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Infectious diseases in which the infecting orga...docx
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Blood disorders (болезни крови)

Blood has two basic parts: blood cells, which are also called blood corpuscles, and plasma, the fluid in which the blood cells are suspended.

Most of the blood cells are erythrocytes. White blood cells protects the body from infection. A third type of blood cell is the platelet. Platelets gather wherever a blood vessel is injured, to plug the hole. This is the first stage in the blood clotting process. Most blood cells are produced in the bone narrow. lymphocytes are

made in the spleen or in the lymph glands.

Disorders of the blood are grouped as follows: lack of hemoglobin, which causes

anemia; disorders in clotting, which cause bleeding and bruising; cancerous changes in

the white cells, which cause leukemia; disorders in the production of blood cells in the bone narrow; and disorders that affect the lymphatic system.

Anemia is defined as a decrease in either hemoglobin or the number of red blood

cells to below the normal level. It may be iron-deficiency anemia and B12 deficiency anemia. The most frequently observed type of anemia among very young children is

anemia caused by faulty nutrition and by a worm diseases.

platelet – тромбоцит; gather – собираться, накапливаться; to plug –закупоривать, blood clotting process - процесс свертывания крови; bruise – синяк, кровоподтёк; decrease – снижение, уменьшение; deficiency – недостаток; faulty - неправильный

Blood transfusion (переливание крови)

Blood transfusion is invaluable supporting treatment for surgical shock, to

replace an excessive loss of blood at childbirth or in such condition as

leukemia. In some cases, even when the circulating blood volume is normal,

transfusion is used to replace a deficiency in one of the constituents of the

blood, thus providing red cells in cases of acute anemia or in hemophilia

which is due to the lack of a specific clot-promoting factor in the blood plasma.

The first recorded transfusion is believed to have been performed between

two dogs in 1665. The existence of human blood types was established in 1902. For many years only direct transfusions were made, because no means of keeping fresh blood from clotting were known. However in 1914 it was found that sodium citrate served this purpose. As a safety measure, before a patient receives a whole blood transfusion, the compatibility of his blood with the donor blood is checked by a crossmatch

test.Small samples of red blood cells and sera of the two bloods are combined and examined under a microscope for signs of incompatibility or clumping.

clumping –склеивание, агглютинация, to transfer – передавать; to result in – приведёт к; deficiency – нехватка; clot-promoting factor – фактор свёртывания крови; field – область, сфера, участок; cross-match test –проба на перекрестную совместимость; purpose – назначение

Rickets (рахит)

Rickets is characterized by a disturbance of the normal process of ossification of bones with resultant deformity. Most common at the first year of life. The predisposing factors are rapid growth, prematurity and increased susceptibility to the disease, deficiency of vitamin D and calcium. Symptoms include profuse sweating,particularly during sleep, vomiting and diarrhea. The children’s appetite is diminished and they do not gain in weight. The diagnosis is easily made by X-ray examination of the ends of the long bones. The prevention: baby must get vitamin D, sunlight and a sufficient amount of mineral salts.

sufficient- достаточный

Choose the appropriate adjectives for the nouns in the right column:

a. direct 1. sweating d

b. rapid 2. bone e

c. fresh 3. vegetables g

d. profuse 4. light h

e. long 5. action i

f. sufficient 6. amount f

g. raw 7. air c

h. ultraviolet 8. growth b

i. common 9. finding a

raw vegatables – сырые овощи


Vitamin is a term applied to a group of substances which exist in minute

quantities in natural foods, and which are necessary to normal nutrition,especially in connection with growth and development.

Vitamin A is found in cod-liver oil, eggs, liver, milk, butter and most green

vegetables. Deficiency of vitamin A responsible for serious inflammation of the eyes, various skin eruption, defective development of the teeth.

Vitamin B is present in the seeds of grains. The best sources: flour, bacon, liver, eggs. Deficiency may result in a form of neuritis with muscular weakness, heart failure known as beri-beri.

Vitamin C is available in fresh fruits, berries, green vegetables, milk, meat and

other fresh foods. The deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy.

Vitamin D contained in cod-liver oil, caviar, egg yolk, fresh vegetables and milk. The deficiency may cause rickets.

Prolonged deficiency of any vitamin may cause avitaminosis, e.g. scurvy, beri-beri, rickets. Most avitaminoses are accompanied by reduced working capacity, rapid fatigue, a sharp decrease in the resistance of the organism to infection, incorrect development and retarded growth (in children),

cod-liver oil – рыбий жир; seeds of grains – семена злаковых; heart failure – сердечная недостаточность; scurvy – цинга; egg yolk – яичный желток; capacity – способность; fatigue – усталость

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