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Unit 9 без Interactions.doc
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1.Write a summary of text “Developing your physical abilities”

2.Chose one of the following topics. Write 2 or 3 paragraphs. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

  • Write about a time when you had a psychic experience. Describe what you felt and why you thought it was a psychic experience.

  • Do you agree that people have psychic abilities? Why or why not?

  • Write about some predictions that you make for yourself for this next year. You can try to use your psychic ability. What do you base your predictions on?

  • Write about abilities that some people managed to develop.

3.Translate the following sentences using the active vocabulary.

  1. Контрольные работы составляются с целью оценить способности студентов.

  2. Я не верю в его экстрасенсорные способности.

  3. Чувство долга у него ключевое.

  4. Вы должны тренировать свою память, чтобы расширить свой лексический запас.

  5. Чтение постепенно развивает воображение ребенка.

  6. У меня такое предчувствие, что мы можем ему доверять.

  7. Сложно сконцентрироваться на чем-то одном, когда нужно успеть все.

  8. Не стоит пренебрегать хорошими манерами, это может повредить твоему образу благопристойного члена общества.


Many people believe in unexpected phenomena such as fire walking and psychokinesis. They may have seen these events or even done them themselves. Still, many scientists say these things aren’t real, and there must be some other explanation for these phenomena.

  1. Look at each of these unexplained phenomena. Do you believe it works? Write yes or no and write a possible reason why it works. Then, in the group, discuss your answers.




Dowsing: dowsers can find underground water.

Palm reading: Palm readers can predict your future by looking at your hand.

Astrology: Astrologists can describe your perfect husband, wife, or partner.

Fire walking: People can walk on fire.

Psychokinesis: People can move objects with their minds.

  1. Discuss these questions with the class:

  1. What other unexplained phenomena do you know about?

  2. What could be some explanations for these phenomena?

  3. Why do you think some people believe in unexplained phenomena? Why don’t other people believe in these things?

  1. Match the words and phrases on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. concentration

a. ‘That’s not believable. It can’t be true.’

2. fire walking

b. the ability to do unusual things with your mind

3. method

c. can be explained by science

4. psychic ability

d. walking on fire

5. powerful

e. very strong

6. scientific

f. a way to do something

7. That’s ridiculous.

g. something that can’t be explained using science

8. mind

h. thinking very hard about only one thing

9. unexplained phenomenon

i. the part of your brain where you think

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