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The city of Ufa is the capital of a multinational sovereign Republic of Bashkortostan within the Russian Federation. Ufa is one of the largest and oldest cities in the Urals. It was founded in 1574 as the first Russian fortress on Bashkir soil. In 1588 Ufa was granted a town status and became Bashkiria's administrative centre. In 1922 the city became the capital of the Bashkir Autonomous Republic within the Russian Federation. The first elected President of the Republic is Murtaza Rakhimov.

Ufa is located in the east of Europe at the confluence of the Ufa (Ufimka), the Agidel (Belaya) and the Dyoma Rivers. The city covers the area of 468.4 square kilometres. Its population is over 1 million people.

Ufa today is a major industrial, agrarian, scientific and cultural centre of the country. It produces diesel fuel, petrol, herbicides, caustic soda, aircraft and car engines, agricultural machinery, light and food industry products, medicines. The city exports machinery and equipment, raw materials and consumer goods.

More than 46,000 students attend classes at higher educational institutions: Bashkir State University, Medical State University, Pedagogical State University, Agrarian State University, Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Ufa Law Institute of the Interior Ministry of Russia), Ufa State Aircraft University, Ufa State Oil University, the Institute of Arts and others. There are also a lot of high schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges as well as the Bashkir Academy of Sciences and a number of research institutes in Ufa. The Ophthalmic Microsurgery Centre run by E. Muldashev and Ufa Branch of Interpol are well-known far beyond Ufa. Ufa develops foreign economic relations in the fields of science, production and construction with companies from foreign countries.

Ufa is the centre of the Bashkir culture and literature. There is the Bashkir Academic Drama Theatre, the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet House, the Republican Russian Drama Theatre, "Nur" Ufa State Tatar Drama Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Bashkir State Philharmonic Society and the Young Spectator Theatre, a lot of cinemas, museums, libraries, a circus, the Palace of Sports.

The longest street in Ufa is called October Avenue (prospect Oktyabrya). There are a number of monuments, parks, hotels, banks and historical buildings in Ufa. There are two bus stations, a railway station, an airport (Bashkir Airlines) and a river port in our city.

The legal profession in the united states (Part II)

The legal profession is overwhelmingly private with private practice accounting for almost 72% of the bar. Consequently, a second change that affects much of the profession has been in the work setting of lawyers in private practice. The last 40 years have been the era of the law firm, and particularly of the large corporate law firm of over 250 lawyers. Though a large percentage of lawyers still practice alone or in small partnerships, large business law firms are considered to be the elite of the profession both in terms of status and salaries of the lawyers. And these firms have had a disproportionate influence on the profession as their lawyers serve more often on influential committees and study groups within the organized bar than other segments of the profession. This means that a large part of the private bar now works in a different setting than it did a few years ago. The model role for private lawyers has gone from that of independent professionals who work closely with clients and are responsible for their own work, to that of employees of a firm, who often have never met the client on whose matter they are working and who are responsible only for parts of that client matter. The growth of firms and greater competition for clients has also brought greater attention to the "business" side of law practice. This has had an impact on private practice, primarily in the form of pressure on lawyers to bill more hours and to cultivate and bring in new clients. As a result of some of these changes, many more lawyers are disenchanted with practice even at its most elite level than has ever been the case before.

One experience common to most all lawyers is law school. Consequently, it is appropriate to begin with that.

A. Legal Education and Admission to the Bar

1. Legal Educational Requirements and the J.D. Degree

Today in the United States, graduation from law school is the only practical route to becoming a lawyer. This was not always the case. The principal form of law study that existed from the time of the Constitution until well into the 20th century was apprenticeships with practicing lawyers. Thomas Jefferson. Chief Justice John Marshall and Abraham Lincoln all "read law" and served apprentice­ships. ("Legal System of the United States" William Burnham St. Paul 1995.)

Police discipline

1. The police are not above the law and must work within it. A police officer is an agent of the law of the land and may be sued or prosecuted for any wrongful act committed in the performance of police duties. Officers are also subject to a disciplinary code designed to deal with abuse of police powers and maintain public confidence in police impartiality. If found guilty of breaching the code, an officer can be dismissed from the force.

2. Members of the public have the right to make complaints against police officers if they feel that they have been treated unfairly or improperly. In England and Wales the investigation and resolution of complaints is scrutinized by the independent police Complaints Authority.

3. The Government aims to ensure that the quality of service provided by police forces in Britain inspires public confidence, and that the police have the active support and involvement of the communities which they serve.

4. Virtually all forces have liaison departments designed to develop closer contacts between the force and the community. These departments consist of representatives from the police, local councilors and community groups. Particular efforts are made to develop relations with young people through greater contact with schools and their pupils.

5. The Government has repeatedly stated its commitment to improve relations between the police and ethnic minorities. Home Office recommends that all police officers should receive a thorough training in community and race relations issues. Discriminatory behaviour by police officers, either to other officers or to members of the public, is an offence under the Police Discipline Code.