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Vocabulary notes

recreation — отдых;

nine-storeyed blocks of flats девятиэтажные многоквартирные


dwelling houses — жилые дома;

an architectural image — архитектурный облик;

to change for the better — меняться к лучшему;

public events — общественные мероприятия;

facilities for sports — спортивные сооружения;

in the neighbourhood — поблизости, вблизи;

a river mouth — устье реки;

trading centre — торговый центр;

valuable furs — ценные меха;

a place of exile — место ссылки;

to have demand — пользоваться спросом;

domestic (foreign) market — внутренний (внешний) рынок;

sawn timber — пиломатериалы;

to make contribution (into) — вносить вклад;

to enroll students зд. принимать (зачислять) студентов;

vocational schools — профессионально-технические училища (лицеи).

Vocabulary exercises

  1. Translate the words and word combinations into Russian

Compared to; to grow rapidly; many reasons; on the high banks; rich in mushrooms and berries; surrounded by forests; well-kept streets; to plant trees; nine-storeyed blocks of flats; an architectural monument; offices of different enterprises; enclosed by buildings; to attract children; a few decades ago; modern architecture; the first mention; to be granted a status; various products of farming; to influence the cultural life; to obtain a new name; industrial enterprises; to produce a variety of quality products; furniture making; thanks to the activities of people; libraries well stocked with books; to feel fit; a significant scientific centre; spheres of human activities.

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. I think there are many reasons for people from other places to decide to settle here. 2. About 250 thousand people live here now and the city is still growing rapidly. 3. The forests present excellent opportunities for recreation. 4. The architecture of the city is simple and most dwelling houses are modern five- or nine-storeyed blocks of flats, very modest in design. 5. Wood has been the most practical building material in the north for many centuries and it was popular in our parts too. 6. The first mention of the settlement at the mouth of the Sysola refers to 1586. 7. Beautiful and valuable furs, various products of farming and fish were sold and bought at the fairs in Ust-Sysolsk. 8. The capital of the Komi republic has about 40 industrial enterprises, the largest being the Syktyvkar Forest Enterprise, built on the Vytchegda in 1969. 9. Today the pulp-and-paper mill produces a variety of quality products having great demand on the domestic and foreign markets. 10. The cultural life of Syktyvkar is rich thanks to the activities of many talented people working at the Theatre of Opera and Ballet and the Drama Theatre. 11. We have a good art museum, history museum, Kuratov literature museum, a number of libraries well stocked with books.

  1. Translate the words and word combinations into English

Административный, экономический и культурный центр; решить поселиться; возможности для отдыха; большинство жилых домов; несколько по-настоящему красивых домов; офисы различных предприятий; правительственные здания; архитектурный облик города; общественные мероприятия; новогодние празднования; улицы выглядели по-иному; популярен в наших местах; маленькие деревянные постройки; первое упоминание; жизнь местного общества; большой ассортимент продукции; пользоваться спросом на внешнем рынке; целлюлозно-бумажный завод; машиностроение; крупные и малые предприятия; народный ансамбль песни и пляски; литературный музей им. Куратова; место, где находится Коми научный центр; научно-исследовательский институт; вносить большой вклад; обеспечивать молодыми специалистами.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]