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«Пермский государственный педагогический университет»

Кафедра английского языка



Сборник упражнений




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кандидат педагогических наук доцент кафедры ПЛИиТО

Пермского государственного технического университета М.А. Мосина

Автор-составитель : канд. филол. наук

доц. каф. английского языка Е.В. Тетерлева

Written English. Practice book = Письменная речь английского языка : сб. упражнений / авт.-сост. Е.В.Тетерлева ; Перм. гос. пед. ун-т. – Пермь, 2009. – 118 с.

Издание предназначено для развития и совершенствования навыков письменной речи английского языка в написании таких видов письменных работ, как эссе за и против, эссе-мнение, дескриптивное эссе, письмо-жалоба, письмо-извинение, статья. Задания подобраны с учетом содержания устной практики английского языка на 2 курсе.

Адресовано студентам 2 курса английского отделения факультетов иностранных языков.

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Печатается по решению учебно-методического совета

Пермского государственного педагогического университета

© Тетерлева Е.В., составление, 2009

© ГОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный

Педагогический университет», 2009


Предисловие …………………………………………..……..

Module I Discursive Essay Writing ……………………….

  1. For and against essays ………………………..…

  2. Opinion essays …………………………………..

Module II Descriptive Essay Writing ………………………

  1. Describing objects ……………………………....

  2. Describing places/ buildings …………………....

  3. Describing events/ celebrations …………………

Module III Letter Writing ………………………………......

  1. Letters of complaint ……………………….…....

  2. Letters of apology ……………………….……...

Module IV Article Writing …………………………..……..

Literature ……………………………………………………..















Сборник упражнений «Written English. Practice book» является дополнением к учебному пособию «Written English. Student’s book» и предназначен для студентов 2 курса факультета иностранных языков ПГПУ. Сборник включает 4 модуля: Discursive essays; Descriptive essays; Letter writing; Article writing, которые охватывают подготовку к написанию таких видов письменных работ, как: эссе «за» и «против»; эссе-мнение; дескриптивное эссе, письмо-жалоба, письмо-извинение и статья.

Каждый модуль включает блок упражнений, направленный на закрепление полученных знаний в рамках курса «Письменная практика английского языка», и имеет целью помочь студентам в написании собственных письменных работ. Содержание подобранных упражнений коррелирует с тематическим содержанием устной практики на 2 курсе. За преподавателем остается право выбора упражнений.

Автор выражает искреннюю благодарность Красноборовой Анастасии Александровне, оказавшей неоценимую помощь в процессе работы над данным пособием.





  1. a) Read the sample essay and label the paragraphs with the correct headings. What is the writer's opinion on the topic? Finally, replace the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs with alternative ones.

  • arguments against • opinion

  • arguments for • present topic

Did you know the boat was one of the first forms of transport? A hundred years ago, the only way to make a journey across the sea was by boat. Nowadays, however, when it is possible to fly from one continent to another in the space of a few hours, is there any reason to travel by boat?

Although the boat is a rather old-fashioned way of travelling, it has certain advantages. To begin with, boats are usually more comfortable than planes or cars. Instead of staying in your seat for the whole journey, you can go for a walk on the deck, eat in a restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space to move around makes a long journey much more pleasant. Furthermore, boats are often cheaper than other forms of travel. For example, a boat ticket usually costs less than a plane ticket. Finally, boats are a safe alternative to cars and planes. There are fewer accidents at sea than in the air or on the roads.

However, travelling by boat does have its disadvantages. It usually takes much longer than other forms of travel. As a result, it can be more tiring. In addition, boat trips can be very unpleasant when the weather is bad or the sea is rough, making journeys uncomfortable or even frightening.

All things considered, although there are some disadvantages to travelling by boat, I believe it is a very enjoyable experience. Journeys may take longer, but if you have time to spare, you can take advantage of the many facilities which boats have to offer and enjoy a pleasant voyage.

b) Read the essay again and fill in the blanks below.

Main body

Para 2



    1. more comfortable than other forms of travel

    2. ……………………

    3. ……………………

Justifications/ Examples

go for a walk, eat in a restaurant, go shopping, have more space to move around



Para 3



1) ………………………

2) ………………………

Justifications/ Examples



(Successful Writing. Intermediate. St’s book. p.83)

  1. Read the sample essay and write out arguments and counter arguments of camping holidays. What techniques are used for the first paragraph and the last paragraph?

