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технический прогресс 01.doc
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Work on the text

1 Look through the passage and find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

Можно с полным основанием утверждать; проблемы, беспокоящие мир; упадок городов; снижение уровня жизни; все это ничего не стоило бы; возрастающая нищета; патриотический пыл; никакие предрассудки в угоду…; этническое превосходство; неотвратимость обоюдной гибели (смерти); высокомерные (надменные) равные стороны; каждая стре-мится опорочить; нажиться за счет; торговаться по мелочам; забрать свои «игрушки» и…; чиновничество; твердое убеждение; наиболее здравомыслящие; принять на себя значительную долю ответственности за …; побочные эффекты (влияние).

2 Examine each paragragh of the text above carefully and find answers to the following questions.

1) What problems plague the world today?

2) Why can no nation solve these problems separately?

3) What should the nations do to think above the level of nationalism?

4) Why does the author accept the “tyranny” of a “world government”?

5) Why should the scientists be responsible (according to the author) for the problems that beset us?

6) Why could only scientists (according to the author) find the solutions to these problems?

7) Why are scientists most likely (according to the author) to rise above the limitations of national prejudice?

8) Why are the nations of the world divided in culture?

9) Why are the scientists, according to the author, not divided in culture?

10) How far do you agree with Isaac Asimov’s philosophy?

3 Look through the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper information. In some cases grammatical changes are necessary.

1) According to Isaac Asimov, the problems that plague the world are the following: a) the world population …; b) the world resources are …; c) the waste are …; d) environment is …; e) the cities are …; f) the quality of live is … .

2) The author thinks that US is …, China is … .

3) The author’s idea about US is that the country’s population is …, its soil is …, its water is …, its air …, its wastes are … .

4) The author thinks that the world scientists should be responsible for … because they … .


Which, if any, of the things on the list do you think could be areas where scientific discoveries could have very dangerous effects (vd), dangerous effects (d), not dangerous effects (n).

Branch of science/ technology




Nuclear energy

Biotechnology and genetic engineering

National defence and armaments

Space exploration

Agriculture and plant science

Medical research

Control and reduction of pollution


New forms of energy

Information technology and computers


Discuss the results of the public opinion poll in class. Give reasons for your opinion.