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краны и конвейеры 13-12-06 вар 2(испр).doc
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Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Московский Государственный Технический Университет им. Н.Э.Баумана”

Калужский филиал

Кафедра СЭ5-КФ

В.И. Долгих

Методические указания по развитию навыков аннотирования и реферирования для студентов 3 курса по специальности ПТМ по теме «Краны, конвейеры»

(Английский язык)

Калуга 2006 г

УДК 42

ББК 74.261.7 Англ.

Д 64

Данные методические указания издаются в соответствии с методическим планом работы секции английского языка кафедры иностранных языков КФ МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.

Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены:

Кафедрой «Иностранные языки» (СЭ5-КФ)


Протокол №_________

Зав. кафедрой …………………Н.К.Власко

методической комиссией

КФ МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана


Протокол №_________

Председатель методической комиссии………………..А.В.Максимов


К.Т.Н., доцент кафедры «Детали машин и

подъёмно транспортные машины и оборудование»

А.И. Головин

Старший преподаватель кафедры СЭ5-КФ

А.Я. Лопатина

Старший преподаватель кафедры СЭ5-КФ



Старший преподаватель кафедры СЭ5-КФ

Долгих Валентина Ивановна

Данные методические указания предназначены для аудиторной работы под руководством преподавателя 3 курса специальности ПТМ, изучающих английский язык. Целью данной работы являются развитие навыков аннотирования и реферирования по теме «Краны, конвейеры».

Калужский филиал МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2006год.

Долгих В.И.

Методические рекомендации по работе с данными «Методическими указаниями»

Настоящие «Методические указания» предназначены для аудиторной работы под руководством преподавателя студентов 3 курса 6 семестра специальности «Подъемно-транспортные машины и оборудование».

Целью данной работы является развитие навыков аннотирования и реферирования текстов на материале оригинальных англоязычных источников: специальных журналов «Machine Design», «Materials Handling News», «Cranes Today», рекламных проспектов. Некоторые тексты подверглись незначительной обработки и сокращению.

В тематическом плане тексты данных «Методических указаний» являются дополнением к разработкам, по которым проводится обучение чтению литературы по специальности ПТМ («Методические указания для самостоятельного чтения по теме Конвейеры» Н.К. Власко, «Методические указания для самостоятельного чтения по теме Краны» Н.К. Власко).

Языковой материал текстов данных «Методических указаний» значительно расширяет изученный ранее терминологический словарь и предоставляет дополнительную информацию в данной области знаний. Общий объём языкового материала составляет свыше 49 тысяч печатных знаков. Объём каждого текста указан.

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  2. Обобщая содержание абзацев, сформулируйте свои выводы и определите практическую ценность статьи/текста для Вас как специалиста. Запишите свои выводы в тетрадь.

  3. Составьте и запишите в тетрадь реферативную аннотацию статьи/текста.

Факультативные задания:

- Сократите свою реферативную аннотацию и запишите в тетрадь описательную аннотацию.

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Алгоритм работы с текстами, рекомендуемыми для реферирования (тексты с 13 по 17):

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Факультативные задания:

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Text 1.

KBK crane construction kit —

for simple and fast overhead material transport.

Made-to-measure travel paths can be constructed for Demag chain hoists using the Demag KBK crane construction kit Simply suspended from the shop ceiling, KBK suspension monorails and overhead travelling cranes transport materials overhead along a direct path so that no valuable production space is lost for transport routes.

KBK wall-mounted slewing jibs also offer this advantage, while a typical feature of KBK pillar slewing cranes is that they can easily be installed at any location. KBK portal cranes prove their worth when mobile assistance is required.

You can easily and inexpensively1 realise the most diverse2 transport paths using the KBK crane construction kit Interlocking component even make transfer operations possible.

KBK push travel trolleys -which run protected inside the KBK girders and require no maintenance -allow easy manual traversing of your Demag DK chain hoist.

In the case of electrically driven KBK trolleys, large friction wheels ensure reliable transmission of the drive torque and quiet operation.

The basic element of the KBK crane construction kit in a special girder available in six sizes, with outstanding stability and rigidity3.

1 inexpensively – дешего;

2 diverse – разнообразный; 1236 печ.зн.

3 rigidity – устойчивость.

Text 2

Slat Conveyors

S lat conveyors are predominantly1 used, and are ideal in such industries as food and pharmaceuticals (please see below OR to the left for restaurant conveyors), where rapid speed and accuracy is of utmost importance, plus they also have the ability to be washed down for hygiene2 purposes. Their construction is either an acetal or stainless steel slat, side flexing for bend sections - The most widely used in the food industry is acetal3.

The advantage of using slats, is that the can open up slightly around a bend therefore a very tight radius can be achieved - Usually 2.5 times the width (as a rule of thumb). As mentioned above, the slats are usually manufactured from acetal (a hard heat resistant plastic) or stainless steel and range from a width of 200mm to 500mm.

Because of their width, they will usually be mounted on a tripod4 support stand with floor levelling adjustability, and come complete with adjustable side guides, and, because of the low friction, can be ideal for the accumulation of products awaiting to enter machines such as labellers and packaging machines. As a general rule for layouts, because of the side flexing walls on some slat conveyors, the radius will be approximately two and a half times the slat width.

Slat Conveyor Configurations

Slat Width:

Standard sizes are from 40mm to 400mm

Module Length:

Straight sections will depend on 1) the loading, and 2) the product. Bend sections, ie 45, 60, 90 & 180 degree, need at least a 500mm straight section for the drive

Bend Modules:

A guide to calculating the bend radius (inside), as a rule of thumb, is to multiply the slat width by 2.5 (Only use this as a guide)

Drive Type:

External (shaft mounted) motor

Slat Type:

Usually for the food industry the slats will be either acetal or stainless steel

Text 3

Sennebogen launches new crane

G erman manufacturer Sennebogen has launched a new multi-purpose compact lifting machine called the Multicrane 608. It has a 4t capacity at a lift height of 20m.

The compact unit, which is 4.86m in length, 3m in height and 2.55m in width, allows the crane to operate in tight areas.

It is equipped with a five-piece telescopic boom. This not only gives the Multicrane 608 a maximum lift height of 20m with fork prongs but also reduces the front and rear crane overhang.

Its innovative5 anti-deformation boom system with its oversized cross-sections is designed for continuous use with heavy rubble.

The crane is driven by a 90kW Deutz engine that is situated on the right hand side of the superstructure with easy access for service. The permanent all-wheel drive provides traction even on soft ground.

The hydrostatic drive in conjunction6 with a power-shift enables a driving speed of over 30kmh. All-wheel steering with three possible steering types lends the Multicrane 608 high manoeuvrability7.

