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Блок 2

XVII. Оформление делового письма

  1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

  1. Dear Sir or Madam,

  2. Please send me a brochure on your open university and an application form. I am interested in classical languages.

  3. Open University

300 North Boulevard

Greenville, ND 44444

  1. Thank you in advance,

  2. Florence White

  3. 15 September 2010

  4. 41 Rose Street

Grange, ND 44344

  1. Расположите части письма в правильном порядке.

  1. Louisa Collin

Marketing Manager

  1. Dear Ms. Corum,

  2. Thank you for your inquiry about our silver brooches. I am enclosing brochures on our jewelry products. We will be glad to see you at our annual silver exhibition.

  3. Silver Imports, Ltd.

609 San Anselmo Avenue

San Anselmo, California 94960

  1. March 4, 2009

  2. Sincerely yours,

  3. Ms. Bonnie Corum

1201 East Grand Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60611

  1. Расположите части письма в правильном порядке.

  1. Thank you for your invitation to the conference. We appreciate your care

and consideration.

b. 10 October 2008

c. Dear Prof. Green,

d. A. Springer

e. Rockway Apartments

Northtown, MI 22221

f. Yours sincerely,

g. Dept. Of English

Idaho State College

  1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

a. Sincerely yours,

b. Dr. Claire Samson

Geological Survey of Canada

615 Booth Street, Room 204

Ottawa, Ontario

  1. We are pleased to invite you to a reception on April 21, 2010 to be held

in honour of Prof. Marilyn Gomez, the newest member of the faculty in the Department of Geological Sciences.

  1. James Kandick,


  1. Department of Geological Sciences

Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario

  1. Dear Dr. Samson,

  2. March 16, 2010

  1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

  1. Thank you,

  2. Dear Sir or Madam,

  3. 2 September 2009

  4. I would like to order the following books in cloth or hardback. Would you please send me the list prices and shipping costs as soon as possible?

  5. XYZ Book Company

Sunrise Boulevard

Riverton, MI 44445

  1. 87 Broad Street North

Dry Gulch, NM 55555

  1. Sue Allen Appleton

  1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

  1. Yours truly,

  2. Blanc Apt. 406

Geneva, Switzerland

  1. Registrar’s Office

State University

Littleton, SD 55555

  1. I am a student of microbiology in Geneva, Switzerland. I would like to apply for entrance to your university. Would you please send me an application form and information on your university?

  2. 10 September 2008

  3. Dear Registrar,

  4. Renee Martin

  1. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

  1. The members of the Freeport chapter of the Nation Organization of Retired Persons would be indeed interested in a lecture on “Proposed Changes in the Financing of Medicare”. Therefore, with much appreciation, I accept your offer to address our club.

  2. Dear Ms. Stravinsky,

  3. NORP

Freeport High School

Freeport, VT 66622

  1. Henry Purcell


  1. Sincerely yours,

  2. Ms. Iva Stravinsky


200 Center Street

Freeport, Vermont 66621

  1. 14 October 2009

XVIII. Оформление конверта

  1. Перед вами конверт.

Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что он означает.

(1) Thistlethwaite & Co.

596 Broad Street

(2) London EC4 3DD

(3) England

Eagle Press Inc.

(4) 24 South Bank

(5) Toronto, Ontario M4J 7LK

(6) Canada

 the town the letter comes from

 the country in the mailing address

 the addressee’s house number

 the country the letter comes from

 the sender

 the town in the mailing address

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