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  1. Subject and direct object.

Determiners and quantifiers.

TASK 1. Match each case of the use of Articles with the appropriate definition.


1. Od is the object which the Hearer can identify because it is something of which there is only one in the world.

2. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because it is the only one of the class present in the situation.

3. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has provided a restrictive attribute to specify it.

4. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has already referred to it in the conversation.

5. Od is a particular object of class X which the Hearer cannot identify yet because the

Speaker is mentioning it for the first time.

6. Od is one object of class X, it does not matter which, so neither the Speaker nor Hearer can or need identify it.

7. Od is any object of class X, it does not matter which, so the Hearer need not identify it.

a) Do you know the lady in the middle?

b) Heavy clouds covered the sky.

c) He's bought a (new) car.

d) I'd like a sandwich and a cup of coffee, please.

e) "The Room with a View' got a whole five

Oscars. Have you seen the film?

f) I never forget a face or name.

g) Remember to lock the door!


1. S is the object which the Hearer can identify because it is something of which there is only one in the world.

2. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because it is the only one of the class present in the situation.

3. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has provided a restrictive attribute to specify it.

4. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer can identify because the Speaker has already referred to it in the conversation.

5. S is a particular object of class X which the Hearer cannot identify yet because the

Speaker is mentioning it for the first time.

6. S is one object of class X, it does not matter which, so neither the Speaker nor Hearer can or need identify it.

7. S is any object of class X, it does not matter which, so the Hearer need not identify it.

  1. A man will be able to do the job.

  2. The sun produces light and heat.

c) A bomb destroyed a bus in central Dublin yesterday.

d) The bomb caused a lot of other damage.

c) A dog ought to be well trained.

  1. The postman at last delivered the letter.

  2. The next letter confirmed everything.


Translate the sen­tences into Russian. Make the meaning of each Article explicit using one of the words on the right.

1. The young lady was reading a magazine.

2. I bought a postcard and some stamps.

3. We'll discuss the point later.

4. A Japanese student crossed Australia on roller skates.

5. Can I see the dictionary you told me about?

6. Where can I find a glass or a mug?

7. A Mr Johns is to see you.

8. A dog enjoys chasing rabbits.

9. I remember the girl's face, but can't remember the name.

TASK 3. Translate the sentences into English. Choose the correct article.

1. Они содержат небольшой отель. (keep)

2. Она не произнесла ни звука. (make)

3. Мы только что получили факс. (receive)

4. Я аккуратно отчертил поле. (rule)

5. На ней была длинная чёрная юбка. (wear)

6. Я не могу позволить себе отпуск в этом году. (afford)

7. Тебе следует составить список того, что ку­пить. (make)

8. Haм надо было заказать столик заранее. (reserve)

9. Тебе бы хотелось играть на музыкальном инструменте? (play)

10. Она не умеет даже кататься на велосипеде. (ride)

В. 1. Можете оставить сдачу себе. (keep)

2. Она прекрасно управляется с хозяйством. (manage)

3. Ты починил машину? (fix)

4. Я поменял лампочку и проверил шнур. (change, check)

5. Вы сможете отреставрировать картину? (restore)

6. Я осторожно попробовал жидкость на вкус. (taste)

7. Сначала сними скатерть. (remove)

8. Она нежно обняла малыша. (cuddle)

9. Сегодня окна мыть не надо. (clean)

10.Я не опровергал и не подтверждал слухов, (deny, confirm)

TASK 4. “Definite or Indefinite”. Translate the sentences, paying special attention to the articles you use.

  1. Встретила мышь слона.

  2. Дорога проходит мимо фермы.

  3. Землетрясение остановило все часы.

  4. Офтальмолог проверяет зрение и выписывает очки.

  5. Доктор уже осмотрел троих пациентов.

  6. Чашка чая поднимет тебе настроение.

  7. Деньги портят людей.

  8. Толпы людей заполнили улицы.

  9. Фильм вызвал скандал.

