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The Lion's Skin Tasks and Voc.doc
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  1. Paraphrase the following sentences. Say in what situation they occur in the text.

  1. Sir Frederick was come to Riviera for two or three years while he was paying off the death duties.

  2. “A lot of water has passed under the bridges since first we met.”

  3. “You must have been misled by an accidental resemble.”

  4. “There is no reason to get up on your hind legs.”

  5. He went out of his way to be nice to her and she found him easy to get on with.

  6. He had a sudden flash of comprehension.

  1. Explain and expand on the following;

  1. His ideas of honesty were lax.

  2. Were there any justice in the world he should have ended if not in goal at least in the gutter.

  3. The life had been as kind to him as women.

  4. If he thought of his past it was with complacency.

  5. One really can’t believe everything one hears.

  6. A great many women have found him very attractive and a pretty penny it’s cost them.

  7. But when their guests had gone Robert’s gaiety dropped from him like a coat from his shoulders.

  8. The Hardys shall never darken these doors again.

  9. “I admire you for carrying off such a stupendous bluff.”

  10. “I’ve done some pretty rum things in my day, but the nerve you must have, old boy, I take off my hat to you.”

  11. She was only a means to a greater end.

  12. “Can the leopard change his spots.”

Reading Comprehension Tasks

  1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Sir Frederick was young and single.

  2. Robert did not want to invite the Hardys to luncheon because Lady Hardy was an actress.

  3. Robert recognize in Frederick his old acquaintance and was delighted to see him.

  4. Robert was a wonderful host.

  5. Robert thought that Fred Hardy was a proper man for them to associate with.

  6. Sir Frederick felt that Robert disapproved of him and tried to be stiff with Eleanor.

  7. Sir Frederick always thought of his past with self satisfaction.

  8. Fred Hardy had got the goods on Robert and wanted to give him away.

  9. Fred hardy understood that Robert was a common swindler who had got of a silly woman to keep him in luxury and idleness.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why was Eleanor so pleased?

  2. Why did she take an immediate fancy to Sir Frederick?

  3. How did he look like?

  4. Why was Robert upset when their guests had gone?

  5. What charmed and admired Eleanor in her husband?

  6. He was a wonderful host, wasn’t he?

  7. Why did Robert ask her wife not to associate with Sir Frederick?

  8. Was it difficult for Eleanor to be stiff with Sir Frederick?

  9. What was Fred Hardy’s past?

  10. What did Fred Hardy know about Robert’s past?

  11. Why did he want Robert to come clean?

  12. What did Fred understand at the end of their conversation?

The Lion’s Skin. Part III. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

to be ablaze – пылать

primly gay – очень веселый

trunks – спортивные трусы

thronged – переполненный

to stand a chance – выстоять, выдержать

gala dinner – праздничный обед

tapestry – гобелен

drought – засуха

to bolt out – захлопнуть

glow – зарево

to crackle – трещать

fiery torch – огненный факел

spark – искра, вспышка

tinder – сухое гнилое дерево

to awe – inspire – внушать страх

furnace – печь

to go up in flame – охватить пламенем

brushwood – кустарник

grime – грязь

frantic – неистовыйt

to shift for oneself – обходиться своими силами

kindling – растопка

portable – движимый

filthy – грязный

begrimed with soot and sweat – запачканный сажей и потный

anguished – мучительный, страдальческий

distraught – обезумевший

to stagger – пошатнуться, дрогнуть

bounder – пройдоха

dazed – ошеломленный, потрясенный

crossly – сердито, раздраженно

to mutter – бормотать, ворчать

imposture – обман, мошенничество

to pay smb. out – отплатить

to cherish a vice – лелеять порок

stranglehold – безвыходное положение

conventional brain – обычный ум

sham – обман. Фикция

spurious heroism – поддельный героизм

rip – распутный

unscrupulous ruffian – бессовестный негодяй

to bear anguish – выдержать страдания

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