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Responsibilities of citizenship

The privileges and freedoms inherent in self-government are balanced by the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. Citizens must help finance government according to their ability and must obey laws and regulations which they, through the exercise of their franchise, have helped frame.

Foremost among the responsibilities of citizenship is the wise use of the power of the ballot. An informed electorate is the surest guarantee of the survival of democracy. Whether the issue is paving the street in the town where they live or approving major change in the US foreign policy. American voters have the duty to cast their votes on the basis of all the information available.(проверить правильность набора)

A second major responsibility is public service. Millions of American men and women have entered the armed forces to defend their country in the times of national emergency. Millions more have served in peacetime to maintain the country's military strength. Americans, young and old alike, have joined the Peace Corps and other volunteer organizations for social service at home and abroad. Nor is volunteer service confined to government-sponsored activities. From parent-teacher associations and Little League baseball groups at the local levels, Americans contribute freely of their time and talents in support of causes in which they believe.

A relatively small number of persons choose politics as a lifetime career. But there are literally millions of citizens who have entered government service at all levels. Some are professionals in the field of public administration, with years of study at the university and post-graduate level behind them. Others have made their mark first in private enterprises and later in government service.

The judicial system relies on the service of citizens as members of juries in federal, state and local courts. Every American of legal age is subject to jury duty, unless he or she can show that such service would constitute a severe persona; hardship. Grand juries have enormous powers to investigate wrong-doing by public officials as well as private citizens. Trial juries sit in judgment of their fellow citizens charged with violation of the law.


Tax myths

You have to pay taxes. There is no way to avoid doing so. If you want to pay less taxes, you can do so through the various so-called “loopholes” in the Tax Code (which have been explained from time to time in this newsletter). But, just to make sure the reader is aware, this article is going to illustrate some of the “arguments” tax protestors have cited that people can use to avoid paying taxes. Again, to reiterate, these arguments are FALSE, they WILL NOT stand up in court and, worse, anyone trying to use the following arguments could wind up not only losing in court, having to pay fines, court costs and fees, they could also wind up serving time in a Federal prison.

Federal Income tax system: - Filing of income taxes is voluntary.

- Paying income taxes is voluntary

- If you don’t prepare your tax returns, the IRS will do it for you

Taxable Income and Gross Income:

- Anything not declared on your W-2 form (i.e., tips or other gratuities) isn’t considered personal income and, therefore, isn’t taxable.

- Only income from a foreign source is taxable.

- You are only supposed to be taxed for DOLLARS earned. Since Federal Reserve Notes aren’t dollars, you can’t be taxed.

Tax Code:

- The taxpayer is a citizen of the state he/she resides in and, thereby, can’t be considered a citizen of the U.S.

- The term “United States” means only federal territories, the District of Columbia and any other property in fact owned by the government.

- The Federal Tax Code refers to taxpayers as “persons”. Since a taxpayer may not consider himself a “person” as defined by the tax code, he is not subject to pay taxes.

- Individuals in the employ of the federal government are the only ones subject to paying federal income tax.

Constitutional Claims:

- Taxes violate the 5th Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. (This amendment deals with taking of private property without recompense.)

- A taxpayer doesn’t have to fill out and file tax forms because, in doing so, he/she would be self-incriminating themselves which is in direct violation of the 5th Amendment (“No man may bear witness against himself”).

- Complying with paying taxes is in violation of the 13th amendment (Involuntary Servitude, i.e., slavery).

- The 16th amendment (which established income taxes), was not ratified by the required majority of states. Ergo, it is unconstitutional.

- The Internal Revenue Service is a private company that is chartered in the state of Maryland. Since it is not an agency of the federal government, it has no authority to tax.

Trusts: - Establishing a trust (offshore or otherwise) is a legal way to become exempt from paying federal taxes. (Sound familiar?)

Again, the reader should take note: Everything mentioned in the previous paragraphs were arguments presented in federal courts. Each argument was debunked, and the plaintiffs in these cases wound up losing - big time!

I've stated in previous articles in this newsletter that there are scammers out there trying to sell asset protection on the basis of “once it’s offshore, you don’t have to pay any taxes.” I’ve also said that when a planner tells you this, run! This is also true for those who may try to convince you, based on the arguments above, that you needn't pay taxes. These people are flat out wrong! The best example in which to compare these arguments is with the numerous Urban Legends you've heard at one time or another: A lot of these legends sound very believable, but they aren't. They are just what they're referred to as: Legends.

(FINANCIAL TIMES Article: Interview with Rob Lambert)


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