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Infinitive as predicate

In this function the infinitive is used in interrogative and negative-interrogative sentences.

Only bare infinitive is used in this construction.

Interrogative sentences of this kind usually mean that there is no need to perform the action, e.g.

Why waste your time on this good-for-nothing man?

Why go there now? We can do it tomorrow.

Negative-interrogative sentences usually mean that there is nothing to prevent someone from performing the action, e.g.

Why not cook dinner now when we still have time?

Why not invite Steve to the party? He will entertain everybody.

TASK 1. Translate into English paying attention to the infinitive in the function of a predicate.

  1. Зачем читать такую скучную книгу? Возьмите вот эту, вы от нее не оторветесь.

  2. Почему бы не посчитать сколько денег у нас осталось? Тогда у нас будет ясная картина, что мы можем себе позволить.

  3. У нас еще много времени, почему бы не выпить чаю?

  4. Зачем одевать ребенка так тепло в такую жаркую погоду? Он вспотеет и простудится.

  5. Зачем расстраиваться по таким пустякам? Успокойтесь, все будет хорошо.

  6. Почему бы нам не подарить мальчику на день рождения настоящего пони? Мне кажется, он будет счастлив.

  7. Зачем отказываться от такого предложения сейчас? Мы всегда можем это сделать. Давай сначала все хорошенько обдумаем.

  8. Почему бы сейчас не отдохнуть? Я уверен, мы успеем все сделать до вечера.

  9. Зачем ссориться с таким влиятельным человеком? Если ты испортишь с ним отношения сейчас, ты никогда не сможешь обратиться к нему за помощью.

  10. Почему бы не съездить на выходных за город? Мы давно как следует не отдыхали.

to go on

gerund infinitive

(continuation of one and the same activity) (change of activity= перейти к ...)

Old Mrs.Todd went on talking about Sue went on to talk about her other

her health for hours. problems.

  • The verb to stop in the function of part of a compound verbal aspect predicate is followed only by gerund! e.g.

Mr. Dursley stopped staring at the cat and started to think about his work.

Aunt Petunia stopped gossiping about her neighbours as she saw that her husband was not listening to her.

  • The verb to stop when followed by an infinitive performs the function of adverbial modifier of reason, e.g.

T o stop

gerund infinitive

(part of compound verbal aspect (adverbial modifier of purpose shows the predicate shows that the activity itself stops) reason for stopping the activity for some


Stuart stopped (doing what?) smoking Ben stopped (why?) to smoke and to have a short though it wasn’t easy for him. = Стюарт rest. = Бен остановился, чтобы закурить и

перестал (бросил) курить, хотя это немного передохнуть.

было ему нелегко.

To remember, to forget, to regret

gerund infinitive

(about things that were done in the past) (about intentions)

I remember playing with Ted Remember to switch off the light before you

in my childhood (I did it in the past but leave. (Be sure to do it!)

I remember about it now; I didn’t forget it). I remembered to lock the door but forgot to shut the windows.

I will never forget meeting him. I forgot to buy the bread.

Tina regretted marrying so young. I regret to mention this again. = Я сожалею, (Tina married young and she is sorry about что мне приходится упоминать об этом

it now) снова.

to mean

gerund infinitive

(to involve smh) (to intend to do smth)

Being a pilot means travelling a lot. Barbara means to open her own shop.

to prefer

gerund infinitive

( general preference) (specific preference)

Stewart prefers spending his holidays at home. This year Stewart prefers to go to the sea.

to like

gerund infinitive

(to enjoy smth – general preference) (to think that smth is good or right to do,

Martha likes swimming. but not because you enjoy doing it)

. I like to exercise every day as I know how good it is for my health.

t o try

gerund infinitive

(to do smth as an experiment; (to attempt to do one’s best;

possible action - see if it succeeds) action may not be possible – see if you can do it)

Try exercising, you may lose weight. David tried to win the race, but failed.

Try remembering his telephone number. Try to remember his telephone number.

(It would be a good idea!) (Please, do it; it’s important!)

t o be sorry

gerund + for infinitive

(to apologize for an earlier action) (to apologize for a present action)

I am sorry for shouting at you this morning. Sorry to interrupt, but can I ask you a question?

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