by car. 10. Lisa can't answer the phone. She has/is having a bath. 11. Every hour the Planet Earth travels/is travelling 66,620 miles around the Sun. 12. Where is Jane? She listens/is listening to a French song but she doesn't understand what it is meaning/means. 13. See you in the morning. I leave/I'm leaving now. 14. I can't stand horror films. I think/am thinking they are really silly. 15. Excuse me, does this bus stop/is this bus stopping outside the Post Office?


23.Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1)talking/ phone/ not/ is/ he/ the/ on.

2)an /they/ watching/ English/ now/ are/ film.

3)taking/ lecture/ the/ of/ notes/ students/ are/ the/ now.

4)where/ your/ staying/ are/ friends?

5)not/ I/ to/ am/ you/ now/ listening.

6)text/ he/ the/ is/now/ retelling?

24.Match the questions with the answers.

1)What is she writing?.............................. .

2)What are you doing?.............................. .

3)What are they discussing?...................... .

4)Who is he talking to?............................. .

5)Are you leaving now?............................ .

a) The dean. b) Yes, I am.

c) A course paper.

d) I‟m translating the article.

e) The system of universities in Russia.

25. Answer the questions using the Past Progressive and the Future Progressive Tenses.

1. Were you doing your homework at six o‟clock yesterday? 2. What were you doing then? 3. What will you be doing at three o‟clock tomorrow? 4. Will you be hurrying home after classes? 5. What was your mother doing when you got home yesterday? 6. Do you know when you will be taking your English exam this year? 7. Where will you be going for your holidays this year? 8. What will you be doing this weekend? 9. Were you having a party when I called you yesterday? 10. Were you talking to the Dean when I passed by the hall the other day? 11. Will you be doing a report tomorrow? 12. Will you be studying if I come at 4 tomorrow?


26. Complete the following sentences using the Future Progressive Tense according to the model.

Model: Don‟t leave (we, to have supper, in about 10 minutes). –

Don’t leave, we’ll be having supper in about 10 minutes.

1.Is there anything you‟d like to tell her? (I, see her, at the party today)

2.Don‟t wait for me (I catch up with you, in a minute) 3. We must leave immediately (they expect us, out there before noon) 4. Don‟t worry (I write shortly) 5. We needn‟t trouble to send him the book (he, come, to see us, soon) 6. I can buy the medicine for you (I pass, by the chemist‟s)

7.I don‟t think it‟s wise to wait for him (he, get home late, this evening).


Match column A with column B






While I was driv-

a. as he was chop-


ing home,


ping wood.



We were


b. he was sleeping in


ing the children

his bed.



He cut his finger

c. while they



At eight







d. she slipped








As she was cross-

e. I ran out of petrol.


ing the street,

f. the doorbell rang.


While they were













28. Join the sentences using as, when, or while, as in the example.

Tina was cooking. She burnt herself.

When Tina was cooking she burnt herself.

1)Laura was listening to the lecturer. She got a call.

2)Mrs. Jason was sitting in the garden. It started raining.

3)Peter was entering the university. He met his group mate.


4)She was making a report. One of the students went out.

29.Correct the mistakes.

1)We looking for a new article.

2)Aren‟t he having his exam now?

3)What are you do?

4)Look! The bus is come!

5)You isn‟t listening to the teacher.

30.Make these sentences passive.

1)She is still cleaning the room.

2)Is anybody serving you, madam?

3)The father is giving a birthday present to his son at the moment.

4)She is telling a funny story to the colleagues now.

5)The government is planning the city budget these days.

6)They are waiting for Mr. Miller at the moment.

7)His scientific supervisor is consulting him at the moment.

It’s Interesting to Know

Campus Fashion

Students are known for a lot of things, but fashion isn‟t one of them.

However, if you walk through any UK university campus you definitely notice that there is a sense of fashion on campus.

For most people university is the first time that you can wear what you want – there aren‟t really any rules (although turning up in fancy dresses or in your pyjamas is not really advisable!). No more dull school uniforms and no more parents telling you that “midriff is showing” or saying “isn‟t that a bit revealing?” It‟s when you can finally wear what you want every day of the week.

The Scruffy Look

This generally means jeans, a t-shirt and a hoody. Or just whatever falls out of your wardrobe in the morning and smells clean. It‟s the ste-


reotypical student look. It‟s for those who know that in a lecture no-one cares how you look – the task in hand is to stay awake!

The Business or Management Student

Somehow you can always tell business students a mile off – they are the guys who always look like they‟re going to an interview. They‟re in suits and their best shirts. They‟re dressed up to the nines and look rather out-of-place in the student union holding a pint.

The Arts Student

Arts students have a certain look about them – they know their style and stick to it. It tends to be a bit off-the-wall but it works for them. They generally avoid the high street trends, trying to be individual. They go for one of five looks: the scruffy look, the punk look, the goth look, the skater look or the intellectual look.

The Goths and the Punks

There tend not to be very extreme punks or goths in universities. Goths seem to have somehow got a bad reputation as being rather reclusive, introvert and dark. They usually have dyed black hair (sometimes red) and are dressed in black. Some just look like all the other goths, but some make it into a sophisticated look. Punks‟ hair is also often dyed (red, pink, blue or green), sometimes spiky, occasionally a mohican. They wear DocMartins or Converses and vintage or skinny jeans, often accompanied by a band T-shirt.

The Skater Look

This means baggy or sometimes flared trousers, hoodies, ska or punk band t-shirts and often dyed hair. Accompanied by lots of beaded bracelets and skater trainers such as Vans.

The Intellectual Look

They tend to be smart-casual and look extremely intelligent. It‟s the corduroy waistcoats, the scarves, fitted jeans and often some sort of hat.

The “Too Cool for School” Look

In almost every lecture you see one guy who tries to look like they‟ve just walked out of downtown New York into the lecture theatre. They have baseball caps on backwards, oversized headphones around their ears and a certain swagger about their walk.

The High-Street Fashion Gurus

There are some students who, despite the lack of cash, manage to always stick to the latest trends, no matter how short-lived they are. Ad-


mittedly, whatever the fashion is, it always seems to work on them, but you start to wonder how big their wardrobes and wallets are.

The “Can’t Live Without the Label” Look

These are the designer addicts. They are few and far between on a university campus but they do exist. Whatever they wear, it has to have a name on it somewhere, whether big or small. They‟re the people who wouldn‟t be seen dead in Topshop, let alone a charity shop.

The Sports Student

These people live in trackies. They tend to walk around with their name written on their back as one of the members of the university team and are never seen in anything else. Often seen with an extremely large bag. Imagine a younger version of your school PE teacher, but one who does sport.

The First Year Student

Ok so this isn‟t really a fashion statement, but you can spot a fresher a mile off. They are the ones who take any of the above styles to the extreme. They haven‟t yet realized just how little a student loan buys you and are still in brand new clobber. They have a lost look on their faces for at least two months while they try and figure everything out and a hint of anticipation as they wonder what they‟ve let themselves in for.

Ah, bless!

Independent Reading

31.Read the texts and answer the following questions:

a)When and where did the first universities appear?

b)How many faculties did a university have? What were they?

c)When were the first universities in Britain founded?

d)What was the attitude to the books at those times?

e)What subjects are taught and studied in Oxford nowadays?

f)Was Cambridge University open for women?

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