Camping is, by and large, a pastime that people either love or hate, depending on their personality. Those who are in favour of it, are quick to point out its many advantages, while those to whom it does not appeal to, often fail to see anything positive about it at all.

The advantages of camping holidays are mainly financial, since they are considerably cheaper than staying in a hotel. They also provide a lot more freedom of choice in terms of where you stay, since a tent can be pitched almost anywhere. For many people, though, the main reason for going on a camping holiday is the escape it offers from the stress of everyday life; after all, the chance to sleep in the open air, under the stars is not one that we often get.

However, there are also disadvantages associated with camping holidays, the main one being a lack of amenities such as running water, which can make life very inconvenient. Another disadvantage is the fact that this lack of amenities, which we usually take for granted, can make a camping holiday very tiring because of the extra work involved, meaning that it is possible to return from a camping holiday more tired than when you left.

Taking everything into account, camping can be an enjoyable experience as long as one is prepared to go without a few luxuries for a short period of time. Probably the main requirement for an enjoyable camp­ing holiday, however, is that it suits your personality.

(Mission. T’s book. pp.63-64)

  1. Read the viewpoints (1-5) about the following question: ‘Should more people give up meat and become vegetarians?’ Match the viewpoints to the reasons (a-e).

      1. Eating meat is bad for you.

      2. There are many healthy and tasty alternatives available.

      3. Eating meat is cruel to animals.

      4. Meat is an essential part of our diet; we cannot do without it.

      5. Vegetarian food is often boring and tasteless.

        1. Soya beans and lentils are delicious and are good sources of protein.

        2. It has been linked to heart disease and even cancer.

        3. Meat provides us with the protein and vitamins that we need.

        4. Animals are kept in terrible conditions just so they can be killed and eaten.

        5. There aren’t many vegetarian dishes that actually taste nice.

(Successful Writing. Intermediate. p.92)

  1. Which of the following arguments are for and which are against the topic Should countries encourage tourism?’

      1. The desire to attract tourists to a certain area often encourages governments to improve local facilities.

      2. Over-development leads to ugly, crowded tourist spots and environmental damage.

      3. The impact of tourism may destroy the local way of life.

      4. Many people claim that tourism is an important source of income.

      5. A country’s economy may become so dependent on tourism that it is weakened.

      6. Tourism allows people to experience other cultures.

(Successful Writing. Proficiency. St’s book. p.69)

  1. a) Sort the reasons for and against «Cabbage Soup Diet» into the appropriate columns:

  1. You will lose weight after following this diet.

  2. Very boring selection of available food.

  3. Short term side effects can include headaches, weakness and decreased concentration.

  4. Diet period is only one week.

  5. Can eat as much soup as you want throughout.

  6. Diet does not contain the body’s required vitamins and mineral.

  7. Weight loss is mainly water and is only temporary as very little actual fat is burnt.

  8. Perfect for one-off rapid weight loss before a big occasion

  9. Because of the soup’s composition, you will not be left feeling hungry.

  10. The diet is known to be high in fiber and less in calories compared to others.

  11. The diet attacks your muscles.

  12. It does not guarantee lifelong results.

b) From the Internet search for arguments for and against some other diet types, such as

Atkins Diet

Blood Type Diet

F-Plan Diet

Grapefruit Diet

Slim Fast

Weight Watchers

Zone Diet

Subway Diet

Hollywood Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Scarsdale Diet

Sugar Busters

Beverly Hills Diet

Protein Power


South Beach Diet

Hip and Thigh Diet

Suzanne Somers

Fit For Life


  1. Read the following points and match them with justifications. Then say which are in favour of going on a cruise and which are against.


1 A cruise holiday can be very expensive.

2 You are unlikely to get bored on a cruise trip.

3 A cruise is a relaxing way to spend one’s holiday.

4 Young people can feel lonely on a cruise trip.

5 You may not be able to explore places as much as you would like.

6 One is given the chance to see many different sights within a short space of time.


A Most cruise ships have a wide range of activities designed to appeal to all passengers’ tastes.