  10. Молодая, симпатичная женщина ищет друга.

1. Куда ты положил деньги?

2. Можно ли пользоваться словарями?

3. Мне нужна новая сумка.

4. Давай вызовем такси.

5. Кошку я покормил.

6. Мы добрались до аэропорта без четвер­ти двенадцать.

7. Я нашла десятку под ковриком в прихожей.

8. У некоторых людей кофе вызывает сон­ливость.

9. В конце семестра вы будете сдавать экзамен.

10. Сколько студентов не сдали экзамен?

TASK 5. Translate the sentences into English. Remember that the change of the word order in Russian can influence the use of Articles in English.

1. examine: divers, hull

a) Днище осмотрели ныряльщики.

b) Ныряльщики осмотрели днище.

2. cause: gas leak, fire

a) Пожар вызвала утечка газа.

b) Утечка газа вызвала пожар.

3. complete: tie, outfit

а) Наряд завершал галстук.

b) Галстук завершал наряд.

4. mind: neighbour, child

a) За ребёнком смотрит соседка.

b) Соседка смотрит за ребёнком.

5. examine: experts, wreckage

a) Обломки изучают эксперты.

b) Эксперты изучают обломки.

6. hit: typhoon, island

a) В мае на остров обрушился тайфун.

b) Тайфун обрушился на остров в мае.

7. lead: students, riot

a) Бунт возглавили студенты.

b) Студенты возглавили бунт.

8. control: computers, industrial operations

a) Производственные операции контроли­руют компьютеры.

b) Компьютеры контролируют производ­ственные операции.

9. search: police, port

a) Порт обыскала полиция.

b) Полиция обыскала порт.

10. work: peasants and intellectuals, land

a) Землю в коммуне обрабатывали кресть­яне и интеллигенция.

b) Крестьяне и интеллигенция обрабаты­вали землю в коммуне.

TASK 6. The four sentences in each group constitute a paradigm as to the Definiteness/ Indefiniteness of its nomi­nal components. Consider the varia­tions in meaning and expression; translate the sentences into Russian trying to re­veal these differ­ences.

1. a) A boy caught a fish.

b) A boy caught the fish.

c) The boy caught a fish.

d) The boy caught the fish.

2. a) The doctor's examining a patient.

b) A doctor's examining a patient.

c) The doctor's examining the patient.

d) A doctor's examining the patient.

3. a) An electric fault could have caused the fire.

b) An electric fault could have caused a fire.

c) The electric fault could have caused a fire.

d) The electric fault could have caused the fire.

4. a) The quotation begins the book.

b) The quotation begins a book.

c) A quotation begins the book.

d) A quotation begins a hook.

5. a) A poster carried a portrait of Churchill.

b) A poster carried the portrait of Churchill.

c) The poster carried a portrait of Churchill.

d) The poster carried the portrait of Churchill.


A. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I don't tike this house, I’d prefer another one.

2. Can I have another pint of bitter, please?

3. I need another five minutes to finish the paper.

4. I’d like to join you, but I've already made other plans.

5. The teacher dismissed the other children, but she told Anthony to stay behind.

6. One of the twins took Greek at university. The other took Latin.

7. Only two students passed the test. The others failed it.

8. This is my world, and I don't want any other.

9. You know Susan, don't you? Have you met my other friends?

10. Have you read any of his other hooks?

B. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я потерял учебник. Теперь придется покупать другой.

2. Я не съем оба яблока. Хочешь второе?

3. Я хотел бы поднять еще один вопрос. (raise)

4. Он не читает никаких других газет.

5. Мы проиграли два матча и выиграли все остальные.

6. Одни люди любят классическую музыку, другие предпочитают рок.

7. Я посетил лишь Польшу и Германию. Мне хоте­лось бы увидеть и другие страны.

8. Съешь еще кусочек торта. (manage)

9. У вас есть другие цвета?

10. Вы не могли бы предупредить остальных студен­тов?

11. Он накисал еще два романа.

