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Dialogue 1. Stop Rewarding the Criminal

Task: read the dialogue, reproduce it a) abridged, b) in the form of a monologue.

Ian: I really do think that everyone is far too soft on crime1 nowadays.

Victor: Soft on crime, I suppose so, but what should we do then?

Ian: Well, for a start I think we’ve got to stop rewarding the criminal.

Victor: What do you mean, Ian, rewarding the criminal?

Christine: Well, Victor, I suppose he means this business of sending kids off on holidays and stuff like that.

Ian: Thank you, Christine, exactly… It’s a terrible business in this country, I don’t know where else they would do such a thing.

Victor: Yeah, but come on, Ian. Lots of these kids who commit crimes they’ve come from really terrible upbringings and probably come from broken homes and criminal backgrounds themselves…

Christine: And so on, we all know the excuses. But they’ve got to be shown the difference between right and wrong.

Victor: But you don’t think that one way of doing this is by taking them away under supervision and letting them sort their problems out more?

Christine: Maybe yes. I can see the logic behind that, but they’ve still got to pay. There should be retribution, you know, punishment as well as rehabilitation.

Ian: Right… And so what would you do, Christine?

Christine: Use corporal punishment.

Victor: What do you mean by beating them?

Christine: Yeah. Like in the old days. A short sharp shock. Give them something to remember.

Ian: But that’s … pretty barbaric, isn’t it? I’d draw the line at that2. It’s better to put them in jail. After all they get some … guidance and help.

Victor: Jail makes people worse in my opinion. Universities of crime.

Christine: They need a bit of discipline … . Very often these kids have just been allowed to get away with anything, their parents have no control over them whatsoever.

Ian: So I suppose you’re in favour of capital punishment too then …

Christine: Well, as it happens I’m not.

Ian: Oh, really? Well, I am … in certain circumstances.

Victor: Now that’s barbaric, Ian.

Christine: Mm … don’t get me wrong. I’m against it not because it’s cruel. Frankly, capital punishment is too good for some people.


1 to be too soft on crime – быть недостаточно строгим по отношению к преступлениям

2 I’d draw the line at that – на это я уж не согласен

Ex. 1. How is the following expressed in the dialogue?

  1. deserved punishment

  2. the process of keeping watch over something or somebody

  3. a person’s family, experience and education

  4. a place where criminals are kept

  5. to put in order, put right

  6. the reason, whether true or false, given when asking to be forgiven for something

  7. being given the opportunity to live an ordinary life again

  8. help, advice

  9. related to the body

Ex. 2. Study the dialogue and analyse different ways of keeping the conversation going:

  • asking direct questions

  • expressing one’s point of view on the problem

  • repeating part of the other person’s statement

  • asking tag questions, etc.

Ex. 3. Translate and activate the following sentences in your speech:

  1. Необходимо прекратить поощрять преступника.

  2. Многие дети, которые совершают преступления, сами родом из неблагополучных, с уголовным прошлым семей.

  3. Мы все знаем причины этих преступлений.

  4. Им следует объяснить, что – хорошо, а что – плохо.

  5. Не кажется ли тебе, что их следует держать под присмотром и дать им возможность самим разобраться со своими проблемами.

  6. Я все равно думаю, что им следует отвечать за свои проступки.

  7. Я выступаю за телесное наказание.

  8. Мне кажется, что тюрьма делает людей еще хуже.

  9. Детям нужна дисциплина, часто родители их не контролируют.

  10. Смертная казнь в некоторых обстоятельствах – слишком мягкая мера наказания.

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