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Unit II: recruitment

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. Recruitment and selection is a step by step process involving both, the employer and the employee, in a way that both of them are mutually benefited.

The Human Resource Department (HRD) plays a significant role in the recruitment process of every organization. Whenever a vacancy arises in an organization, it is the responsibility of the HRD to place the information about a job opening in the public domain through the various media such as on job sites, want-ads, job fliers, job centers, job fairs etc. For an employer it is the process of selecting the most suitable candidate for a specific job requirement.   For an employee or an applicant job seeking process involves the following steps:

  • do job market research and get acquainted with the available job openings in the area of interest to you;

  • have a clear idea of how to compose a résumé or a CV;

  • be aware of the main requirements for references;

  • study the rules of writing a cover letter or a letter of application;

  • and finally, if the submitted package of job profile documents attracts the employer or the head of the Personnel Department you will be invited for an interview.

Please remember: you have a great product to sell – yourself. Be persistent (not pushy). Try to position yourself as a valuable person, as someone who will contribute to the company you have chosen (not so much as someone who will benefit from it).

Vocabulary practice

recruit/ employ/ hire (v)

проводить набор сотрудников

apply for a job (v)

подать заявление о приеме на работу

a letter of application/ covering/ cover letter (n)

сопроводительное письмо

a career/ job fair (n)

ярмарка рабочих мест

a résumé , curriculum vitae (a CV) (n)

резюме, анкета

a reference (n)


job hunting (n)

поиск работы

job market (n)

рынок рабочих мест

an applicant/ candidate/ employee (n)

претендент на должность; соискатель

an asset/ attribute (n)

ценное качество, плюс для кандидата

a job interview (n)

собеседование при приеме на работу

evaluate/ assess (v)

оценивать; давать оценку

job ads/ want-ads (n)

рекламные объявления в прессе

work experience (n)

опыт (стаж) работы

an employer (n)


contribute to (v)

вносить вклад

Human Resource/ Personnel Department

отдел кадров

a vacancy/ job opening (n)


rights and responsibilities (n)

права и обязанности

recruitment agency (n)

агентство по трудоустройству

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