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Смирнова И.В. Пособие для технологов-рыбников 3...doc
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The first production of the trial workshop of the albuminous concentrates of the Murmansk fish-processing plant was produced in 1984.

Since that time there has been a constant development of technical and technological base, a development of the new types of production, satisfying various tastes, including refined gourmets.

In 1991 after formation of the joint-stock company the factory received the name "Protein".

The company "Protein" is located on the premises of the Murmansk fishing port.

The structure of the enterprise includes two industrial 2 floor modules, 5 floor office building, two shops, and auxiliary warehouse.

Manufacture of crab sticks is updated. Modernization of the existing equipment will be done in the nearest future, the new equipment has already been bought.

Technological lines involved in manufacture are as follows: production of crab sticks, mayonnaise, fish pastes, natural caviar and fish processing.

The company "Protein" takes a stable position in a number of working fish-processing enterprises of the North-West region and has the capability to produce up to 4800 tons of the finished goods per one year.

Careful selection of raw material and components together with a multistage control allows producing the goods with high-quality characteristics. Both the reasonable price of the production and its high quality gradually allows superseding similar import production from the Russian market.

The basic orientation of company's manufacture is to produce the items with the taste of crab meat, and also imitated black granular caviar.

The set of the processing equipment mounted in the shops of "Protein" allows using natural chicken eggs, namely their fiber, in the manufacture of crab sticks, and yolks in the manufacture of mayonnaise and imitated black granular caviar.

Crab sticks "Extra" represent a particular pride of the factory specialists. Both exclusive quality raw products and proven production methods impart crab sticks taste properties to a perfection level representing succulent soft consistence and pronounced crab meat palate and flavour.

Mayonnaise "Zhemchuzhina Severa" is produced applying famous French receipt using only natural pasteurized fresh chicken egg's yolk and high-grade vegetable oil, it possesses an original delicate taste.

The group of skilled experts, which constantly study the demands and wishes of the customers, works effectively at the enterprise. Technological researches, effective methods of manufacture, creative development of the new types of production, the strict control of processing and production provide high quality finished products.

The company "Protein" takes an active part in the city's social program "Cheap fish", rendering help to invalids, pensioners and the needy.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. When was the first production of this company manufactured?

  2. When was it given the name "Protein"?

  3. Where is it located?

  4. What does the company include?

  5. What is the policy of the company?

  6. What production is manufactured nowadays?

  7. What social programmes does the company take part in?

  8. What allows company to get high quality finished products?

Exercise 4. Open the brackets using necessary tense and form of the verb.

  1. A smoke density meter (to develop) for use in mechanical smoking kilns recently.

  2. The speed of the smoke (to pass) over the fish is very important.

  3. The ratio of the moisture in the air (to express) as a percentage can vary in different conditions.

  4. The rate of drying in the kiln (can, to control) by admitting more or less air into the kiln.

Exercise 5. Render the texts from Russian into English.

a) Завод "Протеин" представляет собой крупную производственную компанию, специализирующуюся на выпуске имитированных крабовых продуктов, икорных и рыбных паштетов (pate), майонеза, а также на переработке натуральной икры палтуса, трески, лосося. Завод обеспечивает высокое качество продукции благодаря использованию современных технологий производства, бережному хранению и хорошо организованному сбыту. Технология производства разрабатывалась с учетом самых высоких требований к изготовлению высококачественной деликатесной продукции. Секрет успеха завода "Протеин" заключается в использовании качественного сырья и уникальных технологий производства.

b) "Мурман-Фиш" – молодая, динамично развивающаяся компания, которая использует современные технологии. В компании работают технологи и рыбообработчики высокой квалификации, имеющие значительный опыт работы и уровень знаний. В основу политики развития предприятия положено отличное качество выпускаемой продукции и постоянный творческий поиск в разработке новых видов рыбопродукции. В настоящее время компанией "Мурман-Фиш" производится полный ассортимент различных видов рыбных пресервов, салатов рыбоовощных и из морской капусты, а также копченая, слабосоленая и пряная рыбная продукция.

c) Мурманский траловый флот ведет промысел в разных районах Мирового океана, вылавливает такие виды рыб как зубатка, камбала, макрурус, мойва, окунь, морской петух, палтус, пикша, путассу, полярная тресочка, сайда, сардина, сардинелла, сельдь, скумбрия, ставрида, треска. Из них компания за год производит 191 тыс. т мороженой рыбы разных видов разделки, охлажденной рыбы, клипфиска, 0,3 тыс. т рыбы для корма пушного зверя, 5,2 тыс. т рыбной муки, 0,7 тыс. т рыбьего жира, 3,68 млн банок консервов.

Exercise 6. Make the report about one of the fish processing enterprises working in our city/ region.