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My working day

My day usually starts very early, unbearably early for an owl like me at 6:30. As I study in the morning shift I am obliged to get up at that hour which is quite a torture. It’s a torture not only for me but for those who happens to be around, because the fact that I get up doesn’t mean that I am awake at that time. That means that my nerves are far from being calm and quite, so I must say sometimes things I don’t mean. But it’s a students duty to suffer this and duty must be done.

So, after getting up I wash my face, brush my teeth and go to have my breakfast. It isn’t very substantial, but it’s enough to keep me alive for a few hours until I get a real meal, which happens at the daytime.

I leave the house usually an hour before the classes start, it’s really enough to get to the University and have a little nap before the lecture starts.

It usually takes me 20 minutes to reach the nearest metro station. It’s a great pleasure when the weather is fine and the bag isn’t too heavy. But when I’m not so lucky, well… Still it’s much better than having a magical journey in a bus or a trolleybus at that time of a day. It would save sometime for me, but I’m afraid that my poor nervous system just won’t stand it anymore. Nevertheless, I have an opportunity of felling it after reaching the subway. That’s where a real crush is happening. But I don’t think that interests you much, everyone had this kind of experience of being smashed in the middle of this brutal mass or nailed to the automatic door in an overcrowded train. Still after having so much “fun” I, half-alive, get to the university, already awaken.

As a rule, I am never late for the classes, and I never feel pressed for time in the morning.

After spending half a day in the institute, filled and overfilled with knowledge, I make my way home. It’s not so adventurous as at the morning journey, so all I do is try to make up my mind what I’m going to do in the following hours and what music I’m going to listen when I get home.

The first thing I do when reaching my place is make a heavy dinner, which is usually eaten with ultimate pleasure. The way of spending my afternoon varies. Most of the time of course, spent on doing my homework. (Just between us I will say that I do it at daytime when I have a real inspiration to do it, but it somehow happens that most of the time I don’t have it.) Surely, I can’t work hard immediately after coming home, so I have a little rest. Usually I watch TV or play different games on my computer. If the day was fine, I don’t spend much time on rest, but it takes me a few hours to recover if the day was full of hard work or negative energy.

At about eight I have supper made by my mother and the rest of the evening is spent on having a chat with my parents, watching some movies. When I don’t feel like watching anything I do the housework. I do it just to save some time for one of the following days – who knows, maybe a friend of mine will find some time to drop in (which happens not very often, but when it does I feel very happy).

As I have said, I’m an owl, so I go to bed at a late hour (don’t blame me, I can’t change myself)