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Text 1


Просмотрите текст и выполните следующие задания.

I. Используя специализированный англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике, переведите следующие слова и словосочетания и запомните их:

teletype terminal

to configure computers

fibre optic cable

microwave dish

cellular phone

switched line

public branch exchange

computer network

II. Переведите следующие именные группы, обращая внимание на перевод слов в функции определения:

communications media; voice conversations; computer communications; laser disc player; fax machine; communication channel; fast computer connection; software design

III. Укажите способ словообразования следующих слов и переведите их на русский язык:

essential, ubiquitous, distinction, difficulty, primarily, interconnection, microwave, computerize, successfully

IV. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова, проверьте их перевод и произношение по словарю.

V. Найдите в тексте предложение с эмфатическим оборотом и переведите его.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения с эмфазой:

1. It is these special properties of sound that are the subject of the present chapter.

2. It was commuter communications that has blurred every distinction between communications media.

3. It was May 1, 1964 when two computers communicated with one another at Dartmouth College in Hanover.

4. It is the gravitation that makes the satellites move round the Earth.

5. It was not in September when the equipment was brought to the laboratory.

VII. Выпишите из первого абзаца сложноподчиненное предложение с бессоюзной связью и переведите его.

VIII. Найдите в третьем абзаце инфинитивы, определите их функцию и переведите вместе с относящимися к ним словами.

IX. Переведите текст с учетом выполненных заданий. Третий и четвертый абзацы переведите письменно.

1. The first time two computers communicated with one another was May 1, 1964, at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. It was 4 o'clock in the morning when Professor Tom Kurtz successfully transmitted a portion of a BASIC program from one teletype terminal to another.

2. From this simple beginning, computer communications has become not only essential and ubiquitous, but has blurred every distinction between communications media. Today, we not only send data over telephone lines, but we can conduct voice conversations over the Internet and send and receive interactive data via satellites through the medium of television.

3. Computer communications have become easier, as well. The technical difficulties of configuring two computers to "talk" to one another have been surmounted, primarily through software design, moreover, it has become possible for many different types of electronic devices to communicate with other electronic devices — computers to fax machines, telephones to television, VCRs and laser disc players to computers.

4. Communication channels have also become interconnected — telephone lines connect to fibre optic cable to microwave dishes to satellites to cellular phones and modems. Telecommunications use switched lines through the telephone companies' PBXs (Public Branch Exchange). Even though the computerized PBXs can carry more than simple voice communications, you need a computer network for fast computer connections.