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  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is environmental protection considered to be the main problem facing humanity nowa­days?

  2. What are the most important ecological risks for today?

  3. What is the greenhouse effect?

  4. What are the vital important operations that the world should start?

  5. What is the reason for people getting so much worried about the state of environment?

  6. What are the possible functions of an international centre for emergency environmental assistance?

2. Match all the possible pairs and give the proper translation of the word combinations:

  1. environmental

  2. a sick

  3. the public

  4. the growing

  5. industrial

  6. natural

  7. negative

  8. toxic

  9. high level of

  10. drastic

  11. weather

  12. the release of

  13. dioxide

  14. the greenhouse

  1. changes

  2. development

  3. effect

  4. effect

  5. emis­sions

  6. features

  7. gases

  8. mind

  9. patterns

  10. planet

  11. protection

  12. radiation

  13. wastes

  14. world

3. Write a word to each definition:

  • protection

  • ecology

  • waste

  • emergency

  • drought

  • radiation

  • laboratory

  • assistance

  1. a building or room equipped for conducting scientific research or for teaching practical science

  2. a prolonged period of scanty rainfall

  3. an unforeseen or sudden occurrence, esp of a danger demanding immediate remedy or action

  4. garbage, rubbish, or trash

  5. help; support

  6. the act of defending

  7. the particles, etc., emitted, esp the particles and gamma rays emitted in nuclear decay

  8. the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment

4. Write an essay or make up the report (or presentation) on the most important ecological risks for today’s life. Use different sources of information. Text 2. Once again about ozone holes

Active vocabulary to remember









on the brink of extinction


acid rains

greenhouse effect

ozone depletion












do good (harm)

come to a conclusion


  • отравлять

  • нарушать

  • отходы

  • слой

  • луч

  • приносить вред, вредить, разрушать

  • минеральное удобрение

  • опасный

  • на грани исчезновения

  • пронизывать, проникать (в)

  • кислотные дожди

  • парниковый эффект

  • истощение озонового слоя

  • вред

  • вещество

  • выбрасывать, выделять

  • виновник, преступник

  • загрязнение

  • принимать

  • защищать

  • увеличивать, повышать

  • разрушать

  • помощь

  • окружающая среда

  • приносить пользу (вред)

  • прийти к выводу

  • канализация

High above the earth's atmosphere there is a thin veil in the stratosphere called the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun's destructive ultraviolet (UV) rays.

This protective layer is being damaged by chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are released into the atmosphere by the daily use of such industrial and household products as refrigerators, air conditioners, foam insulation, cleaning chemicals, and food packaging. The CFCs rise into the ozone layer, where the sunlight decomposes them, releasing chlorine. The chlorine attacks the ozone molecules, thinning or even making a "hole" in the ozone layer. This "hole" allows more UV rays to penetrate to the earth.

Overexposure to UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer, weaken the immune system, and damage the retina. It is estimated that in the United States alone one in six Americans will develop skin cancer as a result of overexposure to UV rays.

Not only are humans at risk; so, too, are animals, plants, and the environment in general. With the thinning of the ozone layer, UV rays can penetrate the oceans, seriously impairing the growth of plankton, an essential part of the marine-life food chain, and can reduce the yields of economically important crops such as soybeans, cotton, and rice.

The scientists point out that the global ecological crisis cannot be precluded unless all countries join their efforts to render mutual ecological help on a non-governmental basis. Now the planet's "green lungs" are being destroyed, its ozone layer ruined, the global warming sets in, the acid rains fall out, the rivers grow shallower, and the oceans get polluted. This is why the major humanistic aim of the Ecological International is to change from an uncontrolled development of the machine-based civilisation to a conscientious development of a society of natural and technological type.

A feature of such a non-governmental body is a combination of the social ecological aid with technological activities to conserve the environment (cleaning of sewerage and gas exhausts, and utilization of industrial wastes).

The scientists the world over have made a long-term investigation only to come to a conclusion that the Planet's ozone layer is thinning out globally. To save this layer, it is necessary to take measures now and to use only ecologically friendly technologies. It is tackling of this problem which is urgent for the Earthlings that the early efforts of the Ecological International of the Green Cross and Green Crescent will be devoted to. What is implied here is an extensive international project "Resuscitation of Ozone Layer." Materialization of the project would involve new technologies advanced by the scientists and experts from the Russian key aerospace companies.

The patching up of the ozone holes is feasible technologically. This would call for the creation of a superpowerful unit flying at the height of 25-30 km and capable of generating several thousand tons of ozone a month. The world community (and isn't this the problem of the mankind's concern) needs as few as 30-45 such units to save our Planet from the "ultraviolet death."

To materialize the project, an international industrial ecological consortium is being set up which will take up the solution of scientific, financial and other problems.