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3. health vocabulary for students.docx
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Modern Dentistry

In the 18th century dentistry became more scientific. In 1728 a French dentist called Pierre Fauchard published a book called The Surgeon Dentist. In 1771 an Englishman called John Hunter published a book called The Natural History of the Human Teeth.

Dentistry took huge leaps in the late 18th century and the 19th century. Porcelain false teeth were invented in 1770. In 1790 Josiah Flagg invented the dentists chair. In 1832 James Snell invented a reclining chair. In 1877 Basil Manly Wilkerson invented a hydraulic chair. Furthermore for centuries rich patients had gold fillings but amalgam was first used in Europe around 1820.

Then in 1846 Henry Morton demonstrated the use of ether as an anesthetic in dentistry. In 1864 George Fellows invented a clockwork dental drill. In 1875 Dr Green invented an electric dental drill. The air turbine dental drill (using compressed air) was introduced in 1957.

Until the late 19th century dentists usually learned their trade by an apprenticeship. However in 1860 in Britain The Royal College of Surgeons introduced the Surgeons Licence in Dental Surgery. In 1879 a register of dentists was set up. To be included in the register you had to be qualified or you had to show you had practiced dentistry before 1879. In Britain only people on the register were allowed to use the word 'dentist' or 'dental surgeon' However you did not have to be on the register to practice surgery. You just couldn't use the words dentist or dental surgeon and of course there were ways around that!

The British Medical Association was formed in 1880 and in 1895 Lilian Lindsey became the first female dentist in Britain. The first dental degree was awarded by Birmingham University in 1901. Then in 1921 the law was changed so only registered dentists could practice dentistry.

Meanwhile toothpaste was first sold in tubes in 1892 and the first nylon toothbrush was made in 1938. The first dental x-ray was made in 1896.

With the introduction of the National Health Service in 1948 dental care in Britain became much better. Fluoride toothpaste was first sold in Britain in 1958. The first cordless electric toothbrush went on sale in 1961. The dental scanner was introduced in 1987.

3. What is traditional Chinese medicine? https://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/what-is-traditional-chinese-medicine#1

At the 2016 Summer Olympics, you might have seen athletes with purple circles on their skin from cupping. Or maybe you know someone who swears by acupuncture for their back pain or herbal teas for colds. More and more, people use practices like these from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to not only fight disease, but also prevent it.

TCM is an ancient system of health and wellness that’s been used in China for thousands of years. Western medicine focuses mainly on treating disease. But TCM looks at your entire well-being.

What’s the Idea Behind tcm?

Western medicine tends to view the body a lot like a car. It has different systems that need the right inputs and outputs. It’s very concrete and logical.

TCM, on the other hand, doesn’t focus on science and medicine. Instead, it’s based on balance, harmony, and energy. There are two central ideas behind TCM:

Qi: This is also called life energy or vital energy. The belief is that it runs throughout your body. It’s always on the move and constantly changes. TCM treatments often focus on ways to promote and maintain the flow of qi.

Yin and Yang: These are opposites that describe the qualities of qi.

  • Yin: hot, light, feminine, day, hollow

  • Yang: cold, heavy, masculine, night, solid

The belief is that everything in life has a little bit of its opposite, too, and balance is the key. For example, a drug from your doctor might heal disease. But it’s dangerous if you take too much of it.

According to TCM, these ideas play out in our bodies. When you balance the yin and yang of Qi, you feel healthy and well. If they’re out of whack, you feel sick. TCM aims to create harmony and a healthy flow of qi.

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