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Arranging a negotiation

  1. Read the text and answer the questions:

What makes a good negotiation?

What makes a good negotiator?

A successful negotiation is when two people (or teams) reach agreement on something which they are both happy with. There should not be winner and a loser. The negotiation should end with both people getting what they want (win-win). For example, if workers negotiate with the company’s management, the workers may get more pay and the management may get better productivity.

To be a good negotiator takes a lot of skill and preparation. You need to:

- understand what is a good result for the other team as well as yourself,

- have a clear idea of your objectives,

- be willing to compromise on your objectives,

- be sure what your priorities are – what is most important to you,

- have a strategy – a plan of what you are going to do and say,

- listen carefully to the other people – what they say, and how they say it,

- be well-prepared.

Underline the words in the text that mean:

  1. Accept less than you want in order to reach agreement.

  2. The final situation at the end of the discussion.

  3. A plan that you use to achieve something.

  4. The most important things you want to do.

Look at these negotiation stages. Put them in order.

Bargaining – discussion the terms – a process of ‘give and take’.

Preparation – thinking about what both sides want.

Concluding – agreeing, making sure everyone is happy.

Proposal – each side makes and responds to suggestions.

Stating positions – both sides explain what they want from the negotiation.

Tasks and exercises:

1. A local government authority in a big city has budget problems. Schools are paid for through local taxes, and the authority must cut spending on schools in order to stay within this year's budget. City officials meet members of the teaching union to discuss the cuts.

Local authority officials

  • In order to cut enough from the budget, you must gain at least 180 points by obtaining the agreement of the teaching unions to a combination of these items:

  • Making teachers redundant

100 teachers or more: 100 points

50 teachers: 50 points

no change: 0 points.

• Making teachers' assistants redundant 60 assistants: 50 points

30 assistants: 25 points

no change: 0 points.

• Asking teachers to take early retirement 50 teachers or more: 30 points

25 teachers: 15 points

no change: 0 points

• Cutting maintenance of school buildings 10% cut or more: 50 points

5% cut: 25 points

no change: 0 points

• Cutting expenditure on school books 10% cut or more: 10 points

5% cut: 5 points

no change: 0 points

  • Cancelling the construction of a new technical school: 10 points

  • If the unions agree to your maximum demands, you will score 250 points.

Teaching unions

  • In order to protect the interests of your members, you feel you must gain at least 180 points by reaching agreement on a combination of these items:

  • Making teachers redundant

100 teachers or more: 0 points

50 teachers: 75 points

no change: 150 points.

• Making teachers' assistants redundant 60 assistants or more: 0 points

30 assistants: 15 points

no change: 30 points.

• Asking teachers to take early retirement 50 teachers or more: 0 points

25 teachers: 20 points

no change: 40 points.

• Cutting maintenance of school buildings 10% cut or more: 0 points

5% cut: 10 points

no change: 20 points.

• Cutting expenditure on school books 10% cut or more: 0 points

5% cut: 2.5 points

no change: 5 points.

  • Cancelling the construction of a new technical school: 5 points.

  • If the local authority agrees to your maximum demands, you will score 250 points.

Some rulers for arranging press release:

  1. The header for a press release should make clear who it comes from, what the subject is and which part of the press it is aimed at.

  2. The subject should be put in bold print so that the journalist can see immediately if it is relevant to him/her.

  3. The main body should have a short introduction with names of people who might be interesting for the press, some description of what is new or interesting for the public and – if possible – a good quote which the newspaper could print.

  4. The style should be formal and concise, with nothing irrelevant to the particular story.

  5. Always include some information as to how the journalist can get more information about the subject if they want it.

Example of press release:

Automatix pic.

Semi Conductor Division

For the trade press

21 December

Opening of new production facilities in Johor Fahru, Balanesia.

At a ceremony attended by Automatix Chairman, Rocco Truffaldino, and the British Ambassador to Balanesia, Sir Edward Faulkner, Automatix pic's new semi-conductor chip facilities were opened in Johor Fahru on Wednesday.

'The new facilities represent our commitment to expanding our production of advanced memory chips. We aim to be the supplier of choice for the world's leading electronics companies, without damaging the environment' said Mr Truffaldino.

A special feature of the plant is the clean, no-waste production process, which aims to have zero impact on the environment.

For additional information visit our website


or contact Jerry Turner +44 (0) 1792 536012 (phone),

+44 (0)1792 536723 (fax).

Date: 21 December

Title: Opening of new production facilities in Johor Fahru, Balanesia

Addressed to: The trade press

Author: Kylie Dawson