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§ 144. Contestation of return of challenge

(1) A person who filed a challenge may file a complaint against a decision to return the challenge made by a regional structural unit of the Tax and Customs Board with the Tax and Customs Board within thirty days as of the date of notification of or delivery of the administrative act. A person who filed a challenge may file a complaint with the same authority against a decision made by a regional tax centre of the Tax and Customs Board to return the challenge.

(2)  If an agency specified in subsection (1) of this section finds that the return of a challenge was not justified, the agency shall accept the challenge.

(3) If an agency specified in subsection (1) of this section finds that a complaint against the return of a challenge is not justified, the agency shall deny the complaint and shall return the challenge.

(4) A person shall be notified of the denial of a complaint against the return of a challenge by a written decision within seven days as of the filing of the complaint and the grounds for the denial and an explanation concerning the procedure for further recourse shall be set out in the decision. 

§ 145. Delivery of challenge

(1) If a challenge complies with the requirements provided for in this Act, the regional structural unit of the Tax and Customs Board shall deliver the challenge together with the necessary documents and its opinion in writing to the Tax and Customs Board within seven days.

(2) If a regional tax centre of the Tax and Customs Board which issued an administrative act finds that the challenge against it is reasoned, the challenge may be satisfied by the regional structural unit of the Tax and Customs Board.

[RT I 2005, 57, 451 - entry into force 18.11.2005]

§ 146. Suspension of execution of administrative act

(1) The filing of a challenge shall not prevent the challenged administrative act from being executed, except in the cases provided for in subsections (2) and (3) of this section.

(2) The execution of orders issued to a third party pursuant to §§ 61 or 62 of this Act shall be suspended until the final decision made in the matter enters into force.

(3) An administrative authority adjudicating a challenge may suspend the execution of an administrative act if this is necessary. If the execution of an administrative act is suspended at the request of a taxable person, the tax authority has the right to request that the taxable person provide security if the suspended administrative act contains a financial obligation. Security shall be provided and accepted pursuant to the provisions of §§ 120-127 of this Act.

[RT I 2005, 57, 451- entry into force 18.11.2005]

§ 147. Review of challenge

(1) Upon the review of a challenge, the lawfulness and purposefulness of the issue of an administrative act shall be verified.

(2) An administrative authority which reviews a challenge shall:

1) request that the corresponding administrative authority submit documents concerning the administrative act, if necessary;

2) conduct on-the-spot visits of inspection, if necessary;

3) involve experts or specialists, if necessary;

4) require written explanations from the administrative authority which issued the administrative act, if necessary;

5) hear the explanations of interested persons;

6)  resolve issues concerning suspension of the execution of the administrative act;

7) perform other acts provided by law.

(3) A challenge shall be reviewed within thirty days after the receipt thereof by the administrative authority reviewing the challenge.

 (4) If a challenge needs to be examined further, the administrative authority which reviews the challenge may, by a written decision, extend the term for review of the challenge by up to ten days.

 (5) An administrative authority which reviews a challenge may, if necessary, request that the person who filed the challenge submit additional evidence. In such case, a challenge shall be reviewed within five days as of the submission of evidence but the administrative authority has no obligation to review the challenge earlier than within the term provided for in subsection (3) of this section.

[RT I, 10.12.2010, 4 - entry into force 01.01.2011]

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