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hSessiya po ecologii.doc
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The range of conditions to which an organisms adapted is called its: range of tolerance

The population is all the members of a species that live in the same area and make up a breeding group

The 2nd and the 3rd stages of demographic transition are characterized by: Low death rate and High Birth rate.

The law of minimum was discovered by the: Liebic

The subject of demography: is the study of the factor that affect rates of birth , death and growth in population.

The term biosphere was produced by zuss

The area of the earth occupied with living things is called Biosphere

The organisms with body temperature not depending on environment temperature is called homeostasis

The two-part process and algae involving the capture of sunlight and its conversation into cellular energy and amino acids from carbon dioxide water and energy from sun is called ecosystem

The chemical or physical factor that determines whether an organisms can survive in a given ecosystem is abiotic

The term migrate refers to the movement of people into country

The term immigration refers to the movement of people out of the country

The resources of ecosphere are submitted only renewable by resources of substances, energy and information which are taking place under the control alive organisms

The resources of technosphere in which except for a part of resources of the ecosphere, seized by the man and pulled out from the biotic circulation , enter and nonrenewable resources extracted from depth

Two environmental impacts of anthropogenic factor are depletion problems and pollution problems

Teratogents is chemicals or the other factors that pecifically cause abnormalities during embryonic growth and development.

Tropospheric ozone at ground level, it is poisonous to life


Synecology is ecology of: communities

Structure and functions of biosphere are studied by: Global ecology

Succession is a process: Of ecological change in which a series of natural communities are established and then replaced over time

Stenobionts are organisms with: Narrow range of tolerance

Species that are localized and may have just one population that inhabit only a small area are called: Endemics

Scientists predict the global average temperature will ris by 2025 and by 2100 to: 1°,3° phreons

Sustainable use of natural resources means that they should be: ensured the durability of them for future generations

Sustainable development means that: our generations economic development must not risk the ability of future generations to foster their our economic development

Symbiosis is the type of close relationship between different species in close association with on another

Solid and liquid waste obtained in processing and chemical industry, the waste of consumption , agricultural waste , chemical waste ,emergency emissions, atmospheric emissions of poison substances are Of grown pollutants

Secondary pollutants are that result from some effect acting on primary pollutants (tropospheric ozone, acid rains, photochemical smog)


Poikilothermic are organisms with: body temperature depending on environmental temperature

Population growth rate is: the change number of individuals in a population over time

Population growth is exponential when: berth richer is biotic potations

Plants in an ecosystem play the following role: Photosynthesis

Primary productivity is the energy contained in the trophic level of: 1st (producers)

Percentage of Kazakhstan’s soil that is undergone to desertification: 70%

Polar, tundra, taiga, desert and etc. There are several kinds of : Land Biomes

Population growth rate is: is the change in the number of individuals in a population over time.

Population density is: the number of individuals per unit area

Pokilothermics are organisms with: body temperature depending on environment temperature

Principle of tolerance limits was discovered by Shelford

Predation is a kind of relationship when one organism feeds directly upon another living organism

Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical , or biological characteristics of an ecosystem.

Pollution is an undesirable change is the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of an ecosystem

Position of organism in a food chain is called Trophic level, energy flow.

Photosynthesis and respiration” two main process in the oxygen-

Phosphate” begin with plants and algae

carbon cycle are


“Nature knows better” was proposed by: Commoner

Noosphere – is an evolutionary step of biosphere that:

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