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          1. I've 'never 'done 'anything of the 'kind, (she objected). 2. I'm 'sure you'll en joy your -trip very 'much, (he .said with a /smile). 3. I'm afraid I ^can't ' help you, (she replied). 4. It^wasn't altogether'your .fault, (she ad/mitted).

          2. Make up conversational exchanges using Reported speech.

Model: — We had a meeting yesterday. Our teacher spoke about the coming exams.

  • What did she say?

  • She 'said as ,usual | that we must 'work 'hard at our \English.

1.1 met Ann the other day. We talked about her nephew. 2. I've just run across Mary. She's been looking for you. 3. I've got a letter from Sharon. She is thinking of spending her holiday with us. 4. Did you know Harry was getting married? I met his cousin last Tuesday. 5. She has no intention to go to that party. She told me so. 6. As far as 1 can see, Margery is eager to get into university. She keeps asking questions. 7. Your mother is worrying about your job. She rang me up half an hour ago. Prompts:

  1. He is very good at swimming (skating, mathematics, music).

  2. Did you book the tickets?

  3. She is coming in the middle of July.

  4. He has been going out with this girl for a year already. Her name is Vicky and she is a university student.

  5. It's out of the question.

  6. How many A-levels do I need to have?

  7. Have you found a new job?

READING AND MEMORY PRACTICE A. CONSOLIDATION AND SELF-CHECK I. The jokes that follow illustrate the intonation patterns of Reporting phrases typically used in English conversation. Read the jokes according to the intonation marked.

NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT An intelligent 'small ,boy ^ was 'asked on a 'bus by a .passenger:

"And 'how 'old are 'you?" "I'm .four", replied the ,ehild. "I 'wish 'I were ,four", ob'served the 'passenger. He was 'taken a' baek, however, ^ when the 'child re,plied 'calmly: "But you 'were ,four ,once."


'Passinga'longa'street one,day|I 'came a'crossan 'elderly>man |

'sitting on a ,door-step ^ and 'showing 'signs of 'great distress.

1 'stopped and 'asked him -what was the .matter, | and he 'told me

that his 'father had been 'punishing him.

"'Where d'you .live?" I ,asked him.

"In 'that 'house over 'there", he re,plied with a ,sob.

'Just -then the door of the 'house ,opened, | and a 'still 'older

,man, I who had a 'long 'white ,beard, ^ ap'peared in the .doorway.

I 'went 'over and ,asked him:

"' Why have you been 'punishing your 'son here?"

"Because he was 'rude to his 'grandfather", was the astonishing


II. Read the following text using appropriate intonation patterns on the Reporting phrases.


Jack, an old sailor who had spent many years in the Navy, was walking along a country road when he came to a farm-house. The farmer was standing at the door and Jack said, " I have been walking all day looking for work. Will you give me a job?"

"Have you ever done any farm-work?" said the farmer. "No", said Jack. "I have been a sailor all my life, but I will do any job you like to give me".

"All right", said the farmer. "I'll give you a chance. Do you see . that flock of sheep on the hillside?" "Yes", answered Jack.

"Well", said the farmer. "Get them all through that gate into the yard."

"Right", said Jack. "I'll do that".

About an hour later the farmer went to the yard. Jack was leaning on the gate wiping his forehead. "Did you get them all in?" said the farmer.

"Yes", said Jack. The farmer looked and saw that all the sheep were gathered in the yard and the gate was shut. And then the farmer saw a hare running round among the sheep. The sailor saw what he was looking at.

"Yes," he said, "that little fellow gave me more trouble than all the rest put together". III. Analyse the intonation of Reporting phrases as indicated below:

1. Compare the intonation patterns of Quoted (Direct) and Reported (Indirect) speech. • 2. Point out the features of difference between the intonation patterns of initial Reporting phrases in Direct and Indirect speech.

3. Compare the pitch-pattern of final Reporting phrases with r. that of final Parentheses.


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