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3. Do teenagers have problems?

Teenagers are human, so of course they have problems. And the problems aren't very differ­ent from anyone else's.

What's going to happen at work/school tomorrow?

Why does Dad like my sister better than me?

Am I too fat / skinny / tall / short etc.?

Does my boyfriend / girlfriend really like me?

How can I afford to buy ................ ?

Am I stupid?

There isn't anyone alive in the world who hasn't posed these questions. We usually do it when we turn out the light and lie down in bed at night and the answers aren't very satis­factory!

It's true, of course, that sometimes teenagers have special problems. It is a difficult time because it is a period of transformation. It isn't quite as bad as a chrysalis changing into a but­terfly. It isn't easy to grow up and the physical and emotional changes are often confusing and worrying. But it's my impression that most young people cope rather well.

4.1.Try to understand the text with the help of the following words and expressions:

betters and elders = older people who are (or should be!) wiser

caring - заботливый

what's more - более того

horrendous = terrible, extremely bad

to gawp at = to look at something in a foolish way, esp. with the mouth open

drugs - наркотики

preoccupations = things that you think about more than anything else

to behave - вести себя

rude [ru:d]- грубый

selfish - эгоистичный

greedy - жадный

as far as I'm concerned = in my opinion

nonsense - чепуха, ерунда

skinny - тощий

to afford - позволять себе, иметь возможность

to pose - ставить (вопрос)

chrysalis - куколка (насекомых)

impression - впечатление

to cope - справляться

to come up - возникать (о вопросе, проблеме и т.п.)

set me thinking = made me begin to think about it

prerogative - прерогатива, исключительное право

inclusive - включительно

to exclude - исключать

to vote - голосовать

permission - разрешение

at the other end of the scale - с другой стороны

in actual fact – в действительности

premise - предпосылка, данное, логическая посылка

to define - определять, давать точное определение

ridiculous - нелепый, смешной

4.2..Fill in the gaps with suitable words and expressions.

  1. I travel ………. for my work and often meet young people.

  2. Are ……… a problem in your country?

  3. Why, for ……….., should teenagers be more of a problem than, say, ………. people or babies?

  4. once you reach eighteen you can ……,

  5. In actual fact they have their own group title now — '…………' or some­times '…………'.

  6. It isn't music, it's just a col­lection of …………. noises!

  7. Well, that's how the story …….!

  8. Actually, it seems to me to be ……………… the truth.

  9. As ………………, it's nonsense!

  10. It is a difficult time because it is a period of …………….

4.3.Translate into English:

  1. Я достаточно много путешествую по работе и часто встречаюсь с молодыми людьми.

  2. Официально, конечно, тинэйджер это кто-то в возрасте от 13-ти до 19-ти лет включительно, но большинство людей вероятнее всего будет считать таковыми более молодую возрастную категорию подростков, исключая 18-ти и 19-ти-летних.

  3. В соответствии с мнением «старшего поколения» подростки ленивы, носят нелепую одежду и ужасающе грубы с теми «кто старше и мудрее их»…