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  1. Noun, its categories

1.1 General characteristics of the noun as a p.Of sp.

The most general and well-known definition of the N. is that it`s lexical, grammatical class of words, which is characterized by the gr-al meaning of «thingness». The gr-al meaning of «thingness» includes such notious as concrete things, qualities, processes, states. (E.g. boy – bridness – sleep). The categorical meaning of «thigness» is supported by the morphological characteristics such as the use of article, the sentective position of the N., the use of the Pl.number and Possessive Case. Syntactically the N. has far greater possibilities then any other part of Sp. It may full-feel the functious of practically any number of the sentence, subject, object, predicative attribute, verbal modif(???). The combinability of the N. is exclusively wide. It may be presided and followed by another N. And it may be modified by any p.of sp. But a noun, a pronoun, an adjective, a numeral and even an adverb.

The most typical feature of the N.is the use of the article. Structurally N. may be: 1. Simple or root (car, boy); 2. Derivative (worker, government); 3. Compound (forget-me-not). The N. is characterized by the morphological categories of Number and Case. The existences of the categories of Gender is disputed.

1.2 The category of Number.

The category of Number is the most essential morphological characteristics of the N. This category helps to distinguish the N. from other p.of speech., because these category is regularly represented only in the N. Linguist distinguished between the singular and the Pr.Numbers. The meaning of both things clear enough. The singular Num. shows that one object is meant. The Pl. Num.shows that more than one objects are met. But it`s not in all cases that the Pl.N. demonstrates this meaning. (e.g. three hours – the meaning of Pl.: the period of time or snows, waters – the meaning of the Pl. – the wide strange.) The thing is that we cannot count water or snow. The Pl.N. here has a different meaning, a different approach was proposed by … According to his point of view the meaning of category of Num. is that of discreetness. According to his point of view the opposition between the Sing. And Pl. is not ??? vanes more than vanes, but between the marked and unmarked discreetness. The Pl. in this view expresses smth consisting of distinguishable parts and combined with the lexical meaning of the N. (e.g. trousers – scissors; according to his point of view the Pl.N. in these words devote objects consisting of two halves. This view point helps to explain some difficult cases but it`s also not universal, it`s customary to subdivide the N-s into countable and uncountable).

Uncountable N. may in the term be divided into be devided into pluralier tantym which means Pl. only. Among the Pl.tantym are the nouns: trousers, scissors, drugs. Here also belong the names of some scientists, physics, phonetics, math-s and some diseases: mumps. The opposite of the Pl. tantyn are singularies tantym words. They usually include nouns of certain lexical meaning: material, abstract and collective nouns. To sum it up we must say that the whole stock of N. may be devided into two groups: 1. Consist of N. which have ? expleased opposition of Number. 2. Contains the N(s) which have no expleased opposition of N. Here are sihgular tantym N. and Tantym N.