B You do not have to worry about travel arrangements and can spend all day sunbathing if you wish.

C Passengers are usually allowed to spend only a short amount of time at each port visited.

D This is because the majority of people who take cruises tend to be middle-aged or older.

E Cruise ships usually visit a variety of places and passengers are allowed to make excursions at each port.

F A cruise can cost three times as much as other types of holidays.

(Enterprise 4. Intermediate. Coursebook. p.117)

  1. Look at the following points. Give examples to support the points for and against travelling by bicycle.


environmentally friendly

good exercise


quick in heavy traffic



unhealthy fumes breathed in

does not protect from weather

not good for long trips

e.g. Travelling by bicycle is environmentally friendly because you do not have to use petrol and a bicycle does not produce any pollution.

(Enterprise 4. Intermediate. Coursebook. p.117)

  1. Read the pros and cons about genetic engineering. Give examples/ justifications to support the points for and against it.


  • choosing sex of our children

  • creating ideal people for any job

  • curing diseases

  • providing food for everyone

  • new species of plants created

  • healthier society


  • morally wrong to alter humans

  • dividing world into rich and poor

  • loss of national characteristics

  • unpredictable consequences

  • creating a larger population

(Successful Writing. Proficiency. St’s book. p.60 )

  1. Read the following model, list the points for and against, then answer the questions:

a) Which “first paragraph” technique has been used?

b) What justifications does the writer use to support his arguments for/ against?

c) Which linking words have been used?

d) Is it a balanced argument?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism

Have you ever thought about the effect tourism can have on an area? It may seem, at first, that tourism brings only benefits, but further consideration shows that it also has negative effects.

On the positive side, tourism provides employment. Many local people find jobs in hotels and restaurants, and shopkeepers have more customers. What is more, the extra income means that local councils have more money to spend on expanding and improving their facilities, thus making them better for both visitors and residents.

On the other hand, tourism can do a great deal of harm. For example, pollution is caused both by the increase in traffic and the litter that visitors leave behind. In addition, local traditions and lifestyles are replaced by new customs and habits. This creates confusion among the local people and causes conflicts between young and old.

In conclusion, an area can benefit from tourism in many ways. However, it can also do a great deal of harm, and local residents should be aware of this before deciding to encourage it.

(Enterprise 4. Intermediate. Coursebook. p.116)

  1. There are various types of dwelling, each has its advantages and disadvantages. Discuss them adding more features to support your argument.

(Suggested answer)

A flat would have the advantage of being close to the city centre, near public transport, and it would be fitted with modern conveniences. However, you would not have a garden, and there would be a lack of privacy. It might also be very noisy and stressful.

Living in a castle would be nice. Because it would be in the countryside, the lifestyle would be relaxed and the air would be much fresher than in the city. A castle would probably also have picturesque grounds. The disadvantages of living in a castle are that it might be lonely and isolated. A castle is rather cold, damp, and expensive to maintain. It could also be haunted!

  1. detached house (spacious, private, solitary, garden)

  2. semi-detached house (family-sized, modern, garden, no individuality)

  3. terraced house (small rooms, economical, reasonably priced, warm, cosy)

  4. tower block (lots of flats, many floors, centrally located, lack of privacy, no garden)

  5. cottage (low ceilings, old, traditional, thatched roof, garden)

  6. castle (isolated, traditional, luxurious, historical, spacious, expensive to maintain)

  7. flat (modern, secure, cosy, no garden, noisy)

  8. mansion (expensive, luxurious, private)

(Mission. T’s book. p.85)

  1. Different types of holiday have both merits and demerits. From the list below choose 3-5 types to write their pros and cons.

  1. package holiday (BrE) /vacation package (AmE)

  2. tailor-made holiday

  3. house exchange

  4. family holiday (BrE) /vacation (AmE)

  5. skiing/ walking/ cycling/ etc holiday (BrE) /ski /hiking /bike etc trip (AmE)

  6. cruise

  7. safari

  8. backpacking

  9. camping

  10. caravanning

  11. working holiday (BrE) /working vacation /volunteer vacation (AmE)

  12. activity holiday

  13. adventure holiday (BrE) /adventure vacation (AmE)

  14. fly-drive holiday

(Longman Exam Dictionary. pWH 40)

  1. Choose two holidays from http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/typesoftrip and compare them discussing their advantages and disadvantages.

