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Chapter XVIII

II. State the meaning of the following words and use them in the sentences of your own:

1. ardour (рвение) will;

2. thicket (чаща, заросли) a dense group of bushes or trees;

3. alder (ольха) a widely distributed tree of the birch family that has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones;

4. clump (заросли) a compacted mass or lump of something;

5. swathe (бинтовать, закутывать) be swathed in wrap in several layers of fabric;

6. lithe (гибкий, податливый) thin, supple, and graceful;

7. perturb (беспокоить, волновать, смущать) make (someone) anxious or unsettled;

  1. instantaneously (мгновенно)occurring or done in an instant or instantly ;

  2. omen (знак, знамение, предзнаменование) an event regarded as a portent of good or evil;

  3. herald (n. герольд; глашатай, вестник) an official messenger bringing news, a person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen ;

11. gamekeeper (лесник, егерь,) a person employed to breed and protect game, typically for a large estate;

12. altar (алтарь, жертвенник); a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, esp. for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity;

13. presentiment (предчувствие (особенно дурное)) an intuitive feeling about the future, esp. one of foreboding;

14. plenitude (полнота, завершённость, законченность) an abundance;

15. slumber (спать; быть сонным; дремать; находиться в полусонном состоянии) sleep;

16. founder (опуститься на дно) fail or break down, typically as a result of a particular problem or setback;

17. excess (чрезмерность, неумеренность) an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable;

18. maim (калечить, увечить, уродовать; ослаблять) wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged;

19. bracken (папоротник-орляк) a tall fern with coarse lobed fronds that occurs worldwide and can cover large areas;

20. beater (загонщик) a person who hits someone or something, in particular;

21. pepper (осыпать, забрасывать) cover or fill with a liberal amount of scattered items;

22. six-shooter (шестизарядный револьвер) a revolver with six chambers.

III. Provide synonyms for the following words:

foil (контраст) contrast , background

tingle (покалывать, пощипывать) prickling or stinging

flutter (дрожать) flit , hover , flitter , dance

lash (набрасываться) strike , hit

loiter (медлить, мешкать) procrastinate , delay , linger

IV. Identify the stylistic devices and comment on their stylistic function:

1. Out of the black cave of Time, terrible and swathed in scarlet, rose the image of his sin;

2. The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass. The sky was an inverted cup of blue metal;

3. It was an ill-omened place, death walked there in the sunlight.

V. Find English equivalents to the following Ukrainian expressions and word-combinations:

1. бути знеможеним диким страхом - sick with a wild terror;

2. примара помсти - vengeance;

3. приходити услід за чимось;

4. набратися духу щось зробити - to venture to do smth;

5. радість життя - ardour for life;

6. бути жертвою враженої жахом уяви - to be a victim of a terror-stricken imagination;

7. бути кепським стрільцем - a wild shot;

8. бути під табу - to be tabooed;

9. не мати жаху перед чимось - to have no terror of;

10. помилитися - to be astray;

11. полегшено перевести подих - to heave a sigh of relief;

12. задля чогось;

13. робити щось самохіттю;

14. взяти себе в руки;

15. залишити в злиднях.

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