An axial piston pump in conjunction with an electrical pilot control enables fast operations and maximum sensitivity. Another key contributor to the machine’s effectiveness is its modern, spacious cab with great all-round visibility and ergonomic seating position.

A foot switch triggers the hydraulic elevation of the cab to 4.1m viewing height plus tilt angle8 to enable excellent visibility of the site.

The low running costs and owner-friendly maintenance of the 608 combined with extended service intervals guarantees maximum economy and maximum versatility.

As with the Sennebogen Multihandler 305, the anti-deformation telescopic arm, the deliberate compactness coupled with high performance data and the elevating cab are the most important product features of the new Multicrane.

Text 4

Faced with the increased demand to efficiently offload cartons from

40 foot containers Next again selected a Newland Telescopic Conveyor

Capable of loading or unloading a wide range of products including sacks and cartons, with handling rates exceeding 1,000 items per hour, the effectiveness of the Newland vehicle unloader had already been proven in ensuring speedy vehicle turn round with minimal manning levels.

The requirement at the Leeds site was for a powered mobile conveyor to move to any of a number of docks. However, constraints9 on the loading bays10 necessitated11 a highly manoeuvrable conveyor, capable of working around close spaced mezzanine floor supports. Here Newland's compact machine design (closed length 4.8m, overall length extended 17.0m) fitted with a powered wheel chassis as particularly beneficial in providing the optimum solution.

U tilising a steering tiller & push button controls the machine can be moved with ease around the obstructions to the required doorway. The Telescopic conveyor is then ready for immediate use with its powered extension and retraction permitting a reach fully to the front of the containers. Hence, whatever the status of the unloading operation the end of the conveyor is located at the picking face simply by pressing a button. The machine is also fitted with height adjustment to ease the handling of cartons near to the roof of the container.

Cartons are then placed on the conveyor belt and speedily moved to the loading dock for sorting and subsequent warehousing with the minimum of effort. The significant reduction in product lifting and handling in general is also a key factor in addressing health & safety issues in the workplace.

Text 5

Truck crane railcar mover

T he Mitchell 2001 Truck Crane Railcar Mover package is similar to the Unimog as shown below except it is much larger and heavier to accommodate a large crane and can develop three times the tractive12 effort. The truck railcar mover is manufactured on large truck chassis with standard Mitchell railcar mover attachments. The truck is equipped with Mitchell 75 series Rail Gear that has independent torsional13 spring suspension14. To facilitate15 getting on track at crossings, the rear Rail Gear can self-align if the truck is up to 4-inches out of position. The rear Rail Gear maintains just enough down pressure to guide the truck on rail, leaving the balance of the truck weight on the rear driving tandem tires to produce maximum traction. The rear railcar coupler is hydraulically adjustable and will free float side to side once coupled to a railcar. The Truck Crane Railcar Mover is equipped with Mitchell train air brake system for controlling the brakes on the railcar like a locomotive. The Truck Crane Railcar Mover can be equipped with various types of cranes, grapples and magnet generator systems.

In 1978 Mitchell equipment built their first truck railcar mover on a Unimog Mercedes Bern truck. The unit weighed 14,700 lbs and was equipped with rail gear, train air brake system and a rear horizontal railcar coupler. The Unimog was fitted with a small crane for handling materials on rail.

Text 6

Belt conveyors

B elt conveyors are generally used on assembly / packing lines, or in clean areas such as the food and the pharmaceutical industries. Belt conveyors will utilize16 PVC / PU (smooth or gripped), Rubber or Modular depending on the application.

B elt systems can either be fixed speed or variable speed. Variable speed units use a speed controller called an inverter (please note that where variable speed units are used, the nominal speed can be increased and decreased by approximately 35%), most fixed and variable speed systems can be run on both 3 phase and single phase.

T he drive will be either - an externally mounted shaft driven motor (for heavier or long distance loads), or a motorized drive drum (a fairly recent development in materials handling solutions) where the motor is self contained within the leading roller. For single direction the construction will usually be end drive tail tension17, and for reversible systems the construction will be centre drive and tension.

T ypically they directly convey individual products prior to packing/packaging. Normally belt conveyors run from 3m/min up to approximately 50m/min (although these speeds are only a guide, inverters can be utilised to create a variable speed). Depending on the design and application loads of up to 100KG can be accommodated.

The Armax Tracking Belt Conveyor (images below) is built to the most modular of designs, and arrives at the client with either a single or three phase plug (depending on the physical length) ready for immediate usage. The Unique selling proposition of the tracker is it's tracking strip profiles on the underside of the belt, which eliminates the problem of endless tracking difficulties.

To meet the demands18 of growing sectors, and as part of our standardization plans we have now developed the stainless steel tracker conveyor, to be used mainly in the food industry or in situations where there is water or a moist atmosphere. Motorized drum, frames and supports are in stainless steel, so too are the optional guides.

Belt Width:

Standard sizes are from 100mm to 2000mm, although most widths can be achieved

Module Length:

Typically 1m to 6m (shippable, complete with drive and controls), any longer length will be achieved via coupling conveyors together, but will need installing

Drive Type:

1) Drive drum, 2) External (shaft mounted) motor, or 3) Centrally underslung

Belt Type:

PVC, PU, Rubber, Flighted, Modular


Range from typically 3m/min to 50m/min, but speeds can be variable

(ie, +/-35%) via an inverter

General Belt Conveyor Configurations

Text 7.

Filling the crane gap

A new range of truck, bed-mounted, hydraulic, telescopic cranes from America promises to fill a glaring gap in the market. When telescopic cranes were developed in the sixties, lift capacities were much lower than those of today. Gradually, those capacities were raised to such an extent that the smallest telescopic truck crane built in Britain today is rated at 18 tonnes; in France it's 20 tonnes.

The reasoning behind this was material costs; it cost little extra to produce a heavier capacity crane. This may be fine for the producer but users, especially hirers, often found that they were burdened with the cost of hiring a big capacity crane far in excess of their needs. To some extent the articulated (knuckle boom) lorry loaders filled the vacuum but they suffered from limitations of smaller reach and lower capacities.

The market gap will be filled by Grove Cranes with a range of telescopics from 4-9 tonnes to 15-5 tonnes at 1-3m. Each model has a variety of boom options, and with a selection of jib options top heights of over 36m are obtainable19. Attachments include access platforms and baskets, and augers20 for digging holes. A weigh load indicator is a standard fitting for all models.

Model 875 in the new Grove range, mounted on a BL 6 на 4 wheel drive carrier.

