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Exercises :

        1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases.

the assignment of numbers to categories, to interpret efficiently, to apply mathematical principles, to facilitate the analysis, mathematics involved in research, to make data more usable,

measures of central tendency, the arithmetic mean, the median, the mode, to arrange scores from high to low, to cluster around the central point ,measures of dispersion, the average deviation, frequency distribution, correlation, related to one another, sets of scores, an average monthly income, a direct relationship, an inverse relationship, a perfect positive ( negative ) correlation, data drawn from the sample, complete population, to be true for, to place confidence in .

        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

статистическая дисперсия; присвоение числовых значений категориям; быть склонным к; облегчать анализ данных; описательная статистика; инференциальная статистика; обобщение информации; оперировать данными; меры центральной тенденции; меры дисперсии; средняя величина; медиана; мода; стандартное отклонение; корреляция; коэффициент корреляции; частотное распределение; определение коэффициента; средний доход; переменные величины; ассоциируется с; положительная (отрицательная ) корреляция; тип корреляции; обозначать при помощи знака плюс или минус; обобщение данных; получать данные из выборки; генеральная совокупность; вероятность; выражать уверенность.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What does the data analysis involve ?

2. Why is it important to assign numbers to categories and events under study ?

3. How does the statistical method work ?

4. What types of mathematical statistics is sociology interested in?

5. How do descriptive statistics deal with data obtained ?

6. What measures of central tendency are often used in research?

7. Can you explain the difference between the arithmetic mean, the median, and the mo de?

8. Which of the statistics are more frequently used by researchers?

9. What does correlation of variables show?

10. What types of correlation can a researcher come across during investigation?

11. How is correlation between variables measured?

12. What is necessary to do calculate the correlation coefficient ?

13. What is the function of inferential statistics?

14. To what uses are inferential statistics put ?

        1. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. arithmetic mean

a) the middle value in a series of numbers

2. median

b) to spread over a wide area

3. facilitate

c) the average of a set of values that is obtained by adding the values together and dividing by the n umber of items in the set.

4. disperse

d) to make it easier for something to happen or to be done

5. mode

e) the most frequently occurring category of a non-numeric variable ( for example voting, intention )

        1. Form the meaningful word combinations matching the words from the left column with the words from the right one.

1. average

a) competence

2. descriptive

b) principles

3. mathematical

c) statistics

4. arithmetic

d) tendency

5. to gain

e) mean

6. correlation

f) deviation

7. central

g) coefficient

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