12.Ты читал два других его романа?

13.Другой человек займет это место.

14. Второй из них займет другое место.

15. Приходится считаться с другими людьми. (consider)

TASK 8. Insert FEW (-) or A FEW (+), LITTLE (-) or A LITTLE (+).

1. May I borrow … dollars?

2. May I borrow ... money?

3. Would you like ... cake?

4. Would you like … apples?

5. Hurry up! We've got … time.

6. Lei's go and have a drink. We've got ... time before the train leaves.

7. He's not popular. He's got ... friends.

8. I don't know the answer, but I've got ... ideas.

9. The president has … supporters in the army.

10. The president has … support in the army.

11. Jack is very helpful. He is sure to have ... suggestions.

12. Jack is usually very helpful but he had … advice for us this time.

13. I enjoy my life here. I have ... friends here and we meet a lot.

14. He made so ... mistakes that he came tор at the exam.

15. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got … patience with children.

Task 9. Translate the sentences into English using many, much and a lot of.

  1. Она взяла немного масла.

  2. Она взяла не много (мало) масла.

  3. Она взяла немного (несколько) яблок.

  4. Она взяла не много (мало) яблок.

  5. Добавь немного растительного масла.

  6. Ты добавила недостаточно растительного масла.

  7. В городе есть несколько скверов.

  8. В городе не много (мало) исторических памятников.

  9. У университета не хватает (мало) телефонных линий.

  10. Несколько детей опоздали на автобус.

  11. Не многие дети поняли эту книгу.

  12. Очень немногие люди заметили разницу.

  13. Лишь немногие люди заметили разницу.

  14. Он немного играет в гольф.

  15. Она плохо говорит по-английски.

  16. Боюсь, мы сделали весьма небольшой прогресс.


Tense Forms.

TASK 10.

Present Simple and Present Progressive vs. Present Perfect

Does the Russian

language mark the

difference between

a) and b) in its

grammatical forms?









Burning oil produces carbon dioxide.

Burning oil has produced carbon dioxide.

The treatment clears the sinuses.

The treatment has cleared the sinuses.

She cooks the chicken the way I like it.

She's cooked the chicken the way I like it.











He reads the Guardian.

He's reading the Guardian.

She watches television with the cat on her lap.

She's watching television with the cat on her lap.

The plane carries 30 passengers.

The plane is carrying 30 passengers.











His family controlled the Times for more than a century.

His family has controlled the Times for more than a century.

Henry borrowed some of my records.

Henry's borrowed some of my records.

Did anyone call an ambulance?

Has anyone called an ambulance?























They painted the outside of the house.

They were painting the outside of the house.

He read the contract carefully.

He was reading the contract carefully.

She wore an enormous hat.

She was wearing an enormous hat.

I'm not eating anything today.

I haven't eaten anything today.

They're building a new ring-road round the city.

They've built a new ring-road round the city.

She's making a good progress with her German.

She's made a good progress with her German.

TASK 11. Adverbials with Present Perfect.

Choose an appropriate Adverbial for each sentence.

already, before, lately, ever, still, yet, so far, until now, for ages, in my whole life

1. They … haven t paid me.

2. … I haven't really appreciated it.

3. Peterborough haven’t played their third round game … .

4. I haven't ridden a horse ... .

5. We haven't seen any good films ... .

6. I haven't met anyone so attractive … !

7. I've seen it all … !

8. The team has won three games … this season.

9. Have you taken your holiday ... ?

10. Have you ... met Professor Hawkins?

11 Have you … smoked a pipe?

12. Have you faced a class of children ... ?

TASK 12. Translate the sentences into English.


1. Я тысячу лет не виделась с сестрой.

2. Давненько я не играл в карты.

3. Я не поливала цветы довольно давно.

4. Я знаю его долгие годы.

5. Он ходит в этот клуб в течение сорока лет (attend).

6. Она ни на одной машине не ездит больше года.

7. Он многие годы носит одну и ту же одежду.