Crane capacity is 6-13 tons.

As with knuckle21 booms, the cranes can be centrally fixed, rear or front-mounted behind the cab, but they are not demountable. Control can be remote but a disadvantage, perhaps, is the lack of an optional control seat mounted at the king post22. All the models in the National range are built to order in America, so delivery could be around three months.

When launching these cranes, Grove also announced two new truck cranes in the 25-30 tonne capacity class. These are the TMS 525E of 25 tonnes capacity, and the 250E rated at 30 tonnes; they fit into the Grove line-up between the 18 tonne TMS 180 and the 33 tonne TMS 300.

Text 8

Powered Roller Conveyors

The most robust23 of the conveyor series, predominantly24 used for heavier products such as pallet/drum handling and storage where the product is usually fed onto the conveyor by a machine or fork truck.

P owered Roller Conveyors comprise of components that are designed for both heavy duty usage and flexibility. They consist of sprocketed thick walled rollers (complete with torque limiting clutch assemblies), chain to chain or tangential (one common chain) chain mechanism, a fully enclosed side frame and an external shaft mounted motor.

Please see below for both powered roller detail and standard module dimensions and specifications.

The main reasons for using a powered roller conveyor over the conventional lineshaft system are the robustness and durability combined with the flexibility. They are used predominantly in heavy duty situations (where it becomes impossible to handle manually), including: Pallet Handling; Automotive Manufacture, and as fully automated handling and testing stations, eg, vessel25 building. All mechanical components are manufactured from steel composites, which mean life expectancy26 is infinite (depending on usage).

M ost companies producing large, heavy products rely on palletising for streamlining their production flow and storage capacities, therefore relying on pallet conveyors as a way of both conveying and buffer storage techniques. Powered roller conveyors are flexible and can incorporate such accessories as 90 degree cross transfers and powered turntables for multi lane storage. Many production plants also use powered conveyors for full production, assembly and test lines, ready for end of line packing. Specific scenarios for using powered roller conveyors, include:- Pallet Handling, Automotive Manufacture, As Fully Automated Handling And Testing Stations, Drum Handling, Etc......

As with all other conveyors the powered roller system can be used into two scenarios: firstly, the standard conveying of products, and; secondly the accumulation of products via the zero line pressure system, for use when it is undesirable for loads to be accumulating against one another. Like all other conveyors, a control system can be implemented (incorporating such complimentary products as plough/pusher units, transfer devices and photo electric cells) to achieve full or partial automation.

Powered Roller Conveyor Configurations

Roller Width:

300mm To 1200mm

Module Length:

Typically 3000mm module sections


50mm, 75mm or 100mm diameter @ 75mm, 100mm or 150mm pitch

Drive Type:

Underslung Geared Motor


5m/min, 9m/min, 12m/min, 16m/min, 20m/min, 25m/min and 30m/min

2275 печ.зн.

Text 9

Demag travel units

Driven rail-mounted travel unit.

Demag travel units for overhead travelling cranes, for example, are high-quality components for materials handling and general engineering requirements. Of proven design, efficient and reliable, they are used as travel units for steel structures in crane and hoist applications and related designs in the mechanical engineering sector.

D FW-L travel units are complete, driven rail-mounted travel units and can be connected direct to load-bearing structures. In addition to the steel section, a rigid box girder profile, the travel units feature a driven Demag DRS wheel block, to which a gearbox and motor are fitted, as well as a non-driven DRS wheel block. The travel unit profile section, optimised on the basis of the latest findings in the steelwork sector, displays excellent travel characteristics, even at high loads due to tight tolerances resulting from differences in the runway gauge27, skewing28 and misalignment29. Specially matched motors ensure smooth starting of the travel unit, whether with or without a load, with favourable speed/torque characteristics.

Demag travel units make your installations efficient and reliable:

  • Proven designfor most arduous operating conditions

  • Various sizes, suitable for all necessary output requirements

  • Pole-changing motors for travel speeds up to 12,5/50,0 m/min

  • Indrive units for frequency-controlled travel speeds up to 80,0 m/min

  • Changes in track gauge can be accommodated using interchangeable spacer30 elements

  • Friction bearings lubricated for life, with large bearing distance to accommodate horizontal forces

  • Optimum mounting arrangement of horizontal guide rollers

  • Maintenance free

We offer the following mounting combinations to meet your design needs:

  • Travel unit with a side connection, e.g. side crane girder connection (standard)

  • Travel unit with a top connection, up to DFW-L 200 (option)

We guarantee comprehensive consultation with our specialists already at the project stage after the unit has been put into operation, our world-wide after-sales service ensures constant availability of your installation.

Text 10

MCM Conveyors

M CM Conveyors power & free Autotraсk range are utilised across all areas of industry to handle light, medium and heavy duty product types. Thу Autotrack systems have a proven and reliable reputation as a long term, working partner to the industries they service.

The conveyors - AT50, AT100, AT500 & AT600 Autotracks are all designed with; flexibility of routing, bespoke layout to suit individual applications, in-house electrical control philosophy with operator menus and an after sales package to ensure it's long term operation.

T he Autotrack power & free conveyors can be integrated into a turnkey31 automation process or operate as a self-contained system. With either option, they can offer buffer accumulation zones, speed changes to interface with operation processes and automatically route and store dedicated product types - the list is endless to the flexibility the Autotrack range can offer.

To complement the overhead AT50, AT100, AT500 & AT600 conveyors, an inverted32 IAT100 system is available, offering a 'clean' operation. The inverted Autotrack conveyor utilises standard components from the overhead range, with the driving chain mounted beneath twin enclosed tracks, in which the trolley travels.

MCM Conveyors specialised inverted conveyor, theDualtrack has been specifically designed to operate in the inverted mode, without compromising the stability and positional accuracy of a product, not normally associated with overheads due to gravitational pull. Exceptionally clean in its operation due to the chain track being below the handled product, debris33 and other contamination is eliminated, which greatly reduces re-work and reject34 problems.

T he specialised conveyors - DT30 & 100 Dualtracks are the perfect solution for handling plastic components requiring a high quality finish. Typical industries the Dualtracks excel, are sectors supporting the supply of finished plastic pressings to the automotive trade, home audio and TV equipment and mobile telecommunication businesses.

The T30 & 100 Dualtrack systems utilise a powered conveyor chain track, with a secondary "stabilising rail", therefore creating two tracks or "dual" tracks. By fitting an outrigged stabilising arm, which connects both tracks, product stability is greatly enhanced when the conveyor is in motion. Additional stabilising rails can be incorporated into automated robot spray areas and load / un-load positions.

