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учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2.doc
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Отсутствие – absence, закупка товаров – purchase of goods, товары первой необходимости- essential goods, выгода – benefit, закупочная контора - procurement agency, учредитель – учредитель, объём перевозок - flow of traffic, складские помещения - storage facilities, спрос – demand, сфера услуг – nonmaterial, оптово-розничная торговля- wholesale and retail trade, комиссионно- commission, техническое бюро – technical office, жилое сооружение- living quarters, забота – welfare, затраты на социальные нужды – expenses to social needs, касса взаимопомощи - mutual aid fund, чистая прибыль - clear profit, кегельбан - bowling-alley,бильярдная – billiard-room, по заказу - on demand, льгота – benefit, на средства фирмы - at the expense of a firm, триумфальный – triumphal, оборот - turnover

прусский орден – Prussian order;

20. Make a presentation about one of Khabarovsk merchants. Pay attention to their role in the development of Khabarovsk and the Far East.

21.On your own. Use the Internet and other sources to find out some supplementary information about other Russian and foreign merchants of Khabarovsk Territory.


Lesson 22. Contribution of Governors-General to the Development of the Far Eastern Lands

1. Study the key vocabulary:

extraordinary powers -чрезвычайные полномочия

protégé - ставленник

civil - гражданский

improvement - благоустройство

enlightenment - просветительство

charity- благотворительность

to promote – способствовать

2. Match the following columns:

extraordinary power






to promote





to develop

to provide with


3. Circle the word different from the meaning of the key word or key combination:

extraordinary powers

a) unlimited rights b) a lot of rights and duties to fulfill c) to give free rein to actions


  1. Protected person b) maker of somebody’s ideas in reality c)successor


a)putting in order b) eliminating defects c) refining


a) transaction b) donation c)gift

to promote

a)to help b)move ahead c) contribute

4. Translate into English:

Губернаторы Восточной и Западной Сибири получали чрезвычайные полномочия.

Не все ставленники царя честно выполняли свой долг.

Гражданский долг каждого жителя Хабаровска заботиться о его благоустройстве.

Просветительская деятельность была одной из главных задач всех губернаторов.

Благотворительность была отличительной чертой Хабаровских купцов.

Деятельность губернаторов Приамурского края способствовала его развитию и укреплению.

5. Scan the text: General - Governorship in the Far East

Historical Reference

Siberian General-Governorship was founded in 1822 -1884 with headquarters in Irkutsk. Governors - General were appointed by Emperors.

On July 22, 1822 Siberian General-Governorship was divided into the West-Siberian General-Governorship and East-Siberian General-Governorship.

On November 14, 1856 in the East-Siberian General-Governorship was founded Primorye Oblast with the administrative center of Nilolayevsk.

On April 28, 1880 the administrative center of Primorye Oblast was transferred from Nikolayevsk to Khabarovka, which that year got the status of a city.

On June 16, 1884 the East-Siberian General-Governorship was divided into Irkutsk and Priamurye General-Governorships. Priamurye General-Governorship included Primorye, Amur, Zabaikalie and Sakhalin territories. Khabarovka became the center of the Priamurye General-Governorship.

Priamurye General-Governorship was abolished in 1917.

   A Governor-General is the high-ranking official of local administration in imperial Russia, the head of a General-Governorship including one or several provinces. Governors- Generals were allocated with extraordinary powers.

The authority the Governor-General, especially in remote areas, was characterized by military dictatorship. The Military Governor was appointed for management of province, area, city or a fortress, and in a war time, to manage the area occupied during a war. He fulfilled civil military management.

Military Governors mostly operated by areas included into Governorships-General. During more than seventy years 27 imperial proteges at various times ruled by the territories of the Far East. Their governing has imposed a special print on the process of territorial development.

The first and the best of them was N.N.Muravyov-Amursky. His successors continued the traditions of civil improvement and industrial development of the Far East followed his example in questions of enlightenment and charity.

The names of some of them are : A. N. Korf, S. M. Duhovskoy, N. I. Grodekov, D. I. Subotich, P. F. Unterberger, N. L. Gondatti deserved a recognition in service and science activities. Promoting the development of the economy and culture, they wanted to transform the outskirt of Russia into the rich edge competing with the European provinces. Some of them: Michael Pavlovich Tikhmenev, Andrei Nikolayevich Korf and Nikolay Lvovich Gondatty became the Honorable Citizens of Khabarovsk.