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Circuit Court Judge Pat Myers

The Judge in the case, during the trial, pay attention to the litigants and witnesses at all times. Once attorney ‘A’ has completed questioning a witness, ask attorney ‘B’ if he/she would like to question the witness. Once attorney ‘B’ is done, ask attorney ‘A’ if he/she would like to cross-examine the witness. Once attorney ‘A’ is finished cross-examining, ask attorney ‘B’ if he/she would like to re-cross-examine. Once attorney ‘B’ finishes, the witness is free to step down. Always make eye contact with whom you are speaking too. Be calm and forthright with your decisions.

State’s Attorney Terry Stevens

Representing the state, always stand when talking to the judge, even for brief periods. When questioning a witness, approach the witness stand and ask questions directly. With each witness, you will have the opportunity to cross-examine after the defense is done questioning the witness. When introducing evidence, first hand the evidence to the bailiff to give to the judge, then hand the evidence to the witness. When addressing the jury during your opening statement and closing argument approach the jury and make eye contact. Be confident in your case at all times. Always show respect for the court and the judge.

Defense Attorney Lee Marshall

The attorney for Mr./Ms. Jones, always stand when talking to the judge, even for brief periods. When questioning a witness, approach the witness stand and ask questions directly. With each witness, you will have the opportunity to cross-examine after the prosecutor is done questioning the witness. When introducing evidence, first hand the evidence to the bailiff to give to the judge, then hand the evidence to the witness. When addressing the jury during your opening statement and closing argument approach the jury and make eye contact. Be confident in your case at all times. Always show respect for the court and the judge.

Defendant Chris Smith

You may have the hardest part. Although you are the sole individual charged in this case, you are purely a spectator in the courtroom. When conferring with your attorney, do so quietly and seriously. Try to make eye contact with jury members as a sign of innocence. By looking and acting proper, your silence can go a long way in helping to persuade the jury in your favor.


Cpl. Jay Collins

Kelly Larue

Tyler Lincoln

Sgt. Jessie Burton

Sherm Sidwell

As a witness, have a seat in the gallery. Pay attention for your name to be called by either the prosecutor or defense attorney. Once your name has been called, proceed to the witness stand, where you will be sworn in. Stay standing, raise your right hand, and agree to the swearing in by saying “I do.” Be seated in the witness box and answer questions from the attorneys. Once the judge tells you to step down, return to the gallery.


You have many jobs inside a courtroom. Your main duty is to stand quietly to the right of the witness box and keep a stern eye on the happenings in the courtroom. When one of the attorneys introduces evidence, you must take the evidence to the judge, wait for the judge’s approval, than return the evidence. When a witness is called, administer the swearing in to the witness in front of the witness stand by saying, “Please remain standing and raise your right hand. You do solemnly declare and affirm under the penalty of perjury, that the testimony you shall give, shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Once the witness says, “I do” or “I will,” instruct the witness to be seated and then ask him/her to please state his/her name and address for the record. If the witness is a police officer, ask him/her to please state his/her name and assignment for the record.