With carrying capacities upto 100kg per loadbar, theDT30 & 100 Dualtracks will operate in temperatures upto 250°C, and utilises the latest shot type lubricators to ensure a reliable operation in these arduous conditions is maintained.

Text 11

Low-power crane manipulator set (CMS) RS1300A on GAZ 3302 chassis

C rane manipulators (hydraulic35 manipulators) belong to a series of advanced technological solutions that help to increase the intensity of machinery use for load transportation and which aid in minimizing the necessary manual labor during loading and unloading. In so doing, these crane manipulators simultaneously decrease the number of people and machines required.

The RS1300 manipulator made a good showing when mounted on a model GAZ 3302 "Gazel" chassis. With Its own weight of 150 kg, this little thing's maximum lifting capacity is 990 kg and its maximum boom is 3.5 m. Owners of two dozens "Gazes" equipped with the RS1300А cranes and traveling about the roads of St. Petersburg and all over Northwest Russia have already estimated this Austrian mini-crane's true worth, reliability and versatility. Another advantage of the RS1300A is that it is not subject to registration with the state engineering supervision authorities (Gostechnadzor).

Traditionally, lifting and transporting loads during construction and other work requires a truck-mounted crane and a truck. This pattern (a crane and a truck), however, has a considerable disadvantage:

  • it requires two units;

  • service expenses are doubled (which especially matters when the work is done a considerable distance away);

  • the lift capacity of commercially available truck-mounted cranes manufactured in Russia is 6 to 40 tons, which renders36 them inefficient37 for work requiring transportation of loads under б tons;

  • quite often, truck-mounted cranes cannot be used in restricted spaces.

These problems can be solved by the use of a compact system mounted on commercially available trucks, which are made specifically for lifting and transporting freights between 1 and 26 tons. One such machine combines the main features of two different machines and can replace a truck and a crane. Hydraulic manipulators eliminate the necessity of one of the units and make its operators available for other work. Presently, in European countries, every fifth truck is equipped with a manipulator set.

Text 12

Specialised handling equipment for warehouse and factory

Stacker cranes

S tacker cranes from the KBK classic crane construction kit consist mainly of a KBK classic double-girder suspension crane and a special stacker trolley. They are used wherever unit loads, containers or pallets weighing up to 500 kg have to be transported, sorted and stored. They make it possible to complete all tasks in one work cycle without the need for ladders, order picking trolleys or similar equipment.

The lifting carnage can be fitted with forks, prongs38, gripper tongs 39or other load handling attachments in accordance with the specific load handling requirements. The mast with its trolley is easily moved by hand and can rotate through 360°.

Portal cranes

P ortal cranes from the KBK classic crane construction kit with a load capacity up to 1000 kg can be used wherever a suspension crane is not cost-effective or cannot be installed. They run on solid even surfaces and can be manoeuvred easily in all directions, making them ideal for repair and assembly work.

A particular advantage in many applications is that KBK classic portal cranes can be easily dismantled, transported and quickly re-erected elsewhere. The crane girder span can also be adjusted.

High load capacity, large outreach

P illar and wall-mounted slewing jibs and cranes help to cut setting up and idle times and reduce unnecessary waiting times. With a wide range of sizes and designs, these cranes can be adapted to provide the optimum solution for the most varied requirements in terms of load capacity, slewing range, outreach and features - even including cranes with two jibs.

The main characteristic of all variants is the low jib

deadweight and correspondingly large outreach and high load capacity.

Our jib cranes are normally supplied complete with the electrical equipment and hoist including the corresponding trolley, however, also without these components, if required. Further optional accessories include shaft extension, anchor bolts, template40 and pedestal for extending the pillar.

Pillar-mounted slewing jib cranes

Pillar-mounted jib cranes with a slewing angle of n x 360° can be installed almost anywhere. They are completely free standing and are ideal as workplace cranes as well as for outdoor storage areas, for loading ramps and for workshops in which other handling equipment cannot be used for structural reasons.

The pillar requires only a minimum footprint. Even where only little headroom is available, pillar-mounted jib cranes provide maximum hook paths.

Text 13

Gravity conveyors

Gravity systems have the following advantages:-

Affordable - Reliable - Durable - Modular

A ll gravity conveyors are constructed from a number of components, ie, a drilled frame (usually an angle or channel section), rollers (complete with swaged 41or flanged bearings), shafts to mount the rollers and bearings (can be drilled, hexagon, spring loaded42, stubbed or threaded).

G ravity systems are used in such instances as conveying cardboard boxes, plastic totes etc. for either, simply transporting from a to b, or for use in Kanban scenarios. As the title states gravity means just that, using the force of gravity to move products. There is no power, hence it is simple and extremely cost effective. You can either free wheel the products manually (horizontally) or include a slight decline to allow a fall over a certain distance.

B ecause gravity conveyors are extremely modular they can be utilised in many ways. They can form a crucial role when linked to the end of a powered system, for such purposes as packing and accumulation, or they can actually form a full production line, such as PC Assembly, Bedding, Industrial Batteries, and General Packing etc.

S tandard Dimensions:- Diameters range from 25mm (light duty - approximately 10kgs per roller) to 75mm (heavy duty - approximately 600kgs per roller); Lengths are infinite, ie, we can manufacture a 500mm stand alone section or a series of 3000mm lengths to achieve the finished length. Widths are usually in increments of 50mm, ie, 150mm, 200mm, 250mm etc.

Finishes:- The standard finish to gravity tracks is mild steel self colour rollers & painted frames; Optional finishes are 1) Bright Zinc Plated, 2) Stainless Steel, and 3) Plastic.

T he main component in any gravity system is the roller (see our accessories/roller section) these can be supplied in a variety of forms to suit the application, e.g. mild steel, stainless steel or plastic - straight, tapered or split parallel for bends. Gravity systems also come in various forms such as fixed horizontal/decline tracks, free standing or flexible/extendable tracks. Because of the flexibility of gravity systems, the client can form their own custom built working environment.

