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6Telecommunications and broadcasting

People today expect to be able to get in touch with each other at any time and in any place. The communication of speech, text and other data by cable and radio is a growing field of employment. Cellphones are an area of recent expansion.

Engineers are employed to manufacture, plan, install, commission and maintain telecommunication equipment. National and local radio and television stations employ broadcasting and sound engineers.

7Medical equipment

Recent years have been a sharp increase in equipment for patient care. This ranges from body scanners to electronic stethoscopes. While the operation of this equipment is the responsibility of the medical team, engineers are required to work with medical experts in the design of such equipment, in the installation of larger equipment and in maintenance. Job satisfaction in this area can be high.

3. Translate and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

Electronic equipment, on-board equipment, local area networks, sophisticated system, electronic technician, garbage recycling, widespread application, leisure electronic item, software support, control panel.

4.Complete the table.

Area of employment

Needs of area

Work done by electronics specialists

5. True (t) or false (f) sentences. Correct the false ones.

  1. Air traffic control equipment is maintained in the air.

  2. Electronic engineers can design computers as well as service them.

  3. LANs require network managers and maintenance and hardware support.

  4. Electronics has nothing to do in defense.

  5. No operation at the industrial enterprise can be done without human assistance.

  6. Electronic engineers only design leisure electronic items.

  7. Electronic engineers are widely employed in telecommunications and broadcasting.

  8. Job satisfaction for electronics specialists in the area of medical equipment can be high.

6. Answer the following questions about the text.

  1. What areas of electronic devices employment do you know?

  2. What do electronics engineers do in avionics?

  3. Are they helpful in computing? Why?

  4. Is defence still actual in our time

  5. What are the major fields of defense electronics?

  6. How can electronics engineers be employed in industrial electronics?

  7. What do they do in business sector, telecommunications and broadcasting?

  8. Can they be really employed for medical needs?

  9. What other areas of employment can be added?

  10. What area would you like to work in? Why?

7. Translate into English.

  1. Спеціалісти в галузі електроніки необхідні в багатьох сферах.

  2. Наприклад, у авіації інженери-електронщики обслуговують бортове обладнання.

  3. Програмісти і проектувальники завжди знайдуть собі роботу.

  4. Навіть у галузі оборони і охорони спеціалісти з електроніки користуються популярністю.

  5. Але найбільш необхідними електронщики є у галузі промислового виробництва.

  6. Щодо дозвілля, то тут мікроелектронщики не лише проектують будь-яке електронне обладнання, але й налагоджують його.

  7. Не можуть обійтися без спеціалістів в цій галузі телекомунікації, телебачення і радіомовлення.

  8. Також представники цієї спеціальності можуть допомагати медикам. Вони встановлюють і налагоджують спеціальне обладнання.


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