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I get paid for doing something I love doing. (He laughs and with a

gesture takes in the whole studio.)... all this and a jam butty too!!]

[GIRL: I only enjoy acting for myself. I hate it when other people are

let in.]

[PAUL: Why? I mean, which are you, scared or selfish?]

[GIRL: Why selfish?]

[PAUL: Well, you've got to have people to taste your treacle toffee.]

[She looks at him in surprise.]

[PAUL: No, hang on, I've not gone daft. You see when I was little me

mother let me make some treacle toffee one time in our back scullery.

When I'd done she said to me, "Go and give some to the other kids." So, I

said I would but I thought to meself, "She must think I'm soft." Any

road, I was eating away there but I wanted somebody else to know how good

It was so in the end I wound up giving it all away... But I didn't

mind cos I'd made the stuff in the first place. Well... that's why you

need other people... an audience... to taste your treacle toffee,

like. Eh... does that sound as thickheaded to you as it does to me?]

[GIRL: Not really but I'm probably not a toffee maker. How would you do

those lines of mine?]

[PAUL: Well, look at it this way, I mean, when you come right down to it,

that girl, she's a bit of a scrubber, isn't she?]

[GIRL: Is she?]

{Lester substituted the following sixteen exchanges of dialogue between

Paul and the girl for the previous dialogue.}

[GIRL: I only enjoy acting for myself. I hate it when other people are

let in.]

[PAUL: Why? I mean, which are you, scared or selfish?]

[GIRL: Why selfish?]

[PAUL: Well, doing it for yourself. Aw come off it, you know you're doing

It for them.]

[He indicates people in the street.]

[GIRL: Them?]

[PAUL: Yeah, look when I was a kid in Speke there was this fella - Joe or

something - I can't remember his... he was a dustman, collected bins

and that... well he was always giving kids bikes.]

[GIRL: Bikes?]

[PAUL: Yeah - I know it sounds daft but he did - gave the kids bikes,

scruffy thing he was, but he'd buy these old bikes do 'em up and give

them away; all the kids were mad about him. Never gave me one but that

was alright. He was always giving spare kids a bike. Well you could be

like that. Eh, look at that fella (he points to street) down there. If

you share out your acting with him you could make his day.]

[GIRL: Could I?]

[PAUL: Of course you could, stands to reason.]

[GIRL: Oh, I don't know.]

[PAUL: Nobody does till they try.]

[GIRL: Alright, how would you do those lines of mine.]

[PAUL: Well, look at it this way, I mean, when you come right down to it,

that girl, she's a bit of a scrubber isn't she?]

[GIRL: Is she?]

[PAUL: Of course... Look, if she was a Liverpool scrubber... (PAUL

starts acting a Liverpool girl; he minces about then turns, extending his

leg.) Eh, fella, you want to try pulling the other one, it's got a full

set of bells hanging off it. Y'what?... know your sort, two cokes and

a packet of cheese and onion crisps and suddenly it's love and we're

stopping in an empty shop doorway. You're just after me body and y'can't

have it... so there!]

[GIRL: (shattered) And you honestly think that's what she meant?]

[PAUL: Oh, definitely, it sticks out a mile, she's trying to get him to

marry her but he doesn't want... well... I don't reckon any fella's

ever wanted to get married. But girls are like that, clever and cunning.

You've got to laugh. (He laughs.)]

[GIRL: Well, it's nice to know you think we're clever.]

[PAUL: (grinning) And cunning.]

[GIRL: And what do you do about it?]

[PAUL: Me? Oh, I don't have the time, I'm always running about with the

lads... no, we don't have the time.]

[GIRL: Pity.]

[PAUL: (not noticing the invitation) Aye, it is but as long as you get

by, it's alright, you know... bash on, happy valley's when they let

you stop. Anyroad, I'd better get back.]

[GIRL: Yes.]

[PAUL: (going) See you.]

[GIRL: Of course.]

[PAUL stands at the doorway, shrugs then goes out.]

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