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Задания по диловому английскому-1.doc
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6. Obligation and advice. Choose the most suitable answer — а, в or с

1 Language students ______ a little every day.

A is supposed to study В should study С had better study

2 I think my car has been stolen. I ______ the police.

A had better phone В should have phoned С am supposed to phone

3 I ______ tennis tomorrow, but I can't.

A had better play В am supposed to play С am not supposed to play

4 I ______ this bill last month, but I forgot.

A should pay В had better pay С ought to have paid

5 We have to get up early tomorrow, so we ______ to bed too late tonight.

A had better not go В ought to go С are supposed to go

6 Everyone ______ a holiday sometimes.

A had better take В ought take С should take

7 I've forgotten to send my friend a birthday card. What ______ ?

A am I supposed to do В shall I do С shall I to do

8 You ______ my new camera or I'll kill you!

A had better not break В shouldn't break С aren't supposed to break

9 I've got a terrible headache. I think I ______ take an aspirin.

A am supposed to В should take С had better to take

10 You ______ with us to the beach yesterday. We had a very nice time.

A had better come В should come С should have come

7. Possibility: may, might, could. Re-write each sentence making it unsure. Use the words in brackets.

e.g. Sarah lent Simon some money, (might) Sarah might have lent Simon some money.

  1. It will rain tonight. (may)

  2. Peter is in the Sports centre. (could)

  3. Sally wrote to the bank. (might)

  4. Ken didn't see me. (may)

  1. I won't be here tomorrow. (might)

  2. The robbers had a key to the office. (may)

  3. The children aren't asleep. (might)

  4. People will be living on the moon in the year 2050. (could)

9 Mike didn't receive my letter. (may) 10 Those people are waving at us. (might)

8. Possibility: can. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use can or may.

e.g. It is sometimes very hot here in the summer. It can be very hot here in the summer.

  1. Perhaps it will be very hot here tomorrow. It ______

  2. Perhaps I am wrong. I ______

3 It is possible for anyone to be wrong. Anyone ______

  1. Cats sometimes live for 20 years. Cats ______

  2. Perhaps your cat will live for 20 years. Your cat ______

9. Probability: should, ought to. Re-write each sentence making it probable. Use the word in brackets.

e.g. Kate is very happy, (should) Kate should be very happy.

  1. Simon is in his room. (should)

  2. I'll finish the book soon. (ought to)

  3. Maria received the letter yesterday. (should) 4 We won't be late home tonight. (shouldn't) 5 My parents arrived at their hotel a few hours ago. (ought to)

10. Deduction: must, can't. Complete the sentences. Use must or can't and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 You haven't eaten all day. You ______ hungry. (be)

2 You ______ cold. It's 30 degrees in the shade! (be)

  1. There are no lights on in the office. Everyone ______ home, (go)

  2. Peter ______ ill. I've just seen him playing tennis, (be)

5 I ______ my bag on the train. I can remember having it with me when I got off the train. (leave)

  1. You drove home at night without any lights on? You ______ crazy! (be)

  2. 'I've just finished reading War and Peace in Russian.' 'That ______ a long time!' (take)