8. Она служит компании верой и правдой (loy­ally and well) более тридцати лет.

9. Я варю овощи около часа. Может быть, хватит?

10. Они чинят мою машину уже целый месяц.


1. Мы только что услышали эту новость.

2. Мне только что звонила Сара.

3. Я только что попробовала этот метод.

4. Мы недавно получили новую партию товара.

5. Я что-то не вижу Джорджа последнее время. А ты?

6. Он недавно нашёл работу бармена.

7. Мы только что позавтракали.

8. Не так давно они поставили сигнализацию. (fit a burglar alarm)

9. Я посмотрел несколько хороших фильмов за последнее время.

10. Я только что видела дорожное происшествие.

TASK 13. Translate the sentences into English, using ALREADY or YET.


1. Они уже оплатили счёт?

2. Вы уже купили билет на самолёт?

3. Ты уже покормил кошку?

4. Ты уже закончил обедать?

5. Врач уже поставил диагноз? (diagnose it)

6. Он ещё не вышел из больницы? (leave)

7. Вы ещё не переехали?

8. Они ещё не оплатили счёт?

9. Он уже признал свою вину?

10. Ты ещё не уладил свои дела?


1. Я уже виделась с ним. (Он приходил попро­сить молоток).

2. Я уже была у врача. (Теперь я на бюллетене).

3. Спасибо, я уже пил чай.

4. Мы уже посетили Тауэр. (Теперь мы хотели бы осмотреть Вестминстерское Аббатство).

5. (Секретарь опят звонит Джине). Она уже звонила ей дважды.

6. Я уже напечатала половину всех приглашений.

7. Я уже познакомилась с доктором Флетчером. (Как поживаете, доктор?)

8. Джон уже заказал номер в гостинице. (Через два дня выезжаем).

9. Рики уже съел все конфеты. (Ему точно бу­дет плохо).

10. Памятник уже восстановили. (Он выглядит лучше прежнего).

TASK 14. Translate the sentences into English.


1. У вас никогда не было пневмонии?

2. Вы никогда не сожалели об этом?

3. Ты никогда не играл в покер?

4. Тебе никогда не доводилось пробовать улиток?

5. Ты никогда не писала стихи?

6. Вы когда-нибудь переезжали (с квартиры на квартиру)?

7. Вы когда-нибудь ремонтировали квартиру сами?

8. Ты когда-нибудь находил деньги (на улице)?

9. Ты когда-нибудь говорили неправду?

10.Ты когда-нибудь отращивал бороду?


1. Я никогда тебя не подводил (fail).

2. Я никогда ему не доверял.

3. Я никогда никого не обижал нарочно. (hurt)

4. Я еще никогда не играл в гольф.

5. Я никогда раньше не сталкивался с дискри­минацией. (encounter)

6. Я никогда не посещала церковь,

7. Мне никогда не нравилась фантастика.

8. Я никогда не катался на лошади.

9. Никогда не слышал подобной чепухи!

10. Никогда еще не встречала такого интересного человека!

TASK 15. Past Simple vs Present Perfect.

Discuss the difference in meaning between A and B, in each pair of sentences.


1. a) For generations, Nepal has produced the world's greatest soldiers.

b) For generations, Sparta produced Greece's greatest soldiers.

2. a) Has Neil Simon written many plays?

b) Did John Galsworthy write any plays?

3. a) England have lost 6 games and won 10 this season.

b) England lost 6 games and won 10 last season.

4. a) I haven't done anything special this weekend.

b) 1 didn't do anything special last weekend.

5. a) I haven't seen John today.

b) 1 didn't see John yesterday.

6. a) I haven't seen John today.

b) I didn't see John at school today.

7. a) Have you eaten your breakfast?

b) Did you eat your breakfast this morning?

8. a) Have you walked the dog?

b) Did you walk the dog this morning?

9. a) John has painted a picture of his sister.

b) John painted this picture.

