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ФЗО КОНТР. 2.doc
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Ex. 1 Insert letters.

St-t-o-ery, c-t-ery, y-gurt; ca-liflo-er, b-nis-ers, e-tate -gency, c-r-en-y, b- -tiqu-.

Ex. 2 Give:

a)synonyms : to drink or eat too much; cupboard; to describe the position of the house; a cash –desk; set of furniture; shop-assistant; to stand in a line.

b)antonyms : to starve oneself; furnished; asking price; opening time; in the

front of the house; soft drink, underdone.

Ex.3 Give the word according to its definition.

1 large and filling meal;

2 a meal eaten during the middle of the day;

3 a small amount of food or drink taken at the start of a meal to stimulate the appetite;

4 knives, folks and spoons used for eating;

5 to cook gently at just below boiling point;

6 a modern style or scheme of interior decoration and furnishing in a room

or a house;

7 money lent at interest for a fixed period of time;

8 a cooperative banking enterprise where money can be invested and

mortgage loans made available;

9 a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business;

10 the action of reducing;

11 women’s thin nylon tights;

12 a popular style or trend.

Ex. 4 Give the English equivalents.

1 Americans spend thousands of dollars each year on cook-books and (кухонную утварь) to use in their kitchens.

2 I (перекусывать ) before my parents come back.

3 After completing 4 years of study the students receive ( степень


  1. There is (ламинированное покрытие пола) in the (гостиной).

  2. ( Посудомоечная машина, микроволновая печь) and food processor is

inseparable part of any kitchen.

  1. Some English people save their money with a building society which

(выплачивает им проценты) each year.

  1. The bedroom is dominated by a beautiful iron bed and the decorative

(камин) is a focal point in the room.

  1. Go to ( парфюмерный магазин) and buy new ( помаду и тушь) . I’ve

run out of them.

  1. The carpets should (сочетаться) with the curtains.

  2. There are many kinds of (спортивных товаров в продаже) on the first

floor of this large department store.

Ex.5 Choose the right word.

1 Help yourself to some ...... . They are quite tasty with this red wine.

a) nibbles b)starters c) appetizers

2 This dish makes my ..... water.

a) eyes b) tooth c) mouth

3 I prefer ..... places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straight away.

a) restaurant b) take away c) fast food

4 I haven’t decided yet what to have for my main ..... .

a) course b) food c) helping d) meal

5 The nearest pub is commonly referred to as “the local” and people who go there often are known as ...... .

a) customers b) customs c) regulars d) visitors

6 The Smiths go to the … and inspect the details of the houses on offer.

a) estate agency b) bank c) building society

7 The long-term loan is called … .

a) the asking price b) the selling price c) mortgage

8 One of the bedrooms in the top floor flat has two windows at the …

a) rear b) cellar c) attic

9 We want to attend some showy event and haven’t got proper … for the


a) things b) clothes c) items

10 They bought something … the regular price.

a) on b) from c) off d) for

Ex.6 Insert prepositions and post verbal adverbs where necessary.

1 My advice is cut ... ... meet, cheese, lard and butter and stuck ... fruit, vegetable olive oil and other vitamin C and E.

2 You should not refuse any additional cups of tea ... any circumstances.

3 We can get all kind of appetizers ... our refectory.

4 I am not the very person to help you set ... the plates!

5 Everything is so delicious and filling, I’ll die ... overeating.

6 I live the choice ... you, as you are a regular.

7 Smoke and fire alarms, gas leak sensors and panic buttons are also wired

… .

8 … the outside they will look like ordinary houses but each house will be

governed … computers, sensors and electric switches.

9 Sharon has a modern, fitted kitchen … light oak and a built-in oven hob

and canopy.

10The leaflet will describe the house … detail.

  1. We’ve run … … meat! Let’s go and buy some … the butcher’s.

12 Please help yourself … salads from the salad bar.

Ex.7 Paraphrase using active vocabulary.

To describe the position, the number and the size of the rooms; a system of money used in a country; to sell at a low price; to spend time looking at the goods displayed in shop-windows; not to eat for a long time; to compensate for the binge which took place the previous day; a person who has very particular demands when eating.

Ex.8 Finish the sentences in English.

1 She liked the dessert so much that (она попросила добавки).

2 You forgot to put the milk in the fridge, ( а сейчас оно скисло).

3 I live the choice ... you, так как вы постоянный посетитель.

4 She`s very привередливая в еде.

5 It`s a very popular restaurant, нам следует заказать столик.

6 Other advantages include a resident’s car parking, центральное

отопление и двойные стекла в доме.

  1. One very well-known фармацевтическая фирма имеет магазины во

многих частях Лондона.

  1. Another feature of London’s shopping life is филиалы, в которых

товары выставлены на открытых прилавках.

9 All the shoes we tried были тесными.

10 On the way home мы заглянули в чулочно-носочный отдел.

Ex.9 Translate into English.

1 Мой легкий завтрак состоит из вареного яйца и чашки кофе с бутербродом из сыра.

2 Катя стала внимательно проверять сколько калорий она употребляет с каждым приемом пищи.

3 Какого размера перчатки вы носите?

4 Мне не нравиться покупать продукты, для меня это скучная


5 Это платье идет к вашему лицу.

6 Этот костюм Вам широк в плечах, примерьте другой.

7 С каждым годом в нашем городе появляется все больше и больше

жилых массивов.

  1. Вы уже осмотрели комнату, которую мы сдаем? Цена совершенно


  1. На нашей улице появилось три новых многоэтажных дома, в них

много хороших и удобно-спланированных квартир.

  1. Откладывая каждый месяц деньги, вы сможете осуществить

покупку дома, не занимая деньги в строительных кооперативах.

11 Дом – это хорошее вложение денег.

12 Уличный рынок - это то место, где можно найти много «хлама».

13 Замшевые куртки только сейчас вошли в моду.

14 У моей подруги стандартная фигура и ей подходит любая одежда.

Ex.10 Write a situation using the given words and phrases ( not less than 15 sentences):

To set off for, to put an advertisement, a furnished room, five pounds a week, close vicinity, a room of one’s own, to fill in the form, to let a room, a room overlooking the garden, to rent a flat, on the top floor.