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Итоговые билеты к гос.экзамену 4 курс Мэо.doc
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Приложение к билету №1


In 1999 your company MINIFOOD created a small operation called MICROFOOD to produce fast food.

They got off to a flying start and broke into new markets. It was a period of growth and expansion. There were bright prospects. But three years later sales suffered a downturn and in 2003 things looked pretty bad. Now bankruptcy lies ahead. The Chief Executive appoints YOU a new head of the MICROFOOD.

What action will you take to turn the company round and effect a recovery? What will you begin with?

SWOT analysis? Something else?

Speak in terms of the main managerial functions and illustrate them by practical steps you are going to make. WHAT is your staffing policy going to be? How are you going to motivate people to work better?

DO YOU FEEL competent enough to be up to the challenge?


What is business ethics? Why is it so important? Dwell on this list of unethical activities. Are any of them common in your country?

  • avoiding paying tax

  • using work facilities for private purposes (personal phone calls)

  • selling a defective product

  • using your influence to get jobs for relatives

  • taking extended lunch breaks

  • employing people illegally

Why do ethical problems occur in Russian business?

Приложение к билету №2


IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING that success or failure of any business transaction depends to a great extent on how skillfully the terms of an export-import contract are balanced. The art of negotiating a contract is something that each worker in foreign economic sphere should practice and bring to perfection.

As EXPORT BUSINESS COUNSELOR you are invited to take part in a workshop organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the companies that want to go international.


SPEAK on the factors that bring business talks to success. Dwell on a company's best bargaining position. DESCRIBE the bargaining process. Illustrate your point by providing examples of how the parties may reason' their positions in respect of price, terms of payment sanctions etc. DESCRIBE negotiation styles-from a cross-cultural perspective. EXPLAIN how behavioral characteristics may affect the outcome.


You are launching a pharmaceutical plant which will produce herbal medicines. It won't be an industrial giant as you are going to engage 600 workers. You realize that much will depend on management.

Specify the structure & number of the management.

Think of typical features & qualities you want each to possess

How will you select people to fill the positions? Which powers will you delegate to each?

Dwell on your own management style.

Приложение к билету №3


The TRANSGLOBE FORWAJRDORS a rapidly expanding agency- has asked you to work out "A Guide for New Exporters", - a booklet containing information about different terms of delivery and different forms of transport available for exporting goods.

PRESENT the draft booklet to the TRANSGLOBE President for approval. Remember that the Guide is intended for companies with no previous experience in international trade. So it will be necessary to highlight both advantages and disadvantages of road \ rail \ air \ sea TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS.

Dwell on TERMS OF DELIVERY. Explain to potential exporters the most suitable:

  1. terms of delivery;

  2. means of transport for the following goods:

10 one-kilogram gold bars from Hong Kong to Japan; 1,000 tonnes of timber from Krasnoyarsk to Dublin; 300 kg of ceramic tiles from Milan to Frankfurt; oranges from Egypt to Krasnoyarsk. Explain what factors may condition the choice in each particular care.


Prepare an oral presentation on the dos and don'ts that a business traveller

must remember in the countries of Mid East and Japan.

What cultural differences could you observe there? Is foreign etiquette

important in these countries?

Compare the attitudes of people who "work to live" with those who "live to

work". Which group do you think you belong to?