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the radius which is much less than that of the atom while the electrons are revolving around the nucleus.


До чтения текста попытайтесь вспомнить круп­ные научные открытия, сделанные в области физи.-ки атома в следующие годы: 1895, 1896, 1903, 1911. Прочитайте текст и прокомментируйте эти даты. Какую дополнительную информацию вы могли бы дать по теме?


1985 was a big year for quantum physicists. It was just 100 years since the birth of Niels Bohr, who was the real leader of the revolution, that made the quantum the basis of our understanding of the structure and prop­ erties of matter. ;fj


Bohr, born in October 1885, was about ten years old when the electron was discovered, and he began his professional career [ka'na] in 1911, the year in which Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus. Thus he came onto the scene at the very beginning of the new era in the physics of atom. Thereafter, for 50 years he was ac­tively involved into latest discoveries and ideas and when he died in November 1962, the world of physics knew that it had lost one of its greatest figures.

When Bohr's name is mentioned one immediately thinks of his semi-classical model of the atom. Although replaced more than half a century ago, it continuous to be the symbol of the atom in the public eye. The de­velopment of this model by Bohr in 1913 was not, how­ever, his first important contribution to physics research. His PhD thesis ['0i;sis] was on the electron theory of metals and in 1911, soon after it had been completed, he left his native Denmark to continue his study at Cam­bridge, where 3.3. Thomson, the discoverer of the elec­tron, was Cavendish Professor. For various reasons, how­ever, the visit didn't result in a meeting of minds. Fortunately, Bohr was introduced to Rutherford. then Professor at Manchester occupied with his nuclear re­searches. Bohr joined him there in the spring 1912 and it began a warm friendship, almost a father and son rela­tionship, that ended only with Rutherford's death in 1937. At Manchester Bohr made some theoretical studies of the passage of charged particles through matter and the experimental results led him to the idea of nuclear isotrppy. *After that he directed his efforts towards the implications (смысл, значение) for atomic structure of Rutherford's nuclear model of the atom. *jt is difficult to understand today how great a turn about in thinking was Rutherford's model of the nuclear atom. *Yet, neither J.J. Thomson's plum-pudding model, nor Rutherford's nuclear model of the atom could explain the behaviour of electrons in the atom.

*Bohr wrestled with this problem and arrived at the idea that each atom must have a number of electrons equal to its chemical atomic number. *He understood that the possible electron orbits could be identified with quantized energy states and that energy changes in radi­ating atoms could be expressed through Planck's famous equation ДЕ = bv.

However, at that time (1913) Bohr disbelieved in the quantization of radiation (which Einstein had hypothesied


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