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XIV. Answer the following questions using the introductory phrases.

1. What is this text about?

2. What types of conveyors are there ?

3. What is the principal member of a conveyor?

4. What does the belt consist of?

5. What kinds of belts are there?

6. How is the width of a conveyor selected?

7. What can you say about bucket conveyors?

7. Can bucket conveyors be vertical and inclined?

8. What are screw conveyors employed for?

XV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Стандартные ленты выпускают шириной от 400 до 1200 мм.

2. Производительность (the capacity) ленточных транспортеров достигает

1 600 м./час.

3. У наклонных транспортеров цепь катится по роликам, неподвижно закрепленных на раме транспортера.

4. Разгрузка ковшей осуществляется высыпанием материала в лоток при прохождении ковшей через верхнюю звездочку.

5. Материал может быть разгружен центробежной силой, возникающей, когда быстро-двигающаяся цепь проходит вокруг звездочки.

6. Количество слоев определяет прочность ленты транспортера.

7. Ряд роликов поддерживает верхнюю и нижнюю ветви ленты.

8. Бывают различные виды транспортеров, которые используются для транспортировки строительных материалов.

9. Ленты транспортеров бывают различной толщины.

XVI. Read and retell the following text using the introductory phrases.

Types of Conveyors

There are different types of conveyors. They are: flight conveyors (скребковые конвейеры), overhead (подвесные) conveyors, pneumatic conveyors, hydraulic conveyors and others.

Flight conveyors have an electric chain passing around sprockets at the head and foot ends. Flight conveyors are of several hundred feet in length.

Overhead conveyors consist of a power-propelled chain traveling at moderate speeds.

Pneumatic conveyors differ from other machines for transporting materials. The pneumatic conveyor takes more power than any mechanical conveyor. If the material is heavy, the efficiency drops sharply.

Hydraulic conveyors require less power than pneumatic conveyors.

XVII. Learn the following dialogue.

Situation: You are preparing for the English examination. You ask your teacher to explain the theme “Conveyors” to you.

A. Would you kindly tell me just a few words about the types of conveyors.

B. With pleasure. There are different types of conveyors: bucket conveyors, screw conveyors, vibration conveyors and others.

A. Thank you. And what are screw conveyors used for?

B. As for screw conveyors they are employed for handling loose materials such as: cement, gravel, slag, concrete, etc.

A. What conveyors are more widely used in construction, I wonder?

B. Belt conveyors are more widely used.

A. Thank you very much.

B. You are welcome.

Урок 6 lesson six

Фонетика: Повторение чтения буквосочетаний «AI», «OO», «PH».

Грамматика: Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II) в функции

определения. (Повторение)

Тема: Погрузочное оборудование. Loading Equipment.


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