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XIII. Answer the following questions.

1. What is this text about ?

2. What are multi-bucket excavators used for ?

3. How can multi-bucket excavators be classified ?

4. What are chain excavators used for ?

5. What are wheel excavators used for ?

6. How are trench excavators differentiated ?

7. What excavators are more wear-resistant ?

XIV. Translate into English.

1. По способу разработки грунта многоковшовые экскаваторы подразделяются на экскаваторы продольного и поперечного копания.

2. Мы знаем, что карьерные цепные экскаваторы различают по емкости ковшей.

3. Известно, что колесные экскаваторы различают по эксплуатационной производительности.

4. Известно, что цепные траншейные экскаваторы бывают с наклонной или вертикальной ковшовой рамой.

5. Ковши разгружаются по ходу цепи на транспортер.

XV. Read, translate and retell the following text using the introductory phrases.

Quarry Wheel Excavators

A quarry wheel excavator is used to excavate raw materials. The main mechanisms of quarry wheel excavators are the wheel with buckets, a belt conveyer, swing and travel mechanisms. They are actuated by a-c (alternative current – переменный ток) electric motors powered from the mains. The machine consumes an average (в среднем) 500 kilowatts. The wheel which is six meters in diameter carries eight buckets with a capacity of 350 liters each. The output of the machine is 500 cub.m. per hour. It weighs 400 tons. The digging radius is 24 meters, the digging height – 20 meters and the digging depth – 3 meters. The machine has an automatic swing control and can operate together with a mouldboard (отвалообразователь).

XVI. Learn the following dialogue and make up your own dialogue about wheel excavators. Use the scheme of this dialogue.

A. What do you know about chain excavators ?

B. I know that they are used for making trenches for cables and sewerage pipes.

And do you know anything about them ?

A. As far as I know they have smaller capacity than wheel excavators.

B . Is it really so ?

A. Certainly.


Фонетика: Повторение чтения буквосочетания «SION» перед гласной и


Грамматика: Повторение сложных инфинитивных конструкций, причастия,

абсолютного причастного оборота и герундия.

Тема: Грунтоуплотняющие машины. Compactors.


1. Read the following words.

[Zn] explosion, cohesion, adhesion, inclusion, conclusion.

[Sn] - percussion, extension, succession, tension, suspension.

II. Read and translate the following words with the suffix “less” and preffix “un”.

Помните, что суффикс «less и префикс «un» придают слову отрицательное значение.

Cohesionless, airless, useless, waterless, pumpless, unusual, uncompacted, undisturbed, unequal, undesirable, unmeasured, unloaded.

III. Form adverbs from the adjectives, translate them.

Example: independent – independently; независимыйнезависимо.

Equal, consequent, deep, slow, gradual, wide, normal, horizontal, vertical, smooth.

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