Module Length:

Generally supplied in 3m modules, complete with adjustable supports

Roller Width:

Standard sizes are from 100mm and increase in increments of 50mm, although any length can be achieved

Roller Diameter:

Available in 25, 38, 50, 63 & 75mm - Larger diameter drums are also manufactured

Roller Pitch:

This depends on which diameter rollers are used, but are usually at 50, 60, 75, 100 & 150mm

Text 14

The elevating trolley girder crane

A amazing as modern technology is crane designers and manufacturers are still searching for the ideal means for moving containers from ship to shore. Productivity is the name of the game and terminal operators salivate at the thought of moving 50 or even 60 containers an hour to or from a ship with one machine. Despite various improvements and higher speeds the problem always seems to be getting worse because of increasingly larger cranes constructed to keep up with ship lines'new mega-ships, aimed at achieving the elusive economies of scale. Whether the load is suspended from ropes or wires, the problem is the same. Move the load quickly minimising sway and spotting times. For the most part reliance has been on the skill of the operator - the more skilled the operator, the faster and more efficient the operation. But even a highly skilled operator is affected by psychological and physiological factors, including the parallax effects of being further from the spotting location. So to compensate for these effects crane designers, manufacturers and engineers have sought to automate portions of the ship-to-shore cycle, developing systems that assist the operator in reducing sway, and designing specialty cranes that improve overall cycle times. There h been no scarcity of man's efforts in these areas. Still the holy grail' has not been found.

In the days before containerisation, the problem was more difficult since with hoisting, lowering, and rotation of a boom the problem involved three dimensions. With the advent of the modern container crane the cycle was reduced to motion in a plane, which is much more predictable and easier to control. A skilled operator in a moderncontainer crane develops a feel for the movement of the hoist and trolley keeping sway to a minimum. Still there is an increasing challenge in that giant cranes must still service small ships and barges. One can't really envision the acuity required in landing a container on a barge from 40m above the wharf until actually sitting in the operator's seat and trying it.

Sway dampening

One way of improving productivity is to assist the operator in reducing load sway. This can be accomplished either by mechanical means or with electronics by appropriately programming modern crane control systems. Engineers have achieved some success mechanically through increasing the angle of the hoist wires from head-block to trolley or by equipping the trolley/head-Ыоск system with separate sway reduction wires and hydraulics. The latter, although effective on Virginia International Terminals' (VIT) dual hoist cranes in Norfolk, Virginia, resulted in a complexity that increased maintenance costs substantially. It violated the KISS principle [keep it simple, stupid]. Other attempts have used hydraulic dampers, usually located in the crane's back reach, working in conjunction with head-block to trolley rope reeving systems to reduce sway. Still no home run.

With the advent of programmable controllers and digital drives, VIT saw some advantages to the development of a mathematical algorithm or solution to the sway problem that could be programmed into the drive or PLC. Obviously, others were seeing these same advantages too. In the late 1980s and early'90s most of the major electrical manufacturers developed electronic anti-sway systems which are now being incorporated into most modern container crane electrical packages.

VIT's efforts centred around two specific projects, both of which use a small industrial computer that is separate from the PLC and the drive yet interfaces with them. The first system was a form of operator robotics. The system's computer stored the master switch signals that an operator used to move a load from a start position to destination. Each time an operator moved a box on the same path and the time improved, the path data was replaced. After a catalogue of paths was developed an operator could call up a starting position and a destination and the crane would move it automatically. Although an operating robotics system was developed, it was never fully implemented. VIT redirected its efforts to something that seemed more operator friendly, a pure electronic anti-sway system.

VIT and its consultants then developed algorithms to control trolley motion both to inhibit sway during the movement of the container or to take the sway out once sway had already been induced. A separate small industrial computer was programmed to provide a signal, which modified the operator's master switch command to the motor drive, giving the trolley appropriate motions to prevent or eliminate sway. Similar systems have been developed by drive and control manufacturers that are integral with the crane controls. Despite the perceived effectiveness of these sway dampers, most operators prefer to run the crane manually using the feel they've developed through experience.

Specialty cranes

A lthough anti-sway systems can contribute to productivity increases, creative engineers and designers have always looked for revolutionary crane designs. Very few, if any, have realised substantial productivity gains without some costly side effects such as adding an additional operator or excessive up front capital. Dual hoist cranes, both stationary and elevating platform, have seen use at several terminals. The original models were designed strictly to reduce the cycle time by breaking up the ship-to-shore movement into two simultaneous operations. These cranes, found at such terminals as ECT, Port of Singapore Authority, and Virginia International Terminals, improved productivity somewhat but at the cost of an up front premium in the millions of dollars and in some versions required an additional operator despite semi-automation. In addition, VIT has found its dual hoist cranes to be very labour intensive to maintain. Other ideas, such as Paceco's Supertainer, still reside on the drawing board or in graphics. Although many of the ideas make perfect sense in theory, and claims are made that they are capable of achieving unheard of productivities such as 90 containers an hour, most are too expensive to build. Limiting factors also include the fact that yard operations cannot feed the super-cranes at the rate necessary to realise their full productive capability.

With the advent of automatic inter-box connectors, HHLA in Hamburg has resurrected the dual hoist concept primarily to use the mid-platform as an IBC insertion and removal station (Fig. 2).

As a pioneer in specialty crane ideas, including the elevating platform dual hoist crane, VIT has been considering various new designs of crane equipment for its terminal expansions. In the process of formulating conceptual designs, past experience dictated several prerequisites: it should be a one-operator machine; it should be capable of high speeds and accelerations similar to the specifications of the latest standard Post-Panamax machines; the operator should be located as close to the working level as possible to reduce spotting times; the hoist length should be minimised to reduce hoisting distance and sway effects.

In the early '90s VIT envisioned that a crane whose trolley girder could be raised and lowered would yield some or all of these advantages.

The elevating girder concept

The concept of an elevating girder for a trolley is not new. In 1959 a man named Ladner suggested and patented a design for a cargo handling system whose girder moved up and down vertically via a winch. More recently, in 1990, Hans Tax of Germany patented a design whereby the girder would be raised and lowered via a pinned structure integral with the crane. The problem with previous designs was the practicality of economically constructing such a machine.

VIT's initial concept (Fig. 3) proposed that a low profile crane whose boom rolled in and out on hangers might possibly use these hangers to move the trolley girder vertically allowing the boom to be closer to the area that the operator was working, and thus reduce sway and improve efficiency. In analysing the structure of this particular design, Mike Jordan of Liftech Consultants of Oakland, California, found that the wheel loads would be too high for a typical dock. He then analysed a two-piece crane structure that looked something like the modern A-frame type but had an upper section consisting of trolley girder, boom, and the appropriate machinery that was moveable vertically. This, he found, could meet the wheel load requirements in today's dock design.

Once the basic structure was shown to be feasible, the theoretical productivity was then analysed through a computer simulation program developed by Liftech that included the following premises, most of which were eventually modified:

• The height of the trolley girder is always as low as possible to the working cell.

• The head block, spreader, and container are held in the raised position between two paddles or stabilisers that are integral with the trolley. This allows the load to be moved at high speeds along the entire trolley girder without any sway. Seating a container within a stabilising device would have dictated a square path and involved some delays during the insertion process.

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Text 15


High-tech cranes

Early technology, training elevated port into leading role

In early August, C. Davis Rudolf III visited an island off of Shanghai to inspect a nearly completed container crane. As he stood looking up at the towering superstructure, he must have felt a sense of accomplishment.

With its blue paint, the container crane looked similar to 10 other cranes the Port of Virginia has ordered from China. But this one was different.

With a boom and trolley girder that moves up and down, it is the world’s first elevating trolley girder crane. By adjusting its height to match different ship sizes, the crane should save port customers money by reducing the time needed to load and unload containers.

When the crane is delivered to Virginia this winter, its arrival will mark the culmination of two decades of innovation at Virginia International Terminals, where Rudolf, 61, heads the engineering and maintenance department.

Beginning in the ’80s with the purchase of three cranes that helped the Virginia port take business away from Baltimore, VIT has continually pushed to increase the efficiency of its cranes. The focus on innovation has included buying several generations of cutting-edge cranes, starting a research and development department, patenting several crane-related technologies and training other ports around the world to maintain and operate their cranes. By responding to its customers’ mantra, “time is money,” the technology investment has helped turn Virginia into the fastest-growing port on the East Coast.

Soaring high above the Elizabeth River and easily recognizable by their bright blue color, the first four of VIT’s 11 new cranes arrived from China and began operating last year. Another set of four fully assembled cranes is now aboard ship and scheduled to arrive in early September. A final shipment of three cranes will sail across the Indian and Atlantic oceans this winter and is scheduled to arrive on New Years Day.

Including the crane that can adjust its height, eight of the new container cranes, which will service Norfolk International Terminals, are the tallest in the world – 271 feet and built to work the mega-ships of the future. Three smaller cranes are bound for Portsmouth Marine Terminal.

How is it that the Port of Virginia, a medium-sized port by global standards, has the best cranes in the world?

“If you really want to know the truth,” Rudolf said last week while showing the cranes to a visitor, “we’ve got innovative people, smart thinkers and we’re willing to take a little risk.”

Rudolf credits Richard Knapp, now the assistant general manager of VIT, with jumpstarting the ports emphasis on technology. In the early ’80s, Knapp conceptualized a dual hoist crane with a mid-level platform that could move up and down. Dual hoist cranes (which pick up a container and place it on the mid-level platform, then begin unloading a second container while simultaneously lowering the first container to the ground) are rare – four ports that Rudolf knows of used them in the ’80s.

Only the Port of Virginia purchased dual hoist cranes with the elevating mid-level platform envisioned by Knapp. Three such cranes began working Norfolk waters in 1987.

Elevating the platform to different ship levels increased efficiency by shortening the crane cycle. Rudolf has calculated that the cranes were 12 to 20 percent faster than the port’s prior generation of cranes, though part of the speed increase was due to an improved motor.

Most importantly from a business point of view, the improved performance convinced the shipping company Evergreen to commit a large amount of its container business to Virginia rather than Baltimore. This was a big victory because at the time Baltimore was a more successful port than Virginia. After winning the Evergreen battle, Virginia built on the success and has now become the dominant mid-Atlantic container port, whereas the Port of Baltimore has been forced to concentrate on the automobile trade.

Although other ports did not follow Virginia’s lead in purchasing dual-hoist cranes with the expensive elevating mid-platform, Rudolf said beating Baltimore proved the investment was worthwhile.

Meanwhile, because the dual hoist cranes operated on a new computer-based system, the port was forced to adapt its workforce. Technicians were trained in electronics to program and repair the cranes. Virginia found itself ahead of the game – within four years the entire crane industry became more computerized and other ports began calling asking for technical help.

“At that time we were the foremost in the industry troubleshooting that type of equipment,” Rudolf said. “In 1991 I got a call from Costa Rica. They said, ‘Hey we’re having trouble – we got this [new computer] equipment down here – how do we get trained?”

Happy to sell its expertise, VIT sent a three-man training team to Costa Rica. Soon after, the port dispatched training teams around the world, from the U.S. to Mexico to Taiwan to the United Arab Emirates.

During the same time period, the port named a handful of staffers including Rudolf and his assistant Tony Simkus to a new research and development division. R&D projects included an automated anti-sway system to limit the pendulum motion of containers hanging from cranes, a sensor to prevent the crane operator for mistaking two 20-foot containers for one 40-foot container, and a visual system to help the crane operator see into ship hatches and rely less on radio operators. (Of these three projects only the sensor was put into operation and adopted by other companies.) To maintain the cranes, the department also spent a lot of time repairing circuit boards.

In the early ’90s, VIT first envisioned a cost-effective crane whose boom and trolley girder could move up and down without sacrificing performance. This design would solve a problem that bedevils port terminals trying to speed service for ever larger ships: the bigger the ship and the taller the crane, the longer it takes to move a container to shore.

By adjusting to different ship heights, the new elevating trolley girder crane would increase efficiency in two ways. First, the operator who sits at boom level would be able to position himself as close as possible to the ship deck and thereby reduce the time it takes to snatch up a container. Second, the hoist length could be adjusted to reduce the distance a container travels to reach the ground and also to reduce the swaying motion of the container hanging from the crane.

As VIT refined its ideas about the new crane, it simultaneously developed a relationship with Zhenhua Port Machinery Company, a Chinese crane manufacturer from which the port ordered three cranes in 1998 that were then the world’s fastest and largest. The largest crane manufacturer in the world, ZPMC has a 65 percent market share and is building 140 cranes this year, according to a port official.

ZPMC was also interested in developing an elevating trolley girdle crane, so the two entities partnered. Eventually a deal was struck. When the port ordered a batch of new cranes ZPMC agreed to build the elevating trolley girdle crane for a minimal additional price above what the port was paying for the standard cranes.

In total, the Virginia Port Authority is paying just over $60 million for its 11 new cranes, $48 million for the eight larger cranes, including the elevating trolley girdle crane, and $11 million for the three smaller cranes.

Also, the elevating trolley girdle crane will be the same height as the others – 271 feet – so, in case the elevating mechanism proves inefficient or too expensive to maintain, the crane will have the capability to be locked at its tallest point and used just like the other cranes.

It was a win-win deal for both partners – VIT would get the cutting edge crane for little additional cost and risk, and ZPMC would be compensated for building a prototype of a new crane that other ports may want to purchase.

Rudolf is home from China, where he saw the new crane successfully tested. Now he has only a few more months to wait until the dream crane starts working the Virginia harbor this winter.

By Jake Denton

Inside Business - Hampton Roads

Monday August 16, 2004

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Text 16

Worm Conveyors

T he worm conveyor, also known as the Archimedean screw, is doubtless the most ancient form of conveyor. It consists of a continuous or broken blade screw set on a spindle. This spindle is made to revolve in a suitable trough, and as it revolves any material put in is propelled by the screw from one end of the trough to the other. Such conveyors have been used in flour-mills for centuries. The writer has seen in an East Anglian mill which was over 250 years old disused screw conveyors, probably as old as the mill, consisting of spindles of octagonal shape, made of not too hard wood, around which a broken blade screw was formed by the insertion at regular intervals of small blades of hard wood. Modern worm conveyors usually consist of a spindle formed of a length of FIG. I. - Early Flour Mill Conveyor.' wrought iron piping, to which is fitted either a broken or continuous worm. In the former case the worm is composed of a series of blades or paddles arranged like a spiral round the FIG. 1. - Paddle Worm Conveyor. Fig. 1

spindle; each blade is fixed, by means of its shank, in a transverse hole in the spindle, and the shank is held in position by being tapped and fitted with a nut. In this way is formed, out of separate blades, a practically complete screw, technically known ' The illustrations in this article are taken, by kind permission, from the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers as a «paddle worm." The lengths or sections of the worm run to about 8 ft., the various lengths being coupled by turned gudgeons, which also serve as journals for the bearings. In the so-called continuous worm conveyors the screw is formed of a continuous sheet-iron spiral, sometimes a narrow groove Fig. 2. - Continuous Worm Conveyor.

T he spiral or anti friction conveyor was introduced about 1887. In this case a narrow spiral, which passes concentrically round the spindle, with a space between both, is fixed to it at set intervals by small blades, each of which is itself fixed by its shank and a nut to the spindle. The spiral may be made of Fig. 2. - Spiral or Anti-Friction Conveyor. Fig. 2

Almost any section, from a round bar about 2 in. in diameter to L or T section, but is preferably a flat bar. Worms are fitted into wooden or iron troughs leaving a clearance of s to 4 in. The spindle must be supported at suitable intervals by bearings, preferably of the bush type. A continuous worm, being more rigid than a paddle worm, needs fewer supports. The lid of the worm trough should be loose, not screwed on, because in case of an accumulation of feed through a choke in a delivery spout the paddles of a paddle worm would be broken, or a continuous worm stripped, unless the material could throw off the lid and relieve the worm. The ratios of the pitch of the worm to the diameter must be regulated by the nature of the material to be conveyed, and will vary from one-third to a pitch equal to, or even exceeding, the diameter. The greater the pitch the larger the capacity, but also the greater the driving power required, at the same speed. For handling materials of greater specific gravity, such as cement, &c., it is advisable to use a smaller pitch than for substances of lower specific gravity, such as grain. The capacity of a continuous worm exceeds that of either a paddle or spiral conveyor of the same diameter, pitch and speed. As regards the relative efficiency of paddle and spiral conveyors a series of careful tests made by the writer indicated that, run at a slow speed the paddle worm, but at a high speed the spiral worm, has the greater efficiency. There is of course a speed at which the efficiency of both types is about equal, and that is at 150 revolutions per minute for conveyors 4 to 6 in. in diameter.

The power necessary to drive worm conveyors under normal conditions is very considerable; a continuous worm of 18 to 20 in. diameter running at 60 revolutions per minute will convey 50 tons of grain per hour over a distance of a hundred feet at an expenditure of 182 to 19 H.P. A material like cement would require rather more power because of the greater friction of the cement against the blades and the trough. Delivery from a worm conveyor can be effected at any desired point, all that is necessary being to cut an outlet, which should preferably be as wide as the diameter of the worm, because the worm delivers only on its leading side, and is practically empty on the other side, so that a smaller outlet might only give exit to a portion of the feed, unless it was on the leading side.

A special form of worm conveyor is the tubular , which consists of an iron tube with a continuous spiral fitted to its inner A periphery, or of iron or wooden tubes of square sections fitted with fixed baffle plates inside. In working it revolves bodily on suitable rollers. This type is more costly than the ordinary worm conveyors, and also requires more power. Its efficiency is, FIG. 3. - Tubular Worm Conveyor. Fig. 3

Moreover, easily impaired if run at too high a speed, because the centrifugal force asserts itself and counteracts the propulsion, which in this case is effected by gravity. Some experiments made in 1868 by George Fosbery Lyster, engineer of the Liverpool docks, gave convincing results (see Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., August 1869). The tubular worm conveyor is suitable where a granular material has to be moved over a comparatively short distance, say from one building to another on the same level, and where no bridge is available for the installation of any other kind of conveyor. Conveyors of this type have, however, come into use for conveying hard and cutting substances over considerable lengths. Ordinary worm conveyors are practically debarred from use for such substances on account of the short life of the intermediate bearings, which are not necessary with externally supported tubular worms.

To sum up, worm conveyors are of the simplest construction and of small prime cost. The terminals again are much less expensive than those of most other kinds of conveyors. When the distance to be traversed by the material is short, the worm conveyor has this advantage, that it is cheaper than other kinds of conveyors. If it be desired not only to convey but also to mix two or more materials, such as cement and sand in a dry state, or poultry food, this appliance is thoroughly well adapted for the work. On the other hand, there is a grinding action exercised on any material conveyed, and when hard or cutting substances are handled the wear and tear on the conveyor blades, trough and bearings is very great, and the power absorbed by a worm sensible item.

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Text 17

Conveyors provide roadmap to efficiency: your packaging line depends on a smooth highway system of conveyors—while avoiding bumps in the road - Technology: conveyor systems

If you were to take an overhead photo of a packaging line, the conveying system would look a lot like a highway or, in some cases, a roller coaster.

Referred to as "intelligent bridges between islands of automation," conveyors are key components to a smooth running packaging line. The idea, obviously, is to get packaging elements from point A to point Z in the quickest and most efficient way possible.

Selecting the optimum conveyor system is dependent on your packaging operation. Flat-top chain is the most commonly used style of conveyor in packaging operations and is available in several generic styles including channel frame, sanitary and open frame conveyors.

But sophisticated conveyor systems are expanding beyond the generic and improvements are being made while using established conveying technologies (see our list of conveyor manufacturers at the end of this article).

Some technological improvements in conveyors include:

* Convenient and ergonomic solutions.

* Easy belt reversal for inclined conveyors to increase productivity.

* Screw style conveyors to protect products while cutting costs.

* Improvements in bucket conveyor system for handling and packaging bulk materials and powders.

Considering ergonomics

Ergonomics are a key driver to newly designed bi-directional product conveyors and accumulation tables. These units allow packers to control the amount of product accumulated while controlling conveying speeds.

For instance, some units have variable-speed motors and speed differential belts, allowing the belt closest to the packer to be slowed down by 30%. Because packers are in control of conveyor speeds, they don't have to wait for product and accumulation is more consistent and easier to handle in less floor space. Angle-adjustable tabletops and adjustable heights are also more ergonomically sound because packers don't have to bend or stretch to reach product.

Many of these conveying systems have a pedestal style base and small footprints--varying widths from thin profiles of 65 millimeters and up. Smaller footprints help conserve premium plant floor space and are flexible enough to integrate between packaging line stations. Units are available with longer conveyor decks when multiple packers--manual or automatic--are required.

Inclined conveyors used in the food and beverage industries that are designed to operate in an upward direction sometimes need to be unloaded due to power outages, downstream back-ups or jams. Consequently, it may be necessary to reverse inclined conveyor direction, which can take physical effort and waste time.

Conventional belt drive motors have an internal backstop device that prevents the belt from roll back or reverse direction. If there is stoppage, unloading the belt must be performed manually, which results in costly downtime and undermines worker safety.

Devices are available that help reduce time and costs associated with having to reverse belt direction. For example, there is a patented Manual Release Backstop (MRB) available that has the ability to disengage an internal backstop allowing the drum motor drive to move freely in the reverse direction so the belt can be easily unloaded. The MRB can be installed on new and existing inclined conveyors. With the MRB, turning a cap screw counterclockwise disengages the backstop allowing the belt to be reversed either manually or by reversing the motor. The device is operable from the shaft opposite the junction box for simple and safe access.

Moving products safely

Transporting pharmaceutical and food powders to fill packages can be challenging and costly. Increasing requirements for dust-free powder handling have led packagers to look beyond conventional methods of powder transfer.

Compared with manual and forklift transporting and dumping of bulk material from drums or other containers, flexible screw conveyors can reduce personnel requirements significantly, especially if the material needs to be measured volumetrically where human error is possible. A screw conveyor's only moving part is its flexible spiral. It is driven by an electric motor and rotates within an outer tube, which protects product from plant debris and dust.

A flexible screw conveyor has none of the internal moving parts, crevices, filters and other potential contamination sources that can trap particles, or prevent thorough, rapid cleaning. By removing the clean-out cap, conveyor cleaning is done by flushing with steam, water or air. The screw and outer tube are also removable for wash down.

And, compared with other types of conveyors, a flexible screw conveyor can be less expensive. Fewer parts mean less wear, breakdown and, ultimately, a reduction in maintenance. Screw conveyors do not require the filters, cyclone separators, internal bearings and numerous moving parts found on conventional conveyors. Lightweight and compact, a smaller flexible screw conveyor can be mounted on frames with casters and support beams for in-plant mobility, reducing the cost of multiple stationary conveyors.

Conventional conveying systems, which can handle bulk materials (for instance, chocolate powder, coffee beans, condiments, cereals and tablets) in either horizontal or vertical directions, are available using a range of equipment styles. Advances in bucket conveyors include friction-free systems that use precision-molded rubber chains to carry materials in injection-molded buckets.

Innovative approaches in using bucket systems include metered material feeding into buckets from above to ensure gentle product handling. Because there is no need to scoop, bucket wear is reduced even when abrasive materials are being conveyed. Feed sections can be fitted with brush-type seals, closing the gap between the cover plate and the moving buckets to prevent spillage.

Buckets can be molded in various plastic materials from polyethylene to polypropylene to Nylon 66. They are capable of conveying products at temperatures up to 270[degrees]F. Plastic-based buckets are non-corroding, chemical resistant, have low surface adhesion characteristics and are approved for food handling. Buckets with removable side panels are easy to clean and toothed support rollers take vibration out of the bucket belt for smooth conveying.

Some bucket systems use high tensile steel cables for their chains. But the chains are vulcanized and chemically bonded in a core of neoprene. The molded chain tooth form engages special roller tooth-type torques with low friction, keeping buckets stable as they travel. The chains are resistant to oil and many chemicals.

Of course, conveyor choice depends on your packaging line design, floor space and material handling. These are just a few of the progressive conveying options available. But what's important is that in designing any packaging line, the conveyor system is nothing less than your operation's physical nervous system--the one thing that must operate smoothly for everything else to work efficiently.

Conveying load data and flow rate

One of the most common errors in selecting conveyors is the fact that load data and application objectives are not studied or understood deeply enough. In worst case scenarios, conveying objectives are forgotten or ignored completely while hardware is selected arbitrarily and mistakenly based on "low cost."

Characteristics of the load that should be considered include:

* Shape or form. For example, load definitions can include pallet, box, container or bottle.

* Dimensions. Length, width and height for the container must be known. If it is a unit item, the dimensions of the interface between product and conveyor, such as the load bearing surface, are essential. In the case of a product on a container, such as a pallet load of soda cases, the dimensions of both carrier and load on the carrier should be known to provide for such factors as overhang clearance.

* Weight. A container's weight--maximum and minimum, filled or empty--must be established for effective conveying.

Understanding the concept of flow rate is also important but rate usually varies in different areas of a conveying system. Typically, there is a point on the conveyor--an intersection or transfer point--that acts as a bottleneck and winds up controlling the rate of the whole system. This junction must be identified because it can effect system design and hardware selection. The conveyor's speed may have nothing to do with the rate or capacity of a system except it must be capable of handling the maximum required total load per feet or meters per minute.

Five steps to implementing an efficient conveyor system

Most conveyor manufacturers will be able to help you set up your conveying system. Packaging line integrators and consultants will also help you find the right system. The following steps can be used as a guideline when searching for a conveyor manufacturer/consultant:

1. Remember, one size doesn't fit all, especially when it comes to conveyor systems. It's important that the conveyor manufacturer or line integrator understands the nature of your packaging needs to help create the best solution. Not only should you understand your own processes thoroughly, you must make sure the company helping you find the right conveying system understands them as well.

2. Determining what equipment you need and how it fits into your process is vital. Before physical set-up is determined, manufacturers/integrators should provide preliminary conveyor plans, including CAD drawings, specifications and potential parts lists.

3. Once you've chosen which system will best fit your packaging line needs, time is critical. The manufacturer/integrator should provide an accurate schedule for installation and adhere to it tightly.

4. Drawings and ideas turn into rollers, belts, steel and bolts. But implementation involves much more than precise, on-time installation, it involves test runs, system debugging and operator training.

5. Once the conveying system is installed, there should be an ongoing maintenance service, continuous training and troubleshooting available.

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