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КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА 1 для заочников.doc
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Контрольная работа № 1

По дисциплине «практика устной и письменной речи»

Для студентов 1 курса специальности « английский язык»

Факультета заочного отделения



Ex. 1 Insert letters:

Admi---on, pr-o-ed-re, s-ho-ars-ip, to de-i-nate, ho-r-y s-stem, m-r-di-n, -n-lination, to re-emb-e, --brin-ing, eng-g-m-nt

Ex. 2 Give:

a) synonyms : second year student, to take an exam, to graduate with straight A, to set the alarm clock, to be short of time, sociable, to trust, to respect, to be of average height

b) antonyms : undergraduate, to miss the lecture, class schedule, A-student, to save time, to go to bed, to clean the room, neat, reserved, straight hair, plump

Ex.3 Give the word according to its definition:

  1. someone who studies by correspondence

  1. a system of education at a University when a teacher looks after each student individually

  1. an educational program, plan of study

d) to travel to and from the city every day

e) the process of doing about the house from top to bottom

f) the clocks that stand on the floor

g) a woman who has lost her husband by death and usually has not remarried

h) an unmarried woman and especially one past the common age for marrying

Ex. 4 Give the English equivalents:

  1. He (провалить экзамен), if he works (не систематически).

  1. Do you know that he (отстает от группы по грамматике).

  2. The form, together with an (отчет о внешкольной деятельности), is sent back to the (центральный комитет по поступлению в университеты).

  3. By (всеобщее согласие) the meridian of Greenwich is accepted as the (нулевой) meridian.

  4. To avoid the inconvenience of local time variation (среднее время) has been adopted by most countries.

6. The doctors say breakfast must be (самая плотная еда) of the day.

7. In the morning I (прятать голову под подушку), pretending not to hear (будильник).

Ex.5 Choose the right word:

1. The main duty is to prepare.. people who can construct the future and adapt to it.

a) well-educated

b) gifted

с) well-bred

2. The University admission board ... the candidate, look at his marks, what the head teacher says about him... .

a) accepts

b) refuses

с) considers

3. B.A. ... Bachelor of Arts.

a) defines

b) stands for

c) is called

4. In England and some other countries it is a custom to give the house a ... in the spring.

a) New Year cleaning

b) special clean

c) Easter cleaning

5. By 8 a.m. I finally ... bed.

a) make

b) crawl out of

c) leave

Ex.6 Insert prepositions and post verbal adverbs where necessary:

1. I am sure Ann will do well ... the exam, because she is good ... the subject.2. Her ambition was to take a degree ... engineering.3. Kate always helps her friends ... home-reading.4. My sister took me to the lecture … Greek.5. I'm distantly related ... her. 6. They say I takе ... her mother.

7. He is not ... age, he is ... 18. 8. He doesn't take much care … his appearance. 9. I'm the exact opposite - it doesn't matter how much time, money and energy I 10. devote … my appearance, I usually look scruffy. 11. Clark married … Jane last winter. 12. He is … medium height and build. 13. Young people are expected to break ... … heir parental families … the time they have reached … their late teens or early twenties. 14. Even if I leave … home looking good, … by the time I reach … my destination I look a … mess.

Ex.7 Paraphrase using active vocabulary:

1. to specialize in a particular subject; to choose a course at University; to create financial difficulties for some people; in the way the applicant prefers; the university in which the applicant is interested in; to be situated on the territory of the University; not to eat anything for a long time; to manage the home assignment successfully; to raise a child, to look after a child until it is adult; to be ashamed of some member of your family; to be on good terms with smb.

Ex.8 Finish the sentences in English:

1. The Universities have to teach how получить, улучшить и применить знания.

2.The University of London включает студентов заочного и дневного отделений.

3. The subjects are divided into обязательные и второстепенные.

4. While the men are absent, the cleaning and dusting, выбивание ковров, mats and rugs, полировка изделий из меди и бронзы and woodwork go on.

5. On my way I often meet my University-mates and we go on together разговаривая на профессиональные темы.

6. The dial of the clock is marked with цифрами, обозначающими время (часы).

7. If the watch goes too fast, мы говорим, что они спешат.

Ex.9 Translate into English:

1. Если вы хорошо учитесь, то у вас есть шанс закончить Университет с красным дипломом.

2. Когда ты пересдаешь экзамен?

3. Коле поставили плохую оценку за списывание.

4. Студенты, которые учатся бесплатно, получают стипендию.

5. В прошлом году я готовился к вступительным экзаменам с репетитором.

6.Так как у меня нет времени покушать утром, я беру упакованный завтрак.

7. Вы можете быстро перекусить в столовой нашего учебного заведения.

8. С утра у меня нет желания убирать в комнате.

9. Иногда потерянные вещи, которые перестали искать, могут быть найдены за сервантом или шкафом.

10. Кто помогает вашей маме по хозяйству?

11. Яркое солнышко и пение птиц приводит меня в хорошее настроение.

12. Не могли бы вы подсказать точное время?

13. Дома он обычно носит комфортную одежду: джинсы и майки.

14. В Британии сейчас модно отращивать волосы.

15. Ее волосы начали седеть и кожа становиться сухой.

16. Он часто сердится и может потерять контроль.

Ex.10 Write a situation using the given words and phrases:(not less than 10 sentences) A Manless household, to come to somebody’s aid, from top to bottom, to move the furniture, thoroughly, valueless things, to relax