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ruling out simple refractive errors – исключение ошибок, связанных с проблемами со зрением

to pursue a suitable remedyпридерживаться наиболее подходящих коррекционных мер

overlapping causesсовпадающие причины

to be to blame – быть виной, причиной

a team approach – комплексный подход

a child's poor performance in school – слабая учеба в школе

low self-esteem – низкая самооценка

to hinder learning – мешать учебе

to pertain to eye healthиметь отношение к здоровью глаз

visual acuity – острота зрения

nearsightedness близорукость

farsightedness – дальнозоркость

astigmatism – астигматизм

to encompass – содержать, заключать

blurred vision – нечеткое зрение

nausea – тошнота

to tilte the head – наклонять голову

eyes that are crossed or turned in косоглазие


itchy eyes – зуд в глазах

colorblindness – дальтонизм

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the first step to help children to succeed in school if they have difficulty seeing?

  2. What does the functioning of the eyes encompass?

  3. What difficulties may a child with a focusing problem have?

  4. What difficulties may a child have if her eyes do not function properly as a team?

  5. What does inability to control eye movements mean?

  6. What does visual perception include?

  7. What are the symptoms of learning-related vision problems?

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd)

Many people know attention disorders by the names attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Frequently such children are put on drugs like Ritalin. Occasionally children with attention disorders experience other problems that contribute to inattentiveness, such as a speech and language dysfunction or nonverbal disorder. Consult a pediatric neurologist for a definitive diagnosis.

Nearly 4 million school-age children have learning disabilities. Of these, at least 20 percent have a type of disorder that leaves them unable to focus their attention.

Some children and adults who have attention disorders appear to daydream excessively. And once you get their attention, they're often easily distracted and tend to mentally drift off into a world of their own. Such children may have a number of learning difficulties. If they are quiet and don't cause problems, their problems may go unnoticed. They may be passed along from grade to grade, without getting the special assistance they need.

In a large proportion of affected children—mostly boys—the attention deficit is accompanied by hyperactivity. They act impulsively, running into traffic or toppling desks. They can't sit still, blurt out answers and interrupt. In games, they can't wait their turn. These children's problems are usually hard to miss. Because of their constant motion and explosive energy, hyperactive children often get into trouble with parents, teachers, and peers.

By adolescence, physical hyperactivity usually subsides into fidgeting and restlessness. But the problems with attention and concentration often continue into adulthood. At work, adults with ADHD often have trouble organizing tasks or completing their work. They don't seem to listen to or follow directions. Their work may be messy and appear careless.

Attention disorders, with or without hyperactivity, are not considered learning disabilities in themselves. However, because attention problems can seriously interfere with school performance, they often accompany academic skills disorders.