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Упражнение 65

А. Служебное слово as входит в состав сложного союза as well as, который присоединяет однород­ные члены предложения (в значении "также", "так­же как и") и зависимый причастный оборот (в зна­чении "кроме", "помимо").

Б. Переведите предложения с союзом as well as.

  1. Drugs produce harmful as well as beneficial effects, and decisions about when and how to use them therapeutically always involve the balancing of benefits and risks.

  2. The amount of water lost by the lungs depends on the minute volume of respiration as well as on the temperature and moisture of the atmospheric air.

  3. Plasma transports nutrients, metabolic waste products and chemicals, as well as hormones and drugs.

  4. Most salts and minerals, as well as water, are readily absorbed from all portions of the small intestine.

  5. The lymph vessels from the lower limbs, as well as \hose from the abdominal organs, unite to form the largest lymph vessel in the body, called the thoracic duct.

  6. The red bone marrow contains mainly the cells responsible for the formation of leucocytes and erythrocytes as well as the giant cells of the bone marrow — me- gakaryocytes — which are responsible for production of platelets.

  7. Excesses of parathyroid hormone caused by tumour or other pathological processes can lead to softening or weakening of bones, fractures and deformity, as well as formation of calcium stones in the urinary tract.

  8. The marrow present in some bones is responsible for the formation of red blood cells as well as the formation of certain kinds of white blood cells.

  9. Bile as well as being an aid to digestion provides a means for the excretion of certain waste products.

  1. As well as being a storehouse for food, fatty tissue provides an excellent packing for delicate organs.

  2. As well as proving an external secretion, the pancreas also forms an internal secretion which is of the very greatest importance to carbohydrate metabolism of the body.

  3. As well as their diagnostic uses, X-rays can also be used in the treatment of cancerous tissue.

  4. Bone lesions commonly occur in the vertebral column, ribs and pelvis, as well as in the long bones of the arms and legs.

  5. A simple cystitis that does not involve the rest of the urinary tract is not as serious as the descending type in which the kidneys and ureters as well as the bladder are involved.


Упражнение 66

А. Сравнительная конструкция

as + прилагательное/наречие + as

на русский язык передаётся следующими эквива­лентами:

"столь же", "такой же", "сопоставимый по размеру с...".

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. Bones are as strong as steel but much lighter and more flexible.

  2. Scapula, or shoulder-blade, is a flat bone, about as large as the flat hand and fingers.

  3. From head to toe, the adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones, as large as the thighbone, and as small as the bones of the ear.

  4. Older people do not learn new things as quickly as younger people, but once something has been learned, they remember it better and more accurately.

  5. The brain contains as many nerve cells as there are stars in the universe.

  6. Mitosis is a continuous process, which may take as little as 5 minutes or as long as several hours from start to finish.

  7. A person with severe renal disease may lose as much as 20 to 30 g of plasma proteins in the urine in one day.

  8. Places where medical operations are carried out should be kept as germ-free as possible.

  9. If the heart fails to pump as well as it should, the body retains fluid.

  1. China is still the only country in the world where the traditional doctor, using herbal medicine and acupuncture, is as respected as the Western-trained doctor.

  2. In order that the food may be retained as long as necessary in the stomach, and not regurgitate into the oesophagus, or else be passed too quickly into the intestine, it is provided with two sphincters.



А. Служебное слово as входит в состав сравнитель­ной конструкции

times as ... as,

(числительное) (прилагательное)

которая имеет значение

"в (...) раз больше/чаще/дольше, чем ..."

Например: ten times as many as

в десять раз больше, чем

Б. Переведите предложения со сравнительной кон­струкцией.

  1. Skin cancers are twice as common among men as they are among women.

  2. Statistics show that men qet into car accidents twice as many as women.


  1. Bile leaving the gallbladder is six to ten times as concentrated as that which comes to it from the liver.

  2. The average baby sleeps for twice as long as the average adult. Babies also dream twice as much as older human.

  3. There is almost twice as much calcium in the body as phosphorus and 500 times as much calcium as iron.

  4. Fats supply more than twice as many calories as proteins or carbohydrates; for this reason they are particularly useful as foods when a large amount of energy is required.

  5. The brain needs ten times as much blood as other organs of the body, as it can't store glucose for later use.

  1. The disease affects men and women about equally in number, but three times as many women as men develop symptoms severe enough to require medical attention.

  2. Anger-prone people are three times as likely to have heart attacks as more passive folks.