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внеклассное мероприятие по англ

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Тема: «The World of Professions».


Обучающие: научить учащихся применять полученные знания в устной речи; научить учащихся высказывать мнение.

Развивающие: развитие коммуникативных навыков; развитие творческих способностей учащихся.

Воспитательные: воспитание умения работать в группах; расширение знаний о мире профессионального труда, выявление степени информированности о строительных профессиях.

Форма: «Ток - шоу».

Оборудование: доска, карточки, таблички с названиями групп, раздаточный материал.

Ход мероприятия.

Teacher: Good morning dear boys, girls and our quests. I’m very glad to great you here. Today we’ll speak about the world of professions. I think this theme is very interesting and actual for you, pupils, today, isn’t it?

There are 40000 kinds of professions in the world. Today it is difficult to find your own business forever. То receive satisfaction from work it is not obligatory to choose fashionable and prestigious profession. The main thing is to find such profession which would correspond to your personal interests, to your propensities and to your emotional qualities. That’s why you’re performed the test “What work are you inclined to?” (It is on the screen).

This test will help you to define a direction in which it is necessary to search for your own specialty. According to your answer and your preferences you have been devided into five professional groups. Now we’ll listen to you about your groups and professional.

Учащиеся представляют свои группы по очереди и рассказывают о профессиях, которые они для себя выбрали в будущем.

Pupil 1: “Person - Person”

The main things for these type of profession are people, collectives, groups. Professions of the group “Person - Person” are the most human, full of communication. These are such professions as: a teacher, a doctor, a manager, an administrator, an agent, a salesman, a guide and many others.

Friendliness, empathy, interest to people must be combined with emotional stability, moderation, self-control by specialist of this sphere.

Учащиеся по одному рассказывают о своих будущих профессиях данной группы (секретарь-референд, зкскурсовод‚ юрист‚ военный)

Pupil 2: “Person - Technique”

These are professions, which are referred to the creation, using and servicing of various technical devices. Technique is a variation of machines and devices which are used by people. The professions of this group need such abilities as accuracy and punctuality, good eyesight. These are the following kinds of trades: a drive, a technician, an engineer and etc.

Учащиеся рассказывают о профессиях данной группы (системный администратор).

Teacher: Between your presentations we’ll hold some competitions.

(Ha доске написаны названия 4-х конкурсов, представителю любой группы предоставляется право выбрать один из конкурсов).

Разыгрывается конкурс. На доске напротив каждого имени выставляется звёздочка за правильней ответ.

Pupil 3: “Person - Sign System”

There are three components are needed for the production of any product. They are: matter, energy and information. Signs are the mean of information which is exchange by people in the process of vital activity. It is possible to divide the sign system into few groups:

1. Work with words, texts, books (the professions are: a corrector, a linguist, a translator).

2. Work with numbers, formulas, signs (the professions are: a physicist, an accountant, a druggist). If you are interested in mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing - these professions for you.

3. Work with images, charts, maps (this profession is a controller). If you like such objects as: geometry, geography, drawing, labors teaching, these professions for you.

4. Work with a computer, informative systems (the professions are: an operator of the personal computer, a programmer). If you are interested in mathematics, informatics, these professions for you.

Учащиеся рассказывают o профессиях переводчик, экономист.

Teacher: And now competitions again. Choose one more competition on the screen.

(Учащиеся выбирают следующий конкурс‚ который проводится B той же последовательности).

Pupil 4: “Person - Art Image”

The professions of this group are closely connected with art. The thing of labour is an image. А purpose is achieving beauty, harmony, aesthetics in surrounding things. This group includes following professions such as: a producer, an actor, an artist, a restorer, a pastry-cook.

Учащиеся рассказывают о профессиях данной группы: актёр, дизайнер.

Pupil 5: “Person - Nature”

The representatives of these trades are joined by one important quality such as love to nature. This group includes following professions: a farmer, a laboratorian, a pharmacist, an ecologist, a physician.

Учащиеся рассказывают о профессиях ветеринара, эколога, фармацевта.

Teacher: The third competition again. Choose any competition.

(Проводится третий конкурс, выставляются звёздочки против тех имён, кто дал правильные ответы).

Teacher: Thank you very much for your stories. But now let’s speak about your trading centre. This year you began to study in it to get some working specialities. What about them. Are you going to work as a driver, as a carpenter and as a plasterer in your future life?

Ребята представляют свой учебный комбинат и рассказывают о рабочих специальностях, которым они обучаются в комбинате.

Teacher: Thank you very much. I hope that you will need these specialities in your future life.

Teacher: And the last competitions. (Проводится последний конкурс. Оператор подводит итоги.)

Teacher: But today there are a lot of specialities that occur at the beginning of this century, because of technical, economic and social progress. Do you know some of them?

Will you name the professions of the XXI century.

What are they? What do they mean?

Учащиеся по очереди называют новые профессии.

  • А manager is an expert who places the goods and the trading equipment indoors.

  • А recruit is an expert who ‘is looking for the employers having vacancies and interested in a set of personnel, he concludes treaties.

  • А colorist is an expert in coloring of fabrics, who uses and combines paints professionally.

  • An impresario is an organizer of actions. The agent of any actor who operates from his name.

  • А promoter is an expert who promotes the goods. He should tell about goods.

  • A receptionist is the first person in a large firm whom we meet entering the office. Hemust accept visitors and answer phone calls.

  • А logistic is an expert who does not earn money for a firm, but save them to reach themaximum advantage and profit for a firm.

Part 1 competition.

Teacher: I’ll name you a letter. You must name the professions, which begin with this letter.

Part 2 competition.

Teacher: Name as much professions of your group as you can. Win the group that will call moreprofessions.

Part 3 competition.

Teacher: I’ll give you some words and you should make up other words with the same root withthe help of suffixes -er; -or; -ist.

Раздаются на столы карточки, на которых написаны слова:

То teach, to build, to design

To work, to direct, to write

Economy, to act, low

Football, bank , science

To driver, to report

Учащиеся должны получить следующие слова:

Teacher, worker, economist, footballer, driver, builder, director, actor, banker, reporter, designer,writer, lawyer, scientist.

Teacher: Now I’ll give you some other professions and their descriptions. Your task is to match the description and the professions.

Раздаются карточки со словами, обозначающими профессии и карточки с описаниями этих профессий. Учащиеся должны сопоставить описания и названия профессий.


1. This is a person who treats people from different diseases.(Doctor)

2. This is a person who trims the walls in a building house.(Plasterer)

3. This is a person who builds up buildings.(Builder)

4. This is a man who prevents fire and saves people from fire.(Fireman)

5. This is a person who works in a firm and deals with money.(Bookkeeper)

6. This is a person who drive cars and lorry.(Driver)

7. This is a person who works with little kids or a person who works in a hospital and helps the doctor.(Nurse)

8. This is a person who treats our teeth.(Dentist)

9. This is a person who delivers letters.(Postman)

10. This is a person who works with wooden boards. (Carpenter)

11. This is a person who creates buildings before the construction. (Architect)

Список слов: builder, fireman, architect, book-keeper, doctor, postman, nurse, driver, dentist, carpenter, plasterer.

Подсчитывается количество полученных звёздочек учащимися. Тот, кто набрал наибольшее число - получает медаль.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Our lesson is over. You may be free.

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