4.46 Кб

Portal var reqXML; function LoginRequest(xAction){ if(xAction == "login"){ document.getElementById("spanProcessing").innerHTML = " Verifying Credentials"; } var url = 'portalLogin.aspx'; var strName = document.Form1.username.value; var strPass = document.Form1.password.value; var strParams = "user="+strName + "&pass=" + strPass + "&action=" + xAction var loader1=new net.ContentLoader(url,CreateScript,null,"POST",strParams); } function CreateScript(){ strText = this.req.responseText; eval(this.req.responseText); } function Settings(xAction,xHow){ if(xHow){ document.getElementById("divSettings").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("divSettings").innerHTML = "Loading Data. Please wait!"; } var url = "portalLogin.aspx"; var strParams = "action=" + xAction var loader1=new net.ContentLoader(url,BuildSettings,ErrorBuildSettings,"POST",strParams); } function BuildSettings(){ strText = this.req.responseText; document.getElementById("divSettings").innerHTML = strText; } function ErrorBuildSettings(){ alert('There was an error trying to connect to the server.'); document.getElementById("divSettings").style.display = "none"; } function ExitSettings(){ window.location.replace(window.location.href); } function Save(xID){ winProps = "&ref=" + xID; winProps += "&x=" + document.Form1.elements("tx_"+xID).value; winProps += "&y=" + document.Form1.elements("ty_"+xID).value; winProps += "&w=" + document.Form1.elements("tw_"+xID).value; winProps += "&h=" + document.Form1.elements("th_"+xID).value; winProps += "&u=" + escape(document.Form1.elements("tu_"+xID).value); winProps += "&t=" + escape(document.Form1.elements("tt_"+xID).value); Settings("UpdateRow" + winProps,true); elemWin = ""; } function Delete(xID){ var bYN = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this window?"); if(bYN)Settings("DeleteWindow&ref=" + xID,true); } function SaveWindowProperties(){ winProps = "&ref=" + elemWin.id; winProps += "&x=" + parseInt(elemWin.style.left); winProps += "&y=" + parseInt(elemWin.style.top); winProps += "&w=" + parseInt(elemWin.style.width); winProps += "&h=" + parseInt(elemWin.style.height); Settings("UpdateDragWindow" + winProps,false); elemWin = ""; } window.onload = function(){ LoginRequest('PageLoad') } body, html{ padding: 0px; margin: 0pc; height:100%;} #header{ background-color: #C0C0C0; height: 100px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; font-weight: bold; } #login{ text-align: right; float: right; margin-top:15px; margin-right:15px; } Name:


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