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Code Refactoring 2.doc
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Moscow State University

The Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics.

Code Refactoring.

Kirienko Artem,

Group 107.

Moscow 2012.


Until you've had to live with the same piece of code for a while, you will not experience the need for refactoring. This work tries to summarize what refactoring is, when you need to do it, what tools are available. I choose this topic, because there are many books dedicated to this topic.


Code refactoring is a "disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior", undertaken in order to improve some of the nonfunctional attributes of the software. Typically, this is done by applying series of "refactorings", each of which is a (usually) tiny change in a computer program's source code that does not modify its functional requirements. Advantages include improved code readability and reduced complexity to improve the maintainability of the source code, as well as a more expressive internal architecture or object model to improve extensibility.

“ By continuously improving the design of code, we make it easier and easier to work with. This is in sharp contrast to what typically happens: little refactoring and a great deal of attention paid to expediently adding new features. If you get into the hygienic habit of refactoring continuously, you'll find that it is easier to extend and maintain code.”

— Joshua Kerievsky, Refactoring to Patterns.

Contrary to idealized development strategy:

1. analysis and design

2. code

3. test.

At first, code is pretty good but as requirements change or new features are added, the code structure tends to atrophy. Refactoring is the process of fixing a bad or chaotic design.

Noticing a code smell usually motivates refactoring. For example the method at hand may be very long, or it may be a near duplicate of another nearby method. Once recognized, such problems can be addressed by refactoring the source code, or transforming it into a new form that behaves the same as before but that no longer "smells". For a long routine, extract one or more smaller subroutines. Or for duplicate routines, remove the duplication and utilize one shared function in their place. Failure to perform refactoring can result in accumulating technical debt.

There are two general categories of benefits to the activity of refactoring.

Maintainability. It is easier to fix bugs because the source code is easy to read and the intent of its author is easy to grasp. This might be achieved by reducing large monolithic routines into a set of individually concise, well named, single-purpose methods. It might be achieved by moving a method to a more appropriate class, or by removing misleading comments.

Extensibility. It is easier to extend the capabilities of the application if it uses recognizable design patterns, and it provides some flexibility where none before may have existed.

Before refactoring a section of code, a solid set of automatic unit tests is needed. The tests should demonstrate in a few seconds that the behavior of the module is correct. The process is then an iterative cycle of making a small program transformation, testing it to ensure correctness, and making another small transformation. If at any point a test fails, you undo your last small change and try again, possibly in a different way. Through many small steps the program moves from where it was to where you want it to be. Proponents of extreme programming and other agile methodologies describe this activity as an integral part of the software development cycle.

High quality software designs are made of modular and expressive abstractions.

“If developers don’t realize that changing code changes the model, then their refactoring will weaken the model rather than strengthen it.”

— Domain-Driven Design, by Eric Evans.

Refactoring and design patterns are misused by a large number of software developers. There is an excessive focus at the syntactical level. A broader and deeper perspective is needed when analyzing modularity problems and directing the refactoring process towards greater relevance to its design objectives.

The missing points are:

1. each refactoring step is an opportunity for refining abstractions;

2. abstraction refinements should improve both modularity and expressiveness.

In summary: refactoring processes should consider the program’s context and domain semantics to explicitly rethink both its design structure and abstractions at each refactoring step.

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