(Suggested answer)

A campsite is for people who like the outdoor life and don’t mind putting up with a bit of discomfort. Hotels, on the other hand, offer lots of luxuries. Staying at a campsite is not as expensive as staying in a hotel. However, one needs to have special equipment to go camping. Another disadvantage of staying in a campsite is that you have to make do with basic facilities such as shared toilets and showers. This has a positive aspect, though since you get to know other campers and make new friends. On the contrary, in a hotel there is very little chance of meeting the other guests unless you make an effort to do so, etc.

(Mission. T’s book. p.86)

  1. Look at this list of alternative holidays. Would they appeal to you? Why/ Why not? Give good reasoning.

  1. a yoga retreat in the Sri Lankan jungle

  2. a four-day water-colour painting course in rural England

  3. staying with Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert

  4. a bird-watching holiday in remote Eastern Hungary

  5. a horse-riding holiday in the olive groves of Northern Portugal

  6. an archeology trip searching for dinosaur bones in the Argentine desert

  7. an Italian cookery course in a farmhouse in rural Tuscany

  8. a surfing course in a remote beach resort in Mexico

  9. a survival course in the Rocky mountains of North America

  10. camel-trekking in the Sinai

(Cutting Edge. Advanced. St’s book. p.90)

  1. Though the smokers are aware of the dangers of smoking, they are not able to kick the bad habit. They have their own reasons for smoking. Using the opinions below write the main body of the essay “Smoking: is it worth?”

The pros of smoking are said to be as follows:

1 Most of the smokers believe that they feel a very strong bonding with other smokers.

2 Smokers enjoy a sense of gratification by smoking.

3 Smoking cigarettes gives smokers the feeling of creating a ritual.

4 Nicotine gives a feeling of pleasure to the smokers.

5 Watching the smoke swirl and the cigarette burn is fun for most of the smokers.

6 Smoking helps many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration.

7 Governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes.

The cons of smoking are:

  1. Cigarette smoke leaves an after smell on everything: your clothes, car and home.

  2. You may not be able to breathe properly.

  3. You may have a nagging cough all day and night.

  4. You may suffer from severe headaches, and occasional migraines.

  5. You may have yellow skin, teeth and fingernails.

  6. You may have a feeling of inadequacy and substance dependence.

  7. You may feel anxiety and no relaxation throughout the day.

  8. You may experience limited motivation and energy to do anything.

  9. You may accidentally burn holes in your clothes or your upholstery.

  10. Smoking costs governments millions of pounds because of the large number of people who need treatment in hospitals for smoking-related problems.


  1. «It is important to follow fashion». Do you agree?

Identify whether the arguments listed below are in favour of (F) or against (A) the statement above. Which argument you feel is convincing? Suggest a suitable justification or example. Finally add any further arguments of your own.

  1. expensive to keep up with changing fashions

  2. not accepted by friends/peers unless fashionable

  3. certain fashions don’t suit certain people

  4. good clothes thrown away when fashion changes

  5. fashion helps people decide how to dress

  6. fashionable clothes/etc often impractical

  7. dressing fashionably increases self-confidence

  8. unfair to people who can’t afford latest fashion

  9. everyone looks the same, like flock of sheep

  10. creates image that doesn’t show one’s character

(Successful Writing. Proficiency. St’s book. p.72)

  1. Read the arguments in favour of fast-food restaurants. Write 3 arguments against it.

First, the fast-food restaurant is good for people who must have a quick bite because of a busy schedule. Second, the food is inexpensive yet tasty. A person can eat an enjoyable meal out and stay within a limited budget. Finally, the food is usually consistent. For example, a cheeseburger from a well-known fast-food restaurant looks and tastes about the same no matter where in the world it is purchased. Consequently, buyers know exactly what they are getting.

  1. Put these jumbled sentences in the correct order. Then write them out in two separate paragraphs, one including all the advantages, the other all the disadvantages. Finally, write a suitable beginning and ending for this topic.

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