10. a) He has chaired the University's economics department for 10 years now.

b) He chaired the University's economics department for 10 years.

TASK 16. Present Progressive.

Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I'm skipping breakfast this morning.

2. You're ruining your health.

3. What are you having?

4. Are you being served?

5. What's eating you?

6. You're defending the wrong cause for the right reason.

7. I'm still feeling my way.

8. Tony's reading French at Warwick University.

9. You may take that book, but I'm keeping this one.

10.You're asking too much.

11. Are you seeing somebody else?

12. I'm leaving my job.

13. My books are collecting dust.

TASK 17. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я на диете — я не ем бекон.

2. В этом сезоне Том не играет в футбол.

3. Полиция расследует это ограбление.

4. Та собака опять идёт за нами.

5. Зачем ты берёшь такси?

6. А кто сейчас с малышом?

7. Во сколько ты встречаешься с Анной?

8. Как ты думаешь, он говорит правду?

9. Предупреждаю тебя — будет холодно.

Task 18. Future: GOING TO vs WILL

Discuss the difference in meaning between A and B, in each pair of sentences.

  1. a) We’re going to have fish for dinner.

b) All right, we’ll have fish for dinner.

2. a) I am going to catch the last train.

b) I’ll catch the last train with a little bit of luck.

3. a) I’m going to kill you.

b) I’ll kill you!

4. a) I’m going to light a candle.

b) Don’t worry, I’ll light the candle.

5. a) I’m going to empty the rubbish.

b) I’ll just empty the rubbish.

6. a) I’m going to mind the kids tomorrow.

b) I’ll mind the kids.

7. a) I’m going to fix it.

b) Leave it to me, I’ll fix it.

8. a) I’m going to make some sandwiches.

b) I’ll go ad make some sandwiches.

9. a) I’m going to contact him by phone.

b) I’ll contact him by phone then.

10. a) I’m going to pay the waiter.

b) I’ll pay the waiter.

Modals and semi-modals.

Task 19. HAVE (GOT) TO

Entitle A, B and C as Opinions, Rules, or The Way Things Are. Think of your own title for D.


1. All road vehicles have to pass a special safety test.

2. All students have to take an oral exam.

3. Parties have to obtain police permission to hold any meetings.

4. One has to declare everything in one's tax return.

5. You have to have a passport to visit most foreign countries.


1. In life you have to discover your strong points, recognize your weaknesses, decide what you want, aim for it and try not to regret things afterwards.

2. You have to lose a battle so that you can eventu­ally win the war.

3. You have to do some things for yourself in this world, you know!

4. You cannot make peace with dictators, you have to destroy them.

5. Playing chess is something you have to learn how to do.


1. An only child never has to share his or her be­longings.

2. On average a girl has to get higher marks than a boy to secure a place.

3. During an epidemic farmers have to destroy en­tire herds of cattle.

4. Scientists have to employ a wide range of methods.

5. The players often have to run the length of the field.


1. Say what you have to say in the morning.

2. Oh I see, yes, you have to wait a few minutes.

3. Yon have to drink lots of it — "lots and lots, no tiny tots", as they say.

4. You have to meet all her old contacts; you have to enter the life she had.

5. You have to hear all the pros and cons of this complex issue.

Task 20. Entitle each section with one of the modal expressions below.

  • Мне надо/нужно/необходимо...

  • Я вынужден...

  • Мне приходится...

  • Я должен (это мой долг)...

  • Я должен (это моя обязанность)...


1. I have to brush my hair.

2. I have to change the bedding.

3. I have to make a phone call.

4. I have to catch the ten forty-five.

5. I have to see him about something.


1. I have to phone them every other day.

2. I have to bath him two or three times a week.

3. I have to use my brother's bike,

4. I have to do the same job every day.

5. I have to travel miles to work.


1. I have to abandon the climb.

2. I have to cancel my holiday.

3. I have to repeat the exam.

4. I have to seek support from charities.

5. I have to leave the safety of my room.


1. And then, in the last year I have to write a de­gree paper.

2. I have to type all sorts of letters.

3. I have to maintain the temperature at a very high level.

4. I have to see my evening patients.

5. I have to wine and dine important clients.


1. I have to contact the police.

2. I have to help a friend.

3. I have to save my father's life.

4. I have to consider other people.

5. I have to help them re-affirm their confidence.

Task 21. Translate the sen­tences into English on the model.


All you have to do is send your first ten pounds.

1. Вам надо только позвонить нам по номеру 77-49-50.

2. Вы должны лишь заполнить заявление. (complete application form)

3. Вам нужно только выбрать цвет.

4. Вам просто надо нажать на кнопку «Старт». (press "Start")

5. Нужно/ Необходимо лишь paзpeзать его.

6. Ничего не делай — только следуй за мной.

7. Ты просто приди и забери пакет.

8. Вам надо сделать одно — собрать вместе (все) детали. (assemble components)

9. Тебе ничего не надо делать — только принять со­общение (take message)

10. Вам ничего не придётся делать, кроме как запла­тить пошлину. (pay duty)

Task 22. SHOULD.

SHOULD does not always mean Advis­ability; sometimes it points to a Natural Course of Events. Translate the sen­tences in A and В into Russian. Which of them can and which cannot be translated with СЛЕДУЕТ for SHOULD?


1. Someone should call an ambulance.

2. I think you should see a lawyer.

3. You should get a discount because you're buy­ing a council house.

4. In the afternoon they should have one more lecture.

5. They should contact the police.

6. Perhaps we should do a little bit of matchmaking.

7. This year we should receive a total revenue of £10 m

8. Maybe I should admit my mistake.

9. 1 should get a phone call later this morning.

10.The party should publicly declare its opposition to the plan.


1. My room should be redecorated by now.

2. My letter should reach them in 2 days.

3. My watch should tell the time accurately.

4. These pills should kill the pain soon.

5. These things should never be revealed.

6. This tank should hold at least 6 gallons.

7. This colour should suit your complexion.

8. Size 16 should fit you perfectly.

9. The sauce should be stirred constantly.

10. Gas appliances should be serviced regularly.

MUST and other modals of obligation.

Task 23. Divide the sentences into two groups: in some of them MUST means Certainty based on Logical Deduction; in the others – Obligation.

  1. The receptionist must have a complete knowledge of the hotel.

  2. Mary must have some problem: she keeps crying.

  3. You must remember him well.

  4. You must forget her and find another woman.

  5. The rest you must know.

  6. You must have air.

  7. Please, you must have an envelope somewhere.

  8. She must be enjoying her holiday now.

  9. Well, you must lose some weight then.

  10. But you must have a very special reason.

Task 24. BE TO

Mark the sentences as A (Planned and Scheduled Events) or В (Notices and Instructions).

1. The exit is not to be used by general public.

2. The Queen is to visit Japan next year.

3. The band Disraeli Gears are to make an appearance on Radio One this week.

4. The form is to be returned in three weeks.

5. These tablets are to be taken 4 times a day before meals.

6. Аftеr dinner they are to attend a piano recital.

7. The concert is to mark the 75th Anniversary year of the composer's death.

8. Three people are to sue health authorities after con­tracting the HIV virus in local hospitals.

9. You are to use the stairs in case of fire, you are not to use the elevator.

10. A new series of trendy Toby jugs are to be launched in time for Christmas.

11. I was soon to leave home for the first time.

12. You are to do your homework before you watch TV.

13. The plan has so angered local people that town councilors are to fight the proposal.

14. One is not to use confidential information for these purposes.

15. Tell her she is to make written notes on the subject.

Task 25. "NEEDN'T or MUSTN'T?"

A. Translate the sen­tences into English using either of the Modals above.

B. Encircle the sen­tences which allow the affirmative ver­sion (МЫ ДОЛЖ­НЫ...)

1. пропускать собрание

2. присутствовать на собрании

3. его убеждать

4. ему доверять

5. предупреждать его

6. просить у него разрешения

7. тратить все деньги

8. отвечать на все вопросы

9. включать музыку после 11

МЫ НЕ ДОЛЖНЫ 10. возвращать книгу до понедельника

11. платить за вход

12. парковать здесь машину

13. выходить из аудитории до конца экзамена

14.заказывать билет заранее

15. носить форму постоянно

16. ничего трогать

17. ничего бояться

18. оставлять за собой грязную посуду

19. вытирать посуду

20. есть в течение 2-х часов

Degree of certainty: MAY, MIGHT, COULD, SHOULD, MUST and WILL

Task 26. Translate the sen­tences expressing Probability into Russian.

1. You will have paid a lot of money for this painting.

2. You will have already guessed the identity of her lover.

3. Mary ought to have received my letter by now. I posted it three days ago.

4. They should have heard the news by now.

5. You must have noticed our grass at the front on your way in.

6. The manager must have been preparing the plan for months.

7. My bicycle must have been stolen.

8. I don't think he can have heard you. Call again.

9. He couldn't have foreseen such terrible days.

10. McLean must have had a good library and Mac Al­pine cannot have compiled his Gaelic dictionary without one.

11. You can't have forgotten me!

12. Mrs Mariner can't have received your gift yet. It takes two days tor the post to arrive.

Task 27. Translate the sen­tences into English expressing Opinion based on Logical Deduction.

1. Наверное, я набрал неправильный номер.

2. Мы, наверное, пошли не по той дороге.

3. Вы, должно быть, прочли наши мысли.

4. Тебе это, наверно, привиделось.

5. Они, должно быть, точно знали, каким будет ре­зультат.

6. Подсознательно он, скорее всего, ожидал чего-то в этом роде.

7. Она, наверняка, получила от всего этого массу удовольствия.

8. Я, по-видимому, пропустил эту подробность.

9. Явно это ты сказал; очень похоже не тебя.

10. Думаю, ты провёл там немало времени.

11 Я, наверно, что-то уронил.

12.Вы, должно быть, давно собираете антикварные вещи.


Could is used in these sentences in two different meanings: Past Ability/Inability and Tentative Probability in the Present/Future. Mark the sentences accordingly.

  1. He was so tall, he could touch the ceiling.

  2. We found a hotel where we could spend the night.

  3. A victory next Sunday could provide such an opportunity.

  4. I could move that wardrobe if you helped me.

  5. Use the machine carefully. Otherwise you could damage it.

  6. I could rarely escape him, he wouldn’t let me alone.

  7. I could never run a marathon now. I’m shattered.

  8. Sorry, I couldn’t make it. I was too busy.

  9. He was so drunk that he couldn’t find the front door.

  10. I don’t know how she works fourteen hours a day. I couldn’t do it.

  11. We couldn’t work the machine in spite of all the instructions.

  12. I saw she couldn’t quite place me.

  13. I could get a new job soon.

  14. I could manage another holiday, I’m so tired.

  15. I couldn’t manage a two-week holiday this year, only one.


Read the sentences carefully and answer the question: Does the Speaker know what happened in reality?

1. I could have annoyed Aunt Mary.

2. I could have chosen Oxford.

3. An electrical fault could have caused the fire.

4. The electrical fault could have caused a fire.

5. Someone could have hit him and then he fell and hit himself on the fender or the bedpost.

6. You could have hurt me. The ball brushed my temple.

7. She could have missed the train.

8. She could have found a more civilized occu­pation.

9. Just for a second he could have believed her. ]

10. Just for once he could have believed her.

11. Either could have done the job.

TASK 30. Modals for attitudes.

Translate each sen­tence into Russian, then make your own on the analogy.

1. May she never regret this decision!

2. Can he be working?

3. You must have had quite a talk!

4. You should have seen his face!

5. Where can she have put the matches?

6. I could have killed her!

7. You're going to have to repeat the exam.

8. Could you meet me for lunch?

9. Anybody could have said that.

10. No intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.

11. How could you have done such a thing?

12. I fear I may have to disappoint you.

13. You should see the state of the bedroom!

14. Hit me if you have to!

15. We all have to have food.


TASK 31. Use the Passive of the Verb CLEAN. Translate the sentences.

1. Somebody cleans the room every day.

2. Somebody cleaned the room yesterday.

3. Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment,

4. Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived.

5. The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned it.

6. The room looked much better. Somebody had cleaned it.

7. Somebody will clean the room tomorrow.

8. Somebody will be cleaning the room from 7 to 8.

9. Somebody is going to clean the room tomorrow.

10. Somebody will have cleaned the room by 8 o'clock.

TASK 32. Translate the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the Passive.

1. Вчера вечером показали первую серию. (broadcast)

2. Предсказывают хорошую тёплую погоду на зав­тра. (forecast)

3. Картину повесили слишком высоко. (hang)

4. Ребекку Смит повесили в 1849 году. (hang)

5. Коврик был соткан моей бабушкой. (weave)

6. Шарф был связан за один день. (knit)

7. В среднем подковывают восемь лошадей в день. (shoe)

8. Сейчас укладывают водопроводные трубы и электрические кабели. (lay)

9. Корабль подняли со дна моря. (raise)

10. Коридор освещался маленькой, тусклой лампоч­кой, (light)

11. Не пролилось ни капли. (spill)

12. Газон давно следовало постричь. (mow)

13. Озимая пшеница уже посеяна. (sow)

14. Их одежда была сшита из шкур. (sew)

15. Ствол распилили надвое. (saw)

16. Купол поддерживался четырьмя колоннами. (bear)

TASK 33. Translate the sen­tences into Russian to see the means by which the Passive meaning is conveyed in this language.

1. The sports meeting was cancelled.

2. My proposal was not carried.

3. An important discovery has been made.

4. The message has been sent.

5. Are you being served?

6. Mr Kelly's office is being redecorated.

7. The telephone has been disconnected.

8. The baby was being dressed.

9. Their every action and expression is recorded.

10. Most vegetables and fruit are further processed.

11 .The shipment will be delayed.

12. The evidence was fabricated.

13. I've been sacked.

14. The vase got broken. Mum.

TASK 34. The sentences in dif­ferent sections of this exercise show how the Russian language represents English Passive forms. Trans­late them into English.


1. Британское правительство возглавляет премьер-министр.

2. Это стихотворение написал Китc.

3. Меня шокировало его поведение.

4. Нас преследует вон та красная машина.

5. Насилие спровоцировала полиция.


1. Ассамблея состоится в следующем году.

2. После каникул политические схватки возоб­новились.

3. В настоящее время план пересматривается.

4. Новые акции выпускаться не будут.

5. Собрания на заводе всегда поощрялись.


1. Резолюция не прошла.

2. Несколько человек получили увечья.

3. Оба автомобиля получили повреждения.

4. Проект не получил одобрения.

5. В доме идёт ремонт.


1. Она ждала меня; комната была приготовлена.

2. Очевидно, номер не был заказан заранее.

3. Фильм был запрещён.

4. С сожалением сообщаем, что рейс будет за­держан.

5. Возможность упущена.

6. Задержка вызвана плохими погодными ус­ловиями.

7. Закон принят во втором чтении.

8. Часть арестованных демонстрантов уже вы­пущена.

9. Боюсь, моё предложение будет отвергнуто.

10.Что будет сделано для этих людей?


1. Его везде тепло принимают.

2. Меня приняли в Открытый Университет.

3. Молоко доставляют ежедневно.

4. Этот звук часто произносят неправильно.

5. Малыша сейчас будут купать.

6. Помолвку объявят в понедельник.

7. Цену на бензин опять повысили.

8. Немедленно вызвали скорую помощь.

9. Учеников, не выполнивших задание, наказали.

10.Реформам чинили препятствия.

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