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Exercise 1. Match the following idioms with the definitions given at the end. Translate them into your own language. [Simkhovich p.234 ex.7]



1) forbidden fruit;

2) a broken reed;

3) a stuffed shirt;

4) injured innocence;

5) the finished product;

6) an unwritten law;

7) a closed shop;

8) frozen music;

9) a closed/sealed book/wonder (to smb);

10) a confirmed bachelor.

a) a man who from principle or long-established habits is not likely to marry;

b) a long-established custom that is difficult to break or disobey;

c) the practice under which only people belonging to a recognized trade union are employed in a factory or trade;

d) architecture, statuary;

e) sb/smth finally completed or evolved;

f) a person whose intentions, abilities, etc. are unknown, especially when these may influence a situation;

g) smth that is desired by a person and that is made even more attractive by the fact that the person is unable or forbidden to obtain it;

h) attitude of sb wrongfully attacked or blamed;

i) a person who believes himself to be better or more important than he really is;

j) sb or smth likely to fail when his or its strength is tested usually because of some prior stress or experience.

Exercise 2.Translate the following combinations of words into English. Pay attention to the place of Participle II. [Klys p197 ex13]

Иллюстрированный журнал; журнал, иллюстрированный известным художником; разбитое стекло; стекло, разбитое 2 дня назад; сломанная ветка; ветка, сломанная ветром; взвол­нованные голоса; дети, взволнованные неприятным сообщени­ем; потерянный ключ; потерянный вчера ключ; закрытая дверь; дверь, запертая изнутри; написанное письмо; письмо, написанное незнакомым почерком; упавшее дерево; книга, упавшая со стола; украденные документы; документы, украденные у секретаря; оконченное сочинение; сочинение, окон­ченное в спешке; испуганный мальчик; мальчик, испуганный собакой.

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences with Participle II used attributively. [Simkhovich p.233ex.5]

1. We walked down the hall and down the wide thickly ... stairs, (carpet). 2. For over 96 years, the formula for making coca cola has been a closely ... secret, (guard). 3. The job security ... by the system of lifetime employment influences the way employees approach their work. (guarantee). 4. We employ ... personnel. We do not care which sex they are. (experience). 5. There is a ... belief that employees are entitled to a share in a company's profits, (spread widely). 6. The firm managed to cover its losses from ... reserves, (hide). 7. The government was accused of playing down the potential hazards ... with the mining, (associate). 8. Goods ... in transit should be returned to the manufacturer, (damage). 9. Clothes … in the sale cannot be changed. (buy).

Exercise 4. Make one sentence from the two sentences given, using Participle II. [Simkhovich p.233 ex.4]

MODEL: There was a tree on the road. It fell down in the storm last night.

- There was a tree fallen down in the storm last night.

1. When I arrived, there was a big red car there. Somebody had parked it outside the cottage. 2. In the car there were some people. The police found them injured in the accident. 3. There is a book on economics on the table. Somebody left it in the auditorium. 4. There's a new diving board in the swimming pool. The workmen installed it last week. 5. There are many high quality leather goods on sale. Our firm delivered them from India. 6. There was only one guest at the party I knew about: Sir Henry personally invited him. 7. There was a balcony along the second floor. Some columns held it up.

Exercise 5. Replace the attributive clauses by phrases with Participle II. [Klys p198 ex14]

1. She who was astonished, stared at Peter, then looked the other way.

2. The great majority of examples which are included in this book are typical of spoken English.

3. This book must be returned on the date which is last marked below.

4. The suggestion which was made by the chairman was accepted unanimously.

5. Arthur had brought two wildly excited friends who were called Tom and Steve to our party.

6. One day she found a letter which was slipped under her door.

7. Joan had enormous black eyes which were framed in velvet lashes and eyebrows.

8. I've a letter for you which was received 2 days ago.

9. Eliza who was excited by his words moved along the street.

10. They were all pleased with the results which were received by the end of the month.

11. I asked the librarian to show me the magazines which were sent from the United States of America.

12. We were all looking at his smiling face which was framed in the window of the railway-carriage.

13. Tennis is one of the most popular games in England that is played all the year round.

14. They say that in their college, as well as in ours, the students have lots of exams which are held at the end of each term.

15. There lay a loaf of brown bread that was divided into two halves.

16. The child that was left alone in the large room began to scream.

17. He said that the book I had chosen belonged to his grandmother.

Exercise 6. Translate into English using Participle II as Attribute. [Leschova p.211 ex.10] [Klys p198 ex15]

  1. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом.

  2. В вазе было несколько увядших роз. (to fade)

  3. Он не любил смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных. (to cage)

  4. Вот новые учебники, присланные для вашей школы.

  5. Он направился к машине, стоявшей на стоянке.

  6. У них обоих была хорошая натренированная память. [Leschova p.211 ex.10]

  7. Она пришла в сопровождении двоюродного брата.

  8. Назовите слово, заимствованное из французского языка.

  9. Директор подписал документы, принесенные секретарем.

  10. Я взглянул на ее испуганное лицо и увидел слезы на глазах.

  11. Опавшие листья спокойно лежали в пруду.

  12. Язык, на котором говорят в США, называется американ­ским вариантом английского языка.

  13. Сколько времени хранятся вещи, оставленные в камере хранения?

  14. Вы должны выучить диалог, который записан на пленку.

  15. Вещи, оставленные в камере хранения, можно получить в любое время.

  16. Проблема, которую он затронул в своем докладе, заслу­живает внимания.

  17. Ее отец был полковником в отставке.

  18. Молодая женщина казалась испуганной.

  19. У его дяди был старинный друг по имени Том, который жил в Лондоне.

  20. На следующий день мы отправились по адресу, который дал нам доктор.

  21. Его взгляд упал на зонтик, оставленный кем-то на крыльце.

  22. Они вошли в большую гостиную, освещенную старинны­ми лампами.

BORING or BORED? [Grammarway 3 p. 51]

♦ Present and past participles can be used as adjectives.

The present participle (-ing) describes what somebody or something is

(it answers the question ‘What kind?').

The past participle (-ed) describes how somebody feels

(it answers the question 'How do you feel?').

e.g. It was an embarrassing situation.

(What kind of situation? Embarrassing.)

He was embarrassed.

(How did he feel? Embarrassed.)

Exercise 1. Complete the words (interested or interesting?)

  1. I was surprise__ to see Ann there.

It was surprise__ to see her.

  1. I find this work very tir__.

It makes me tir__.

  1. Her exam results were disappoint__.

She was pretty disappoint__.

  1. She was excit__ about her new job.

It was an excit__ new challenge.

  1. The news was really shock__ .

Everybody was shock__ to hear about his brother.

  1. His explanations are confus__.

Listening to him, I got confus__.

  1. I get annoy__ when people break promises.

It's annoy__ when people break promises.

Exercise 2. Choose between Participle I and II; [Grammarway 3 p.51; Grammarway 4 p.37]

  1. Have you read that new book yet?

Only some of it. It's very bored/boring.

  1. Did you enjoy your holiday?

Oh, yes. It was very relaxed relaxing.

  1. I'm going to a lecture tonight. Do you want to come?

No thanks. I'm not interested/interesting in the subject.

  1. Did you hurt yourself when you fell?

No, but it was very embarrassed/embarrassing.

  1. Shall I turn off the lights?

No. I'm frightened/frightening of the dark.

  1. Was Mother upset when you broke her vase?

Not really, but she was very annoyed/annoying.

  1. How do you feel today?

I still feel very tired/tiring.

  1. I haven't seen Mr Green for several days.

Neither have I. It's a bit worried/worrying.

  1. - Did you enjoy the horror film?

No. It was very frightened/frightening.

  1. Mark is always biting his nails.

I know. It's an extremely annoyed/annoying habit.

  1. Why doesn't John study French?

He is not interested/interesting in learning a foreign language.

  1. What do you think of this new restaurant?

It is awful! The food is disgusted/disgusting.

  1. Miss Shaw is a wonderful teacher.

Yes. She is always encouraged/encouraging in her attitude towards the students.

  1. Do you like windsurfing?

Yes. I find it very excited/exciting.

  1. Pam is good at art, isn't she?

Yes. I was impressed/impressing by her paintings.

  1. Did you see the fireworks last night?

Yes. It was an amazed/amazing display.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using either Participle I or Participle II as attribute from the verbs in brackets. [Leschova p.207 ex.1]

  1. Do you know the woman.....to Tom? (talk)

  2. The boy.....in the accident was taken to hospital. (injure)

  3. The police..... the crime are looking for three men. (investigate)

  4. Some of the people..... to the party can't come, (invite)

  5. Most of the goods..... in this factory are exported. (make)

  6. The road..... the two villages is very narrow. (join)

  7. The police never found the money..... in the robbery. (steal)

  8. I live in a pleasant room..... the garden, (overlook)

  9. Who were those people.....outside? (wait)

  10. There was a big red car..... outside the house. (park)

  11. There were some children..... in the river. (swim)

Exercise 4. [Drozdova p